Zhan Long

Chapter 862: Attack horn

At night, the stars are full of sky, the dew is silent and nourishes everything on the earth. The five legions camped on the plains, and the players did not go to the city immediately. Many of them went offline and rested. The body is the cost of fighting, and there is not enough sleep. The combat power will be greatly reduced, and there is no NPC army to help, I am afraid that it will take a lot of trouble to attack the city. The advantage of NPCs is that they have all kinds of heavy artillery and siege equipment, but the players rarely have This kind of prop, perhaps the last volume of my Mohist five-volume purple Lei car is one?

Look at the parcel, piled up a lot of decomposed and obtained the soldiers, the previous combat power is not directly decomposed after getting the equipment, so the skills of Shen Bing, Xuanwuchi, Qinglong and even the release are no problem.

Stars are shining, I am walking in the south of the camp of the Royal Forest, and there is a temporary resting place for the dragon. Some players clean up the monsters around. Li Mu ordered the people of the loyalty camp to stay in the camp to prevent the Indian players from attacking the night. The players have already taken off the rest of the line. On the vast plains, the Chinese players and the camps of the NPC army stretched for ten miles without exaggeration. The bonfires are shining and spectacular. In the face of such camps, it is estimated that the Indian theater will be attacked by the night. Nothing.

"Command, why not rest?" Han Yuan suddenly came out of the camp.

I nodded: "Go to rest right away, why don't you sleep?"

Han Yuan laughed and patted the wine gourd at the waist and said, "The locusts are swearing. I went to the military squad to borrow some meat and meat. If I don't eat anything, I really can't sleep."

I smiled slightly: "Well, drink less, and send more people around to scout and be prepared."


Looking at Han Yuanyuan, I immediately opened the thousands of frost wings, and the ice awns lingered in my body under the stars, suddenly condensed into a pair of ice wings, the next moment I had already risen to the ground and flew directly to hundreds of meters. The sky, overlooking the earth, this time is even clearer. The camp in the Chinese theater is like a sleeping dragon squatting on this strange land, and in the far distance is a city that is watching us in the dark. - Fire Elephant City, the most solid barrier in the Indian theater!

Confirm that there are no maps that pose a deadly threat to us. The rivers of Heishui River are too few and have no high advantage, so we can't attack our waters. The jungles on the plains are not too lush, mostly low. The shrubs, so the fire attack is also impossible, plus the camp area is too large, to confirm the safety, just went to sleep with Lin Biaoer, Dongcheng Yuexia.

On the first day of the national war, there was not much success.

Lying in bed, I closed my eyes and calmed down my thoughts. At the same time, I also thought about the situation of the national war. Qingluo Tumo and Fenglin drunk did not lead the players to fight hard with us, but they retired. The intention is too obvious, forcing us to attack the city and fight against it. This shows that the strength of the fire elephant city may indeed exceed our imagination, but there is no way for the players in the Chinese theater, we can only be with them. The battle of the fire elephant city, the imperial edict of the Owen Great Emperor has already come down, we will definitely not be able to eat and go, and the national war system has been triggered, the players will not be willing, can only take a step to see.

Slowly immersed in a dream, even dreaming of nothing can not be remembered.


When I woke up, the bright sunshine outside the window sprinkled on the white sheets. I stretched my arm and sat up. I looked at the things in the room, but I felt very clear. It seemed that after entering the realm of Yangyan, my eyesight improved. A lot, and the sensitivity of the sense of consciousness and the sea is also greatly improved. It is necessary to concentrate on eliminating the unwanted noises and light, but it is not a big problem for me. In fact, I also know My spiritual field has long since broken through the sun, but the degree of physical exercise has not kept up, until the battle with Ouyangchuan truly broke through the imperial limit, so that I just stepped into the sun. After that, I almost had the mid-level repair of Yang Yan. In time, I am afraid that no one will be my opponent under the whole world.


Outside the door, Lin Biaoer’s sweet voice was heard: “Dear, get up, go to the fight after breakfast!”

I can't help but smile: "Well, come right now!"

After getting out of bed, I walked out of the room and found that everyone was there. At 8 o'clock in the morning, Lin Yier, Dong Chengyue and Tang Qi were sitting at the table, and even Qin Wen was still there.

"Qin Wenjie has not yet gone to work?" I sat down and asked after receiving a bowl of porridge from Lin Biaoer.

Qin Wen has already worn a pair of women's uniforms. She smiled and said: "Isn't this dress worn? After you finish eating, you will have time to go to work at nine o'clock. If you are late, it doesn't matter. Who makes me? The general manager..."

I pulled my mouth and didn't speak. But Tang Qi smiled and said: "Li Xiaoyao, do you think we can get down to the city like this today?"

"I don't know..." I answered the truth.

Tang Qi touched his nose: "Rely on, the tyrannical dragon lord and the Guardian army commander actually said that they don't know, then I really don't know who can master the initiative of this war."

I can't help but smile: "Tang Qi, do you think I really are so important?"

