Zhan Long

Chapter 846: Happy borrower

Zizhulin, the sea breeze blowing the jungle, a purple bamboo forest spreads infinitely, the forest is accompanied by the low-pitched sounds of the beasts, and there are some towering giant trees standing in the bamboo forest, which can provide the dark moon spirit. In the future, the materials for the construction of the wooden house, I took a group of Yulin army directly to the edge of the Zizhulin, riding the gods and dragons, said: "Ready to open this area, in addition, order our 辎 heavy camp to transport 10W of food every day to come here, supply Dark Moon Spirit Army."

Xiao Li bite his teeth and said: "Adults, the rations of the Guardian Army are three pounds per person per day. This is for training purposes. We need 24W of food per day for the whole army. If you give so many dark moon spirits, I am afraid that the brothers of the Guards There will be complaints!"

Me: "It doesn't matter. Buy some more from the merchants of Tianzhu City. There are still a lot of gold coins in the military arsenal. Don't worry."

"Yes, adults!"


On the side, Queen Fiona looked grateful: "Thank you, Li Tongling, I thank you on behalf of all the Dark Moon Spirit, thank you Yu Linjun, we are here... really will not be chased again?"

I nodded: "This is the desert. It is no longer the territory of the city of Tianzhu. According to the regulations of the major empire of the empire, there is no king's life. It will not take a half step in the publication, so despite the peace of mind, if the dark moon is here. If you stand on the ground, after a month, even if the army of the Scorpio Empire comes, you don't have to be afraid, right?"

"um, yes!"

I raised my arm and whispered: "Get started, help the Dark Moon to kill the beasts in the Zizhu forest and start right away!"

Suddenly, a group of knives and battalions of the Guards of the Guards entered the Zizhulin, and the Dark Moon Spirit also penetrated into it. One beautiful moon girl with a long bow, pointed ears trembled, and looked sensitively around everything, responding All the crises, very quickly, a wild beast roared in the distance, a black bear rushed out, but it was shot into a hedgehog in the future, and in the direction of the coast, a group of Yulinjun was already killing the giant crocodile on the coast. .

I slowly entered the Zizhulin. I only felt that the nose was full of fragrance. Looking up, the towering giant trees in the bamboo forest were actually covered with red fruits on the branches. Fiona immediately went on. Before, I picked up a hand and picked a fruit. I put it on my mouth and I bite it. I was shocked: "Isn't it sure that there is no poison?"

After Fiona took a bite, she smiled and said: "Reliably, one of the innate abilities of the Dark Moon is to identify the toxic or not of the fruit. This fruit is not poisonous. I know it when I hear it. Li Tongling, give us the moon spirit. The food can be cut in half, and we can rely on the fruits of the giant trees to make the fruit."

I am ashamed: "I originally planned to cut down these trees and build a wooden house to live in the moon."

"No need to."

Fiona shook her head and said: "Dark Moon Spirit has never been used to living in houses. We can inhabit the trunks. There are many big trees in the Zizhu forest. Each tree can live in hundreds of dark moon spirits. This allows us to disperse. Foraging and training can make the role of scouting reconnaissance, and it is hard for the employers to take care of them. Then, let us give it to ourselves."

I nodded: "Well, the Royal Forest Army can help you slash all the beasts, but it may not be enough to pick the fruit. I will send people here to open up the wasteland, so that Dark Moon Spirit learns to grow and store food, so even It’s not too easy to get through in the cold winter.”

Fiona nodded quickly: "Well, thank you!"

I walked side by side with Fiona in the jungle. She looked around at the Guardian Army who was struggling to kill the beasts. If I thought about it, after a while, I said, "Let the adults, your Guardian Army is really brave and good, fortunately. The Dark Moon Spirit did not attack the Tianzhu City in a big way, otherwise it must be us, but I always feel that the Yulin Army has a natural flaw..."

I smiled a little: "High mobility and long-range combat power?"


Fiona nodded and smiled: "Human artillery is powerful, but it is too cumbersome. Once the army moves, the battle will completely lose its effect. The Yulin army is either a knife-and-shield, an iron-riding army, a long-gun camp, and the most basic position is missing. Long-range defense, once it is shocked, will inevitably lose many people. When attacking, it can only rely on the iron rider's charge, even if the Royal Forest is fine, but every battle will be broken, right?"

I am deeply convinced: "Yes!"

Fiona took a long bow and smiled a little: "You are a worldly person, and you have helped the Dark Moon Spirit so many people, even at the expense of your Imperial Army, if I have nothing to do with Fiona. If it is expressed, it is simply a humiliation of the spirit of the ancestors of the Dark Moon Spirit. Why not, I am lending you to you?"

"Borrowing soldiers?"

In my heart, I smiled and said: "Fiona, do you know? I don't like to owe someone else, so... don't borrow it. If you fall in love with this gift, you don't want to pay it back. It will cause friendship. Going to the end."

Fiona couldn't help but smile, and her attitude was fascinating. She looked at me with a smile: "Well, I have heard the legend about you, the commander of the Imperial Army. People say that you are a commander. Such as the tiger, treacherous like a fox fox, it seems that the words are not empty, but also forget, at least I can feel your true heart, so... I will not borrow, send you directly, how?"

I am ecstatic: "Really?"


Fiona nodded, and the beauty was serious, saying: "I will send personally selected 1000 people in the Dark Moon Spirit army to give you the elite, as the archer of the Royal Forest Army, how?"

