Zhan Long

Chapter 833: Night snorkeling base

After waiting for the barbarian tribe for more than an hour, finally a large group of iron-blade riders, wizards and other professional players appeared in the field of vision, the day in the game is still not bright, the eastern mountains reveal a little white belly, Li Mu, Wang Hao led the team to the forefront. I greeted him and smiled. "It’s coming very fast."

Wang Hao rounded his eyes and looked at my mount with amazement. He said: "Happy brother, you are a new mount... It looks so cool, what quality can you show us?"

I don't have a treasure to share the attributes of the gods and dragons. A group of people such as Li Mu, Wang Hao, Yan, Matcha and so on are all stunned. The attributes of the second-class BOSS-level mounts are there, and they can’t be said to be powerful. And I have the effect of a thousand wings, you can enjoy the nature of the mount in flight, which is even more perfect.

Pointing to the distant hill, I said: "There are a lot of fire dragon beasts there, the fire dragon horse is a level 1 fairy Lin BOSS mount, hurry up, be careful, don't kill the level 1 mount."

Everyone nodded, and Xiaolong came at least 2W people, divided into thousands of groups to enter the barbarian zone to level up, and the barbarians in the barbarian tribe did not defend these players, although this game NPC The AI ​​is a copy of the live memory, but the basic rules in the game are still understood.


I also accompanied everyone in the game to kill the blame, by the way to brush a little experience value, Lin Yier, Dongcheng Yue, Meng Yao and other people formed a group of ten, and I am the team's tank and melee output main force, all the way to brush the past Soon, I encountered several 1st-level mounts in a row, helping Li Mengyao, Yue Yaoyan and other MMs to be replaced by the dragon horse. The properties of the fire dragon horse are much better than the iron blade ride, the dream pear Qing is what I sent, but the level is only 115, can not keep up with the use of demand, the 145 level of the fire dragon horse attribute is stronger.

It’s been in the middle of the night, and the dragon has already replaced a mount with a lot of iron-blade horses. The red-hulled cavalry on the hillside looks spectacular. I can imagine that if it is a night battle, A whole piece of fire dragon ride out, it almost intimidated the opponent below the first class.


Another sword swayed, and a fire dragon beast was cut to the ground. I wiped the sweat on my forehead. It seemed to kill too much force, and Lin Biaoer ate and laughed at the side: "Pig, let's stay up late tonight. I need to go to work for an internship tomorrow. In the last few days, I will go to class on the 15th of the first month, and the internship will be over."

"Well, okay." I looked at the crowd of dragons on the hillside and said, "Let's go down the line. Here, I will be responsible for Li Mu, shallow and matcha."

"it is good."

With everyone knowing, I took Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng to the moonline.


Late at night, I felt a little hungry, and I came to the hall. As a result, Lin Biaoer and Dongchengyue were packing up the table. The nose could smell the fragrance, and there was food. The day and night was the egg noodles of Dongcheng, so I didn’t think of this. The Dongcheng family’s daughter, Bai Fumei, will still be below, and it tastes quite good.

After eating, Dongcheng returned to the room. I looked at Lin Xiaoer, who was a pretty student. She also looked at me. I have been busy with the Guardian Army for the past few days. I didn’t care about her. I was guilty and took her. When the hand walked into her room and closed the door, Lin Biaoer slammed into my arms and screamed with a small mouth. "The soul is weak, you haven't been with me for a long time."

I was a little embarrassed, and when I took her face, I kissed my red lips for a long time, until Lin Biaoer’s face was red and pushed me, and then she let go of her. Missy was already ashamed, and the double peaks on her chest were slightly ups and downs. When I saw her, her face was even redder. She said, "Well, my cousin is also here today. It’s not too early. Go back to sleep quickly, don’t think about it..."

I hugged her again and said, "Okay, then I am going."


Lin Biao's eyes sent me out, just as I walked into my room, the phone rang, it was Shen Bing's phone number. After the connection, her unique charm came: "Hey, pick up the phone so late, let's talk. The woman who is sleeping next to me is not Lin Biaoer."

I have no words: "Shen Bingjie, what are you thinking about all day in your mind? Well, let's talk about business, call me when you can't be okay."

Shen Bing smiled slightly, and said: "Well, say business, just ten minutes ago, I captured the signal that deciphered the Oracle system. I have locked the coordinates, just in the floor of Shenglin Media, and I also received the Scorpio weapon. The director of the manufacturing department, they also found this signal, although only for a moment, but some people are trying to solve Oracle's defense self-defense system, once they unlock the system, the research and development of hundreds of billions of Oracle is no longer only It belongs to China."

I am ashamed: "Sister Shen Bing, what you mean is, let me touch the Shenglin Media to see what is there."

