Zhan Long

Chapter 808: Sss class army mission

In the middle of the squadron’s squadron’s battalion, some 200 young women were gathered. Most of them were women who had been plundered from various places. They were raised in military camps by middle and senior military officers for imprisonment. The town full of **** knife went to the front of a group of women and asked: "Which is Lanxin."

Suddenly, the women’s crowd was a panic. They seemed to be frightened deer and could not believe anyone.

I cleared my throat and continued: "I am the imperial Guardian army leader Li Xiaoyao. I used to pass through Xingguang Town last night. The old executive asked me to find a granddaughter named Lan Xin. If you are still out, don't Let Grandpa continue to be scared, I will send someone to send you back to Starlight Town, please believe me."

Finally, a pretty girl in the crowd came out and was in a green coat. It was one of the ones coming out of the Yuelu camp. She looked at me with a pair of eyes, and her body shook slightly, tears flowed: "You... You... really Grandpa asked you to come to me."

I nodded: "You are Lanxin."

"Well..." She turned her face and looked at the corpse on the ground. There was a hint of hatred in her eyes. "I was served by the water thieves six months ago. I have been serving this person... General, Lan Xin thank you. The more you kill, the more you hate me."

I pouted, didn't say anything, turned to look at Han Yuan, said: "Let a centurion bring 100 people to **** Lan Xin back to Xingguang Town, and the rest of the people will be squandered and escorted, and the 5,000 long guns will be escorted back to the empire."

"Yes, general."

When a team of 100 returned with Lan Xin, the mission was completed, and a ringing bell whirls around the ear.


System Tip: Congratulations, you have completed the SSS level task [Rescue Girl Lanxin] and get rewards: the current level experience value is increased by 75%, the gold coin number is 10000, and the charm value is 10.

Not bad, such rewards are better than nothing, but at least the upgrade speed is very fast, much faster than killing monsters, and it will be upgraded again.


Although the rifle’s long gun battalion was surrounded by us, it still escaped several riflemen, so we are not really safe here. We must rush back to Scorpio City as soon as possible, otherwise the personality of Reis Maybe someone will send people to intercept the Yulin Army in the middle of the road, and then we will really be difficult.

Fortunately, there was nothing to stop on this road. The Royal Forest Army escorted 5,000 NPC troops into the city, and attracted a large group of players watching the square. But after seeing me, they immediately realized that there is no player in the current Tianzhu City. I know that I am the highest-ranking player in the game.

The 20,000 Yulin army escorted the 5000 long gun battalion and stood by outside the palace. I took Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others, and then took the five captains of the long gun battalion and entered the palace hall. In front of the gate, a guard chief had already left. When I came out, I glanced at me and said, "General Zhennan, now you are really awe-inspiring, arbitrarily dispatching troops to attack other Imperial forces, huh, huh..."

I smiled a little: "Carry the inheritance, and your Majesty and Peer's Highness are above the main hall."

"Yes, they are deliberating, letting you bring people in."


With a group of people on the main hall, this is the first time I stepped into the palace of Tianzhu City, but this time I feel a little embarrassed. After I finished the work, I was slightly worried. If Locke is a generation of Mingjun, it will definitely excuse me. If it is a faint lord, I can kill me on the spot with my solemn behavior, but this is a game. How to kill me once and for all, the privilege of the player is infinite resurrection.

Inside the hall, the Wenwu group of ministers were separated. When I took the person to enter, I saw the leader of the mad thunder army. The generals of the country’s generals slammed to the ground, and the red silk scarf on the arm swayed. Said: "Your Majesty, you have to be the leader of the mad thunder army, the mad thunder army is not going to the sea, Luhu area **** battle, the whole army battle damage more than 50%, our blood is almost full of every inch of the empire, However, Li Xiaoyao relied on the shelter of His Royal Highness, and relied on Zhuo Ran's exploits. He actually attacked the camp of the mad Lei Army on the edge of the Wushen River. The killing of the generals was more and more, and the 5,000 people in the long gun battalion were disarmed. This... It’s simply not lawless. Your Majesty, you must be the leader of the mad thunder army, otherwise the tens of thousands of soldiers of our army will rest in peace...”

At this time, Lace seems to have no majesty of a generation of commanders. Instead, it is like a sissy slut, and Theodore, Owen, Luo Wei and others all show a disdainful expression. The Princess Pei is even more blunt. Road: "Les command, please start, you talk like this, there is a little empire and a military commander."

Rais looked up and said with tears: "Your Majesty, Chen is wronged."

Locke the Great, holding the handle of Wang Jian, stood up, not angry and prestige: "The Royal Forest commander General Li, what is the objection to the words of Luis, you are automatically using the Yulin Army to attack the mad Lei Jun, and pay their weapons, this matter Is it true?"