"1000 people..." I took a deep breath and looked at the bamboo forest in the distance. "When the regular army is charging, it is generally a 2,000-person round of impact, and the impact of the ladder, at least 10,000 iron rides to complete the impact can improve the lethality. To the maximum, in the face of the impact of thousands of cavalry, I am afraid that the archers of 1,000 people are not enough to sew the teeth..."

Fiona didn't take a good look at me and said, "That's so good, send you 3,000 people, how?"

I sighed: "The Royal Forest Army is strong, but the wood show is in the forest, the wind will destroy it. The Yanlong Army, the Xia Junjun, the Fire Axe Army, and the Wild Thunder Army have already looked at us. It is only 3,000 people can't resist them. Iron rides, Fiona, we are friends, I can't let your family go to death in vain."

Fiona stunned her eyes: "The 5000 Dark Moon Spirit, you guys, don't get in the way..."

I nodded: "Well, 5000 is 5,000 people, but I have received 5,000 Dark Moon Spirits. I will definitely report the character of Owen. The 12W Xia Junjun is in full pressure. I should let the 5000 Dark Moon Spirit Archers ambush outside the Chinese army. Resist them, don't know how long they can resist..."

Saying, I patted Fiona's exquisite shoulders and said, "But the Queen is relieved that I don't want to change the iron teeth. Even if your 5000 Dark Moon Spirit is not enough to kill the Xia Junjun's charge, I must also let the Yulin Army make every effort to cover their retreat, and never let the lovely Dark Moon sisters have one less hair!"

Fiona stared at me with a pair of stars, blinked and said, "They lost to you... 1W, never more, this is my greatest power, giving you 1W Dark Moon Spirit army, But you must swear to treat them well and protect them. If there is another thing that the Dark Moon Girl is insulted by humans, I will definitely find you!"

I am ecstatic in my heart, but my face is not vivid, saying: "Fiona, you can rest assured, I will be kind to these dark moon spirits, and I will be a camp for them alone, to appoint you, and to send me a A good five-bar captain will be fine!"

Fiona is somewhat puzzled, but she has to say: "Well!"

After that, Fiona turned and shouted loudly: "Jura, come over!"

Soon after, a young girl in the dark moon spirits flew in, a light armor, calm and calm on his face, and a sultry glow on his longbow, saying: "Queen, what are you looking for?" ”

Fiona said: "Our dark moon spirits have always had a good news, and the Guardian Li Liyao adults helped us find new homes, so I decided to donate 10,000 Dark Moon Spirits to join the Yulin Army, which was personally dispatched by Li Xiaoyao. You are acting as the conductor of this 1W Dark Moon Spirit. From now on, you will directly obey the adult of Li Xiaoyao, do you know?"

This girl, who is called "Ji Luo" did not ask much, and nodded directly: "Yes, Queen, Li Xiaoyao, what is the order?"

I groaned: "For the time being, don't clean up the beasts in the Zizhu forest!"



When the setting sun sets, the beasts in the Zizhu forest have been cleared up. The first batch of grain of the Yulin Army has also been shipped, and 50 warships have been dispatched to listen to Queen Fiona. In the middle of the night, a ship The warships filled with the Dark Moon Girl are coming from the North Sea, and I am also very curious about how these Dark Moon Spirits multiply. As a result, I heard from Jurassic that the Dark Moon Spirit will turn the spring water into a prayer. Shengquan, and the woman who wants to have a child enters the holy spring to bathe and sleep for a night, and then she will have a pregnancy.

I am very skeptical about this. I always feel that the so-called God may be an old hooligan, but it seems that it is not appropriate to think carefully. It can make hundreds of thousands of dark moon spirits pregnant. This ability is too far into the sky!

In addition, the Dark Moon Lingyin has carried a lot of storage food, and there are many things like the blacksmith furnace. The bow of the Dark Moon Spirit is made by oneself. The craftsmanship of the high elves is not comparable to that of ordinary human artisans. In this way, the migration of hundreds of thousands of Dark Moon Spirits was quickly completed, and the Yulin Army almost spared no effort to help. Finally, in the middle of the night, Jurassic returned to the Yulin Military Camp with the 1W Dark Moon Girl and immediately On the crowd, and I also ordered in public, who dares to marry the dark moon girl, do not hesitate!

The actual time is already in the afternoon. Think about it carefully. I feel that this is not a problem. I immediately ordered that the entire army of the Yulin Army go to Tianzhu City. The 2W barbarian knife shield camp is outside the city. 2W iron rides are all launched, 1W name. The Dark Moon Spirit filled all the arrow pots with arrows, and stood silently behind the barbarian knife shield camp.

Then, recalling the war horse, walking into the city of Tianzhu, walking with Han Yuan and Xiao Li, and then reaching out to remove the Zhennan general token from the waist, which made Han Yuan very puzzled: "General, you are ?"

I am expressionless: "This time in order to rescue the Dark Moon Spirit, we are in direct conflict with the Dragon Army and defy the king, I have only one way to go - pay the token to plead guilty!"

Han Yuan was shocked: "What, you have to resign from the position of the general? General, you said that we will take us to guard the city of Tianzhu!"

Xiao Li couldn't help but smile: "Han Yuan, don't need to ask, just follow the grown-up."

Han Yuan: "..."

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