Zhan Long

Chapter 844: Life is so hard

It was about the lack of confidence in the Fire Axe, and Owen was also carrying the Blade of the King and said, "Les listens!"

His Royal Highness, Reis, with his red silk scarf wrapped around his arm, said: "The end will be!"

Owen said: "Take your mad corps and attack with the Fire Axe. In addition, mobilize the 蛟龙军水军 stationed in Luhu, dispatch 50 warships from Luhu, arrive at the sea, and break Fio. Na returned to the retreat of the devil's territory. This time, the Xiajun Legion will also advance from the direction of Wushen River. This time, in any case, Fiona must not be allowed to get rid of it. If I can't see her head, you are the leader. Just bring me your head!"

I was shocked at the bottom of my heart. The 6W people of the Fire Axe Army, the 5W people of the Dragon Army, the 12W people of the Xia Jun Army, and the 7W people of the Wild Lei Army. Owen used the army of 30W people, actually to kill the area that Fiona brought. Tens of thousands of moon spirits, this is too ridiculous, right?

Above the throne, Owen far-sightedly cast his gaze on me, saying: "Li Xiaoyao leads, because you have made a covenant with Fiona, so you better command your Yulin army to stand still, if you act rashly... Hey, you don't Would you like your 10W Yulin Army to accompany you to bury?"

I am standing there painfully, but I can't do anything. Can't I just raise my sword to kill Owen? I can't kill it, I still lost all my previous operations, but I lost my faith in Fiona, but I can't do it, not to mention that Fiona is a good person, at least under her hand, 10W Dark Moon Spirit. The combat power of the archers is really impressive!

Reis, Luo Wei, Qin Lan and others have gone to receive military orders, and I stood next to Pei, pressing down the voice, and asked inexplicably: "Why would you hate the Dark Moon Spirit so much?"

Pei also whispered: "I don't hate the Dark Moon Spirit, but I hate Queen Fiona. Why don't I know it, but there must be a reason, maybe... The moment I waited for Fiona's head, it was the truth. Up..."


Pei sneaked my hand and whispered: "Don't be impulsive, this thing... We have no power at all. After the emperor's enthronement, he has been acting arbitrarily. This time he would rather sacrifice the Dark Moon Spirit, but Never let the Imperial Legion confess, understand?"

I was silent and said, "I want to go out of the palace..."


Pei looked at me helplessly and finally nodded: "Be careful..."



When the army of the fire axe, the mad thunder army and other regiments commanded the military order, I went straight out of the palace with Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others, and turned over the horse. The sacred dragon horse rushed out at full speed, Han Yuan, Xiao Li Although the horses of the Majesty are almost no longer able to keep up with me, I can only slow down and slow down.

Han Yuan followed up and said, "Adult, what should we do?"

I sighed: "Notify Fiona in advance, let her go!"


Xiao Li has a hint of calmness in his eyes. "I am afraid it is not that simple."


When we arrived on the coastline, the Dark Moon Spirit army had all gone ashore. About 5W people were up and down, Fiona did not bring it all, and their warships were about 100 large and small, mostly transport ships. It is not a real warship. Without a gun, it will not be an opponent of the Imperial Water Army.

Quickly rushed into the middle of the military account, far away, Queen Fiona still lazy lying in my seat, two long legs lie there, very charming, but this time most people still have the heart to appreciate the moon The Queen's beauty, I went straight to the sword, said: "Queen Fiona, the big things are not good! Hurry up to take you back, go back to the sea!"


Fiona sat up and looked at me blankly: "Li Xiaoyao leads, what happened, why is this panic?"

I said: "Your Majesty sent a 30W army to kill the Dark Moon Spirit army. This time I reneged on it. I didn't think that my Majesty would have made such a big fire. I couldn't listen to me. Let's go!"

Fiona squinted: "I...I don't seem to have anything to sin against Locke? Actually... I actually sent a 30W army to attack me, huh, I really can see the army of our Dark Moon Spirit!"

I am ashamed: "No... not Locke, Locke the Great has died, and the second is the second emperor Owen. Isn't the Dark Moon Spirit Territory still aware of this?"


Fiona's petite body trembled a little, saying: "Is there a sharp nose with a red **** on the tip of the nose?"

I nod. "How do you know?"

"I naturally know!" Fiona slammed the table and said: "Five years ago, a group of people in Tianzhu City sneaked through the sea and entered the Dark Moon Lingre territory to steal our treasures. Unfortunately. They didn't find the treasure. Instead, one of the kids fainted a moon girl with **, and then seized her virginity. After I was captured by my guard, I ordered the root of the person to be cut off. I didn't think that... this person is actually the Owen Prince, and is now the Emperor of the Scorpio Empire!"

I heard a sweat, there is still such a thing, see Owen is also a magical, but no one thought that Owen, the second emperor has long been inhumane!

