Zhan Long

Chapter 839: Take advantage of the wind

Going back to the familiar room, I have already cleaned up. There are a few pots of flowers on the desk. I don’t think Lin Biaoer arranged for me. She knows that I like this environment.

Drinking some water, I did not go to think more, pick up the game helmet and connect to the network, go online and see.

When reading the character data, I glanced at the ranking of Tianzhu City on the forum. As I said, Li Mu said that I have not been online for 7 days. The level has been guessed by many people. Now I can only live in the 152 level. The fourth place in Yucheng, and the top 20 players in the list have all turned six times.

Soon, the characters are read and enter the game.


The characters appeared in the barracks of the barbarian tribe. When I read the characters completely and turned over and stood up from the bed, I immediately echoed a series of ringtones in my ear, and these are all I have been waiting for for a long time. ring,.


System Tip: Congratulations, your company's strokes [one ride is a thousand] fit, complete the official breakthrough to upgrade to the third-order of the Holy Spirit, because you are the first player to comprehend the third-order of the Holy Spirit, get extra reward: charm The value is 30.


System Tip: Congratulations, you have realized God's passive skills [Yang Yan Jin], attack damage effect increased by 50%, because you are the first player to comprehend God level skills, get extra reward: charm value of 100.


System Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully created God-level skills, "launch continuous sniper attacks on the front target, condense the power of the dragon and the sword, so that each sword is stronger than the previous sword, the higher the level of understanding , the higher the number of attacks launched, the highest can break through 10 layers, reaching 27 layers, please name the skills immediately.


The whole person has been stunned. The game of destiny has an inextricable relationship with the practitioners. Even Yang Yan, a realm that ordinary people don’t understand, knows, and Yang Yanjin increases the damage effect by 50%. Too fierce, what shocked me even more was that the ride of a thousand has also risen, and it seems that I have already triggered the essence of the Songfeng sword.

Think about it, name the new skills right away, and take advantage of the wind.

In fact, this set of swordsmanship has long been called the style of the sword, casually sprinkled, eclectic, this name is more suitable for the name of this sword.

The next moment, the skill is confirmed, and the golden god-level skills appear in the skill bar.

[Ride the wind] (God level): Launch a continuous sniper attack on the target in front, and condense the power of the scorpion to support the blade, so that each sword is stronger than the power of the previous sword. The higher the level of understanding, the attack is launched. The higher the number, the higher the maximum can break through 10 layers, reaching 27 layers, currently 10 layers, and the skill cooling time is 60 minutes.



I pulled out the Longchi sword and the Zhenyue knife. When I triggered the moment of riding the wind, the golden light flashed in front of me, and the power of the gods skyrocketed. Then the hands quickly made a move, and the wind was a single attack skill, the blade and The blade pierced the air, and the "brushing" air ignited the violent energy. The sword was forcibly output in almost 2 seconds, and the strength of one sword was stronger than that of a sword. If the player is replaced by a player, I can't Imagine who can stop me from being attacked by the wind.

Returning the sword to the sheath, standing silently there, there are so many benefits in the realm of Yang Yan, I really didn't think of it.

At this time, with a bang, Han Yuan walked in with the curtain of a long knife opening the middle of the army account. When I saw it, I would like to win: "Ah, the general you finally woke up, this sleep is near One month, the Royal Forest Army has been waiting here for a month. If you will not wake up again, you will only be able to take the Royal Forest Army back to the Tianzhu City camp and wait for you."

I sighed and said, "Han Yuan, how is it going to talk to the barbarian tribe?"

Han Yuandao: "In the month when the general was not there, a group of adventurers took us to kill all the dragons and animals, and entered the endless land to eliminate the aftermath. The barbarian tribe is now loyal to the empire and willing to accept our temptation. Send half of the people to go to Tianzhu City, the generals, and the tribal elders are waiting for the generals to come out."

"Okay, take me there."


Out of the middle of the military account, not far ahead, I saw a group of tribal leaders are surrounded there, let the warriors in the tribe learn the skills, but these barbarian warriors are also a brute force, just in the Royal Forest Can pick a lot of people to beat them, these days they are boring, presumably in the hands of Yu Linjun did not suffer less.

When I stepped forward, Long Hao, Xia Ye, and Xiao Li were all excited to come over: "The leading adults have finally arrived."

I nodded and said to the 14 tribal leaders, "I am sorry, I have something urgent that has delayed everyone. I am not here to pay for it. If there are no major events to discuss, we will immediately return to Tianzhu City." ""

Everyone nodded, and these barbarians had long thought that they could go to the city of Tianzhu to eat spicy food, and it was better to eat the rough squad here.