Shen Bingdao: "Well, the Wang team also means this. Let’s go and see at night. There must be a corner in Shenglin Media that you don't know yet, right?"

"Yes, on the 12th floor, I have a small transceiver who does not have access to the 12th floor."

"Hey, this is easy to handle. Now there should be no idlers in the company. You can stay up late to see and lightly set off. This is the task that the Wang team must give you immediately."

I sighed: "The life is really bitter, and the monthly salary is not enough. Actually, I have to go to the middle of the night to sell my life. What do you say about me?"

Shen Bing smiled and said: "Bad boy, don't be poor, hurry up, be careful."



Go to the window, open my password box, take out a set of black clothes from the inside, and then put the pistol in the pocket of the leg, the black is too long, no need to carry, it hides an electric arc sword In the arms, open the window, the cool wind outside quickly poured in, suddenly hit a chill, turned over and fell from the second floor, the atmosphere swelled, "哗" gently landed, close to the soundless landing I ran on the grass and the sound was very small. This made me even a little proud. The recent skills seem to be more and more extraordinary.

Take a taxi, go directly to Shenglin Media, stop at the street, and watch it from the left and right. I didn't have a camera from the main entrance. Instead, I walked into the company from the wall and walked all the way to the main building. It is unrealistic to go up the stairs and the elevator. I will leave an image. I don’t want to stun the snake. I grabbed the pipe at the edge of the building and rubbed it between the palms. The body was like airflow. Wings in general, greatly reducing my weight, if you let Tang Qi see this scene will be amazing.

Climbing to the 12th floor, the window was locked from the inside. I took a deep breath and pulled out the arc sword. I carefully moved it on the edge of the glass. A small gap appeared in the light, and then closed my eyes. The thumb and the finger drive an airflow into the window. This is similar to the trick of Tang Qi’s performance of driving the copper coins. It belongs to the magic of our practitioners. In the blink of an eye, the window handle slowly turns on. I opened the window carefully. Leap into.

Look up and look around, there are three cameras in the corridor, but they can use the dead angle to avoid the past. When I leaned over the ceiling, I was already outside the door of the 12th floor technical department. Turn on the button, I pressed it, and immediately the voice said: "Start up, give me the password."

The sound of Shen Bing came from the miniature earphones in his ear: "Give me 10 seconds, this is a 30-second replacement 8-bit dynamic password."


After a few more seconds, Shen Bingdao: "34772112, you have to be careful."

I quickly entered the password, and the electronic door slammed, the door opened, and Shen Bing had a hand in the computer field. The 12th floor of Shenglin Media was deciphering Oracle, but did not know the system of his family. Has been invaded by Shen Bing.

Slowly push them away, try not to make any noise, I carefully swept the work hall, the rows of computers were placed there, and some computers were placed with the information of the actors who came to the mirror, even There is only one camera here, confirming that this is the formal technical department of Shenglin Media, and it is not the place where the Oracle system is being deciphered.

Shen Bing’s voice in the earphones came: “How, see no, try not to do it, you only have one person, and there is no decent weapon.”

Shen Bing is worried that I will encounter the colonizer. If it is really bloody, I will use the outer shell of Shenglin Media to decipher the Oracle here. Then I will send the colonizer to stay here. I can’t breathe a sigh. Opened the camera's field of vision, slowly wandering around the end of the technical department, but found that the end is an office with a general manager's room hanging.

I couldn't help but frown, and lowered my voice and said, "There is a technical department. There is no suspicious computer. But at the end of the technical department, there is an office, general manager's office, above..."

Looking up at the lock of the manager's office, I couldn't help but tremble, saying: "The door lock is an iris scan plus password input double verification. What to do, my iris definitely does not match."

"Mom, it's tricky." Shen Bing was slightly angry and actually said a dirty word.

At this moment, there was a sudden footstep inside. I hurried back a few steps and bent back to hide behind an office curtain wall. I saw a young man with short hair coming out and holding a cup of noodles, complaining: "Mother's, I can't even eat a bit of heat in the middle of the night, I don't know what Sun always thinks."

I saw it really, the door opened, and in the blink of an eye, countless infrared rays swept across the aisle, and the security system inside was simply brutal.

Shen Bing whispered in the earphone: "Well, we have basically locked in the location of this **** secret technology base. You should leave soon, don't leave any clues, we will send someone to fix these people."

I nodded, didn't talk, turned and went out, closed the window, still swaying down the stairs along the phantom of the wall, quietly, as if from the future.


Standing on the side of the road, taking off the mask, taking a deep breath, **** is really a group of desperate people, for the money, Wei Fan has almost nothing to dare to do.

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