At this time, Xiao Li stepped forward and whispered: "Adult, I have heard of the secrets of the palace... Owen II is not close to the female color, even the acolyte has only one, and for many years, Europe There is no son, and the great emperor Theodore has seven sons and three daughters. It seems that Queen Fiona’s words are definitely true.”

I stood there with the sword and said, "The problem is that Owen ordered the 30W army to come. If the Dark Moon Spirit army does not leave, I am afraid that all of them will be buried here."

Fiona's face was full of anger, and she snorted: "Owen is a villain who can take power. It is a wrath, I don't care so much. They have to attack and attack. I will let the moon The military queue battles!"

I said faintly: "I am afraid that your head will really be taken away, and immediately retreat. There are new hopes for retreat, and the Royal Forest will cover you."

Fiona smiled and shook her head. "No, I can't walk. I brought 5W people. Almost all the ships are full, and they return to the wind. They need human-powered warships. They are full of sails, our The warship couldn’t go away at all. I didn’t think that our Dark Moon Spirit would actually be in this place...”

I looked cold and said: "The 2W people will return to the boat immediately, and another 3W will stay, from here to the pear blossoms, then pass through the fate of the pontoon, enter the valley of no return, when you enter the desert, naturally It’s safe.”

Fiona said: "Even if it is half of the crew, I am afraid I will not run the ship of Tianzhu City."

I smiled and said: "Reassured, I will resist you for a while, time is urgent, hurry, don't say it again!"

Fiona finally made up her mind in a pair of eyes and nodded, "Okay, listen to you!"


Out of the middle of the military account, the outside is already a scene of iron hooves criss-crossing, Fiona immediately ordered, immediately 2W dark moon spirit returned, but unfortunately now blowing the northwest wind, the speed of travel is naturally very slow, and I Then he turned to Han Yuan and Xiao Li and said: "The order is to send Long Yu and Xia Ye, and dispatched the hundred warships of the Yulin Army in the Wushen River into the sea to cover the retreat of the Dark Moon Spirit!"


A few minutes later, the 3W Yueling army had already brushed the whole team on the beach, and Fiona made a move to the West with a command, which is the direction of the fate of the pontoon.

But in less than five minutes, a group of squadron cavalrymen have already been killed. Reis personally led the army and looked far away from the back of the Dark Moon Spirit army. Res Haha laughed and said: "Iron ride, give me a rush They can't run this time, you remember to me, every time you capture a dark moon spirit, you can take her as your own, let you drive, hehe!"

I couldn't help but frown a little disgusted, turned over the horse, and said: "The Royal Army, intercept them!"

Xiao Li hurriedly said: "Adults, this is equivalent to defying the king's life. Never, the mad thunder army has only a few thousand iron rides. It should not be the opponent of Queen Fiona, let's watch it!"



When the horses rushed past and thousands of cavalry rushed past, the Queen of Fiona had ordered the moon girls to stop. Then, tens of thousands of people stopped brushing and turned and opened the longbow, about 300 apart. When the code was actually started to shoot, suddenly a cold mang fell through the sky and fell into the cavalry group, too far away, the iron arrow lost most of its power, the slamming impact on the iron helmet, but if hit Faces or horses, the damage is still not small, the mad thunder army iron riding the charge camp immediately burst into a tragic sound, the horse and the cavalry fell on the beach, terrible.

As the distance got closer, Fiona's mouth smirked and said: "Aim at their necks and eyes, put arrows!"

This time it is less than 100 yards. The arm of a group of Dark Moon Girl is very terrible. The long bow creaks and the "啪啪啪" shot is out. This time the damage is even greater. Nearly a thousand cavalry turned over and fell. Some of them have been shot in places where the armor cannot be covered. It is hard to imagine that the precision of these dark moon archery is too strong!

Fiona also ignited her longbow, and suddenly flew out with the arrow of Thunder's power, sliding a huge groove on the ground, and swirling around the storm, "嘭" will be a dozen The mad Lei Jun soldiers smashed into the air, this attack is too fierce, and it is not worthy of the shooting level of Rana Seir!

In fact, Fiona is also a god-level BOSS, where will be afraid of the crazy Lei Jun these stinky tomatoes rotten sweet potatoes!

In the twinkling of an eye, the seven or eight thousand cavalrymen of the mad thunder army are running out. Lai’s lonely rushing in front, his face is green, and he immediately ran back and ran, but Fiona just smiled and immediately took his own person. Continue to retreat.


On the other side, the sound of the rumbling drums was not heard at the sea. The Dragon Army came, and Tianzhu City finally used its own water army. It sailed with full speed and the speed was fast. In the other direction, the warships of the Royal Forest Army never returned. The sea is coming quickly.

"Ready to get on board!"

I quickly ordered, and Han Yuan and Xiao Li followed me quickly to board the main battleship we stopped on the shore.

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