The army moved, with a large group of densely barbaric people left their long-lived places. After passing through the Eight Desert City, Angela led a cavalry regiment to come to the condolences. In fact, it was a warning. After all, so many barbarians Once the attack is launched, the eight deserted cities may disappear in an instant.

Crossing the Ziwu Mountain and entering the territory of Tianzhu City, there is no army to come to block, and no nobles come to condolences. I think the nobles of Tianzhu City are still living the days of drunken fans, who I will care about the Yulin Army in one of your districts. However, this time I guessed it wrong.

When the army of the Royal Forest Army passed through the city of Tianzhu, it was discovered that a group of NPC soldiers were covered with white cloth on all their arms. When the Royal Forest cavalry approached the city, they found that Princess Pei led a group of cavalrymen from the Changfeng Legion to come up. The grace, after seeing me finally revealed a look of comfort, but the tears rolled down, suddenly turned over and cried, said: "Li Xiaoyao, the father has died..."


I also turned over and dismissed: "Isn't the body great before Locke the Great?"

Peier cried and said: "The father's body has not been very good. He finally died of serious illness half a month ago. The second emperor brother... he was enthroned as an emperor half a month ago. You arranged it. After the matter of the Yulin army and the barbarians, I immediately came to the palace to find me. The second emperor brother called you three times and you didn't come. I am afraid he will vent his anger."

"It is good……"


With the Royal Forest Army moving forward, my heart was very embarrassed, Owen was enthroned, this is definitely not a good thing for me.

Soon after, I entered the Yulin Military Camp area. The camps and tents of the Yulin Army were almost everywhere. However, I did not stop. The barbarian tribes who led a total of 15W people marched toward the south of Tianzhu City and passed through the Moon Blade Forest. Going forward is a fertile field, and in the middle of Woye is a huge basin, very vast, it can be speculated that the formation of this basin must be due to the collision of stars, otherwise it is impossible to form such a natural basin.

The basin is rich in resources, and the wilderness is crowded. Animals of all sizes travel through the woodland. On the exposed land, there are fiery red spar. These spar are very hard and are called fire crystals. The name of the Fire Crystal Basin originated. In the basin, the surrounding forests have been cut down a lot. Many wooden houses have been built and a large number of fields have been opened. I have not returned in a month. There have been many fields planted here, and even The field has already spread out new sprouts.

There is also a garrison of the Royal Forest Army in the Fire Crystal Basin. A group of knives and battalion barbarian warriors came out in the camp. A clerk came up with the book and said: "To lead the adults, these barbarians need to log in. This is the rule of the empire."

I nodded: "But many people in this group of barbarians have no name."

The clerk smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you can take it now."

"it is good."


Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others are also responsible for arranging accommodation. After a while, the 15W people’s barbarians have arranged nearly half of them to stay in the wooden house, while the rest set up simple tents, waiting for the loggers to continue logging to build houses. Han Yuan also quickly set up a recruiting office around, and soon recruited over 10,000 young and brutal people. The barbarians have a shorter life span and the youngest time is the longest. The 15W people remove women and young children, at least There are 5W people for our Yulin army, but don't worry, take it slowly, let the young and middle-aged people build their homes and recruit them.

Long Yu and Xia Ye are responsible for dividing the land, and from the Tianzhu City, the farmer is invited to teach the barbarian to sow, and the craftsmen are invited to teach them to cast, carpentry, net fishing, etc. The south of the Fire Crystal Basin is the Wushen River. Fishing on the edge of the Wushen River is also a good way to make a living. The barbarian is born with great power. Choosing patience as a fisherman can improve a lot of food for the camp.

Has been busy to the evening of the game, Han Yuan has been recruited by 2W people to prepare barbarian warriors, half of them serve as knife shields, and the other half use special all-iron spears to be pikemen, savage manpower The spears are not easy to break, can withstand stronger impact, and even the cavalry in the high-speed charge can pick up from the war, such a pikemen will be the arms of all the regiments.

As night fell, a commander quickly came and said: "The Royal Forest commander Li Xiaoyao is an adult. Your Majesty has a request."

My heart sank and finally came, and it was personally summoned by Owen.


Turning over and riding on the sacred dragon horse, Longma screamed and swayed his head, followed the commander to Tianzhu City, and the commander looked at the sacred dragon horse, his eyes full of horror.

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