Zhan Long

Chapter 579: Who trusts

The heavy horseshoe once again smashed the tranquility of the earth. In the north of the dragon city, there was a whole piece of cavalry in the jungle. The heavy cavalry wearing black armor, holding a long sword in his hand, covered his face in a helmet. Under the shadow, the armored iron armor, the top of the mount has a sharp corner, which looks murderous.


"It's a nightmare cavalry..." Angela looked at the distant demon cavalry and bit the silver tooth. "I just saw this ferocious cavalry in the ancient books of Imperial College. I didn't think there was such a nightmare in the north." Knight, and, the number is amazing..."

A young general whispered: "His Royal Highness, the nightmare knights have already appeared. This city is really too dangerous. You are the body of the king, please go down to the city, let us resist these nightmare knights?"

Angela shook her head, but the voice was soft but it could not be denied: "I will not leave, unless I die, I will not leave the cold dragon city half step! Brother and father have been seriously injured, if I can no longer hold the Eight Desert City The northern barriers, what is the use of the princess of this kingdom? I am ordering to dispatch all the iron horses stationed in the Yunfengfeng to come to the reinforcements. At this time, the book city will not use the soldiers in the eight desert cities. Our 50,000 iron ride, let me send arrows to send them over!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"


The frost did not speak, sitting quietly on the edge of the observation deck, the sword was inserted in the snow, she tore a shirt, biting a piece with her teeth, and pulling the other end to wrap the wound for her own arm The eyebrows are scornful, it must be very painful, but there is no sound, even if it is a whisper. She knows that the cold dragon is in danger, and Luo Lin disappears. She can’t show a trace of weakness, otherwise everyone will lose the spiritual pillar. .

Under the mountain, the large number of nightmare knights have rushed up the mountain. The original cavalry could not be as smooth as the cliffs. However, at this time, the mountain was full of dense and demon and the bodies of humans, moon spirits and barbarians. As a result, those nightmare knights Then I rushed up the corpse and rushed up to the city. The blade of the hand appeared dark and lustrous. One by one, with a smirk: "Kill! Shred the last confidence of these human beings and let them taste the horror and despair!"


I pulled out the Longchi sword and the town sword, and even stepped back, saying: "Okay, we are ready to defend! The nightmare knight is a level 5 demon, the skill is unknown, everyone is mentally prepared!"

"Yeah!" Li Mu, Wang Hao and others have stepped back. Li Muding is in front. After he has the dragon tortoise shell, the defense is much higher than me. It can already be called the main T.

"Be careful!"

Not far away, Jianfeng cold, Yan Zhao unparalleled, floating clouds and other people are also carrying the remaining defensive line in the subordinates. At present, they can still adhere to these guilds in the city. As for the remaining guilds. The first point of the hero 已经 has been completely destroyed, even Wang Zecheng has been killed, Long Xiang has also been hung up, a gun and a jug of wine seem to be in a row of more than 4 levels of different demons when they lose the pottery treatment, succumb to death, thousands There are no more cockroaches, only four guilds in the Eight Deserts City are still standing on the cold dragon city, and each guild will be hundreds of people.


A nightmare knight has already smothered it, the blade has a dark luster, and a dark, dark energy is on the shoulder of Li Mu!


Li Mu’s body was slightly sinking, and it was blocked by hard life. Tianchen’s sword raised the combo and even the tricks on the other’s body. Wang Hao helped the output, but the second trick of the nightmare knight also came, above the blade. "Zizi" emerged with current, suddenly formed a ball attack and bombarded between Li Mu and Wang Hao!

The blade is cracked, which directly creates a space gap, a circular attack range, and can cause damage to nearby players!




Li Mu was okay, Wang Hao was almost killed by the second, two people hurriedly retreated, but a few other swordsmen and mad warriors on the side were brushed and killed. At this time, Lin Biao’s dagger passed, dizzy success, Kan Delayed the attack of the nightmare knight, and I greeted the nightmare knight who rushed to me, fighting together, regardless of the top...

Above the city pool, the battle gaps of the **** were raging, madly sucking the things of this plane, and then smashing them, the soldiers of the Cold Wind Legion were strangled without leaving a trace of flesh and blood, screams When it was too late to send it, it became a dust. Angela rushed to destroy everywhere, but could not stop the death speed of the Eight Desert City forces.

The frosty station got up and jumped down the lookout. The sword was worn in the crowd. The blade of the sword did not cause any harm to her. The level of the Juggernaut was ignored. The solution to the nightmare knight who rushed to the city pool, the nightmare of the knight, the endless stream of people, the frosty one is simply killing, the result is a group of nightmare knights rushed into the camp of the Dragon City, a mess Cut, the loss is not small.