I nod. "It's true, but I have a reason to disarm."

"What reason." The great emperor Theodore looked at me coldly.

I looked up at a group of Wenwu and the Emperor, and said: "There are always water thieves in the Wushen River. These water thieves call themselves the Dragon Army. They already have nearly 100 warships and have over 10,000 soldiers. They are along the Wushen River. Constantly harassing civilians on both sides of the strait, murder and arson, and plundering all the women on both sides of the strait. As far as I know, the Imperial Army stationed around the Wushen River, the mad thunder army ignored the ravages of the Dragon Army. And he colluded with the Dragon Army, so I will lead the Yulin Army to the inventory."

Luis suddenly stood up, a pair of **** eyes staring at me: "General Lee, you are bloody, I am mad at the empire, how can it be... how could this unfaithfulness be done? What evidence do you have, why insult me, and I will never let you go."

Princess Pei said: "Yes, Li Xiaoyao, do you have any evidence?"

I nodded and waved with one hand. Xiao Li immediately ordered someone to carry a dragon crystal cannon and a fire rock cannon into the hall. I pointed to the engraving on the top and said, "This is my search for the battleship of the Dragon Army." The guns that were handed over just happened to be engraved with the military seal of the mad thunder army. This is the proof that the military arsenal allocated to the mad thunder army. Although it has been worn away a lot, it still can see the outline, and the dragon army plundered on both sides. Many of the beautiful women have been sent to the mad squadron’s long gun battalion for more fun. The certificate of this incident is too much."

Suddenly, the old king was angry and took a picture. He yelled: "Les, you can have this, is your mad thunder army really stunned with water thieves?"

Ras scared and hurriedly squatted: "Your Majesty, Chen...the minister really does not know about this."

I raised my mouth and smiled. "Maybe General Luis really doesn't know about it. It's just that the long guns are controlled more and more. Please take your time."

The old king looked at Luis and said: "Loss leads, you really don't know about it."

Luis slammed his head on the ground: "Your majesty is clear, and Chen is really ignorant, but the court is not motivated by the subordinates, making it more and more ruthless."

The old king smiled faintly: "Well, since you take the initiative to sin, then I will approve of you. Now, Luis is a general, and he is still the leader of the mad thunder army. You must prepare the military discipline to see the aftereffects."

The former General of Res, the general of the country, was one level higher than the general of my four towns. However, now it fell directly to the general. It is one level lower than me. The taste of the two levels must be uncomfortable, but it is quite good. I like it.


Rees returned to the sequence of the military commander, I still stood in the same place, Locke the Great looked at me, and there was a look that made me unpredictable. He smiled slightly: "Li Xiaoyao leads, you defeat the dragon in the Wushen River. And it can be a feeling for the people of the empire, and this credit will be recorded."


System prompt: The merit value is 400.

I was relieved, I was not busy this night, and I have not been convicted.

The old king coughed and coughed, and continued: "All the generals, the Dragon Army has been messing up on the Wushen River, like a skeleton, not to be unhappy, what advice do you have?"

The banned Luo Luo supported the broken hand and made a debut: "Your Majesty, we used to send a number of troops to chase the Dragon Army on the Wushen River, but the number of Imperial warships is too small, and every time they suffer a loss, this Only let the Dragon Army be so rampant, according to what I saw, or not to get rid of it, our biggest enemy is the northern magical land, not the 10,000 dragons in this area."

I frowned and whispered, "I actually want to tolerate this group of dragons."

Pei whispered: "Don't talk, can't you see that the father has been unhappy about your unauthorized attack on the Lei Leijun gun camp?"

I nod: "I see it..."

Pei smiled slightly: "That's not awkward, waiting for the order."


When I was in the fog, the great emperor Theodore had already stood up and said: "The father, you can't tolerate the dragon army. I suggest that you must send a strong soldier to completely destroy the dragon army."

The old king said: "It is better to send someone."

Theodore smiled and said: "The commander of the Royal Army, Li Xiaoyao, Wenwu Shuangquan, and his Yulin Army already have a well-trained 5W army. It is also the best way to dig the water training army at the campside. It is best to kill the Dragon Army by the Yulin Army."

I secretly frowned, Theodore really took care of the Royal Forest, and gave us the hard bones of the Dragon Army.

The old king said: "General Lee, you are willing to take orders."

I immediately went out and said with pleasure: "To reconcile the empire, it is duty-bound."

"it is good."



System prompt: You accepted the SSS level main line army mission [annihilation dragon army].

Task content: Leading the Yulin army to destroy the dragon army, bring the head of the dragon army commander dragon scale back to the palace, you will get a very rich reward, but please be careful, the dragon army is far more terrible than you think.

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