After killing the 12th Nightmare Knight, the players of the Dragon Dragon Heavy Armor around me have almost been killed by the blade, and the remote system has also suffered a lot. The speed of the battle is far faster than I expected. In 30 minutes, only 100 people in the dragon were still alive and standing on the city. The ground was full of dense bodies, and the hearts of the people were cold.

The three guilds in front of the front, the Prague, and the dynasty were not much better. Even the raging smog was also slammed under the attack of three nightmare knights. A group of people were directly washed in the blood, and the soldiers descended from the city. However, Jianfeng Han, Yanzhao unparalleled with dozens of people and war and retreat, the battle situation is terrible.


A tough hour of killing, when the 20th wave of the offensive was halfway through, we had only 30 people left in the dragon, one of them was stained with blood, and at least 300 of the nightmare knights in our front, although we The loss is terrible, but the monster has paid a lot of money, so we can do our best.

Seeing that the players and the NPC army are almost exhausted, finally, the mountain screams again.


Seven nightmare knights attacked the frost at the same time, and the blade of the blade directly caused the frost to retreat continuously, slightly bleak.

At this moment, suddenly a sword is coming!


The spiral blade storm directly smashed the seven nightmare knights into pieces, and the blood-red long sword was very familiar. After a roundabout, it slipped back along the attack trajectory.

The frost suddenly turned, but saw a familiar figure, and immediately showed a hint of gratification: "Adult..."

A figure plunged into the city wall, it was Luo Lin, who was dyed with red blood and blood. The hand grasped the desperation of the revolving, and the corner of his mouth rose. He smiled and said: "Frozen, you have worked hard!"

As soon as I gritted my teeth, I shouted: "Frozen, don't believe him!"

The frost is stunned: "I..."

At this time, a female knight slashed the sword and rushed to the city. It was the green radish that the frost sent out to scout, and one of the dragon captains of the Dragon City. She had a sadness in her eyes and said: "The creamy adult, I am already back!"

Nostalgic nodded: "How about the Stalker Valley?"

Qingluo said: "When we arrived at the valley, we only saw a **** sea. A large number of half-orc tribes washed the valley, and even the Duke of Rory and the fallen sea have been killed. The Lie Army is completely destroyed. King Luo Lin led the cavalry attack of the Purple Star Legion, and the revenge of the Duke of Luo Lei was only after the **** battle!"

Frosty eyes wide open: "Rolling King, is it true?"

Luo Lin showed a trace of grief, clenched his iron fist, and said: "The **** half-orc tribe, actually took the opportunity to sneak into our camp, the father... the father has been buried in the hands of one of their werewolf chiefs, I... ...I am useless, I am not able to save my father, I... I am expecting my father to me..."


The destruction in the hands of Angela fell to the ground, and she had a big pair of eyes: "What? You said... Father Wang..."

Luo Lin nodded: "Angela, the father is falling..."


Angela slammed to the ground, tears burst out: "Father, father..."


I gritted my teeth and raised the sword a few steps forward. I whispered: "Luo Lin, it’s really a good show. You killed the Duke of Luo Lei with your own hands. Now you actually blame the half-orc. Isn’t it desperate that you are from Luo Lei’s hand? Is it hard to take it? You traitor, when do you want to deceive someone?"

Luo Lin’s eyes were cold and his killings passed. He said: “Adventurous, although you have built a battle for the Eight Desert City and the Cold Dragon City, you must pay attention to it. If you continue to filthy me, I will engage in military law!”

I hold the dragon pond sword: "Come on, there is a kind of you come!"

Lin Biaoer, the moon is shallow and one side pulls me, Lin Biaoer gently shakes his head, softly said: "Li Xiaoyao, don't say it, please... Don't say it... Can't you see it? Flowing cream, Angela trust The person is Luo Lin, not you..."

I gritted my teeth, looked at the frosty straight, and whispered: "Frozen, frost, recognize him, I have no reason to defile him, I have no motivation at all..."

The creamy body of the frosty trembled, looking at Luo Lin, said: "His Royal Highness..."

Luo Lin is also a glimpse, because the frost has never been called him like this, can not help but ask: "Flower frost, you believe him, do not believe me? Even though I am for the Dragon City, for the eight deserted city almost gave my life ?"

"No, not..." The red lips of the frosty bite out the blood: "I... I don't know who to trust, but Your Highness, please hold the hope of saving the future of mankind, don't let our homes be exposed to the devils. Under the claws... trust and distrust, it doesn't matter..."

Luo Lin nodded: "Well, I know, I will!"



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