Tang Qi stunned and said: "Yes, anyway, ask the sword to say that. He said yesterday that the war between China and India, the heroes, the Prague, the trial may only be a boost, but can really dominate. This war is the dragon and the garrison."

I shouted: "Is the sword so high that I want to harm me? The Imperial Army is also a 10W person. The dragon is only 4W, and the 14W people in this area are counted in this tens of millions of wars. A wool, and I am also everywhere, the fire axe army Luo Yan, Zi Lingjun Xia Houren and even Yan Longjun's Xu Wei are O'Neill's people, this emperor is jealous of me everywhere, I simply do not open hands and feet. ”

Tang Qi smiled and said: "Isn't there still Princess Perry to support you? We can all see that this imperial princess is quite interesting to you, you can be careful, don't be fooled by her as an East Bed Hummer, that Lin Biaoer Missy can definitely make you can't eat and go!"

I can't help but laugh: "Don't be kidding. This is the game, NPC is definitely not going to have this relationship with the players, and the destiny company is also abhorrent to this kind of thing, otherwise, with the technical ability of the company, you think Can't players do something in the game... cough?"

Tang Qi touched his nose: "Yes..."

Lin Biaoer’s eyes are beautiful: “Stupid, what do you mean by coughing, how can I not understand?”

Qin Wen teased and said: "Is it pretending to not understand?"

Lin Biaoer suddenly became a red face, and she didn't know what to say. She was carrying her cousin: "Sister, you don't help me at all. Is it still hurting me?!"

Qin Wen smirked: "Okay, okay, I will give you some delicious snacks when I get back from work in the evening. When I can compensate you, my sister can't hurt you, you can fight the country, many young people in our company. The staff are crazy fans of the game, and have been paying attention to this national war. Everyone is cheering, I am going to work hard!"

Qin Wen went to work, we also finished eating things and returned to our room on the line. After a long time, the battle to attack the city like fire has already started.



Appeared on the top of the Huoyun Plain, the surrounding NPC army has already been deployed. The players of Xiaolong are already ten miles away. I hurriedly summoned the sacred dragon horse and waited until Lin Biaoer got on the line and pulled me into my arms. With his girlfriend, he rushed to the distance, while Dongcheng Yue patted his wings and flew up. The more he chased the farther, the speed of the wind elf was obviously not comparable to that of the gods and dragons.

There were endless players all over the place, and the heavy artillery of one door continued to move forward under the push of the heavy camp. Some of the soldiers of the Royal Forest Army saw the respectful marching ceremony immediately after me: "Mastering the adults!"

I nodded and went on.

Soon after, the city of Fire Elephant appeared on the plain. The area of ​​this city is not too big. It is square and square, and the length and width are about 15 miles. The wall is very high, and it is covered with red things. It is the effect of pouring red copper. These poured red copper can greatly reduce the damage caused by the shelling, so the distance in the city looks like a red-hot war elephant on the plain, on both sides of the city. They are all high walls, and then spread to the mountains, becoming an arched natural danger, waiting for a strong enemy to attack in the distance.

Under the city, the players and NPCs of Scorpio City are arrayed about 2 miles away from the city, so that they can avoid the damage of the stone-throwing car on the city. Everyone is gearing up, but no one immediately attacks. Ma Li is under the king's banner. Her intention is very obvious. Waiting for the equipment such as the fire rock cannon and the dragon crystal cannon to go to war, otherwise it will be too bad.

I urged the horse to come to the position of Xiaolong. Li Mu, Wang Hao, Matcha and others are waiting for the order. Some of them are eager to try. They laughed and said: "When are we going to attack? It seems that the wall is not very thick. Look like it should be able to attack it? If we have made a fire in the city, is it supposed to be the first city under the game?"

I couldn't help but smile: "That depends on the rest of the national war zone. Let's not lighten the enemy, match the tea, check out how many people in the city like the fire, now?"

Matcha blinked and said: "System tool detection and detection on the Indian Theater Forum, now there are at least 1500W players and 200W NPC troops in the city, plus civilians in the city, this city has at least 2000W people. Above."

Song Han couldn't help but scream: "Hey, 2000W people are crowded in such a fart city, really can't imagine."

Matcha laughed: "It is impossible in reality. There are not so many plantings and livestock land that can't be raised. In the game... In fact, many NPCs are set to not eat. If they are all crowded together, 1×1 Counting a person in the code, this city can hold hundreds of millions of people, indicating that the city can still move in the footsteps..."

Lin Biaoer jumped from my arms and took the dagger to the front line and said, "It seems that the people in the Indian theater have already squandered all the power, and they intend to fight with us in the city of Fire. It’s so smart, even if it’s a fight for a city like Fire, I want to let the 2000W people from the Chinese war zone hang up once, which is obviously a long-lasting battle!”

I smiled a little: "Let's wait, let's see if we give them a chance to fight for a long time!"


At this time, the horn sounded in the distance, that is the horn of the attack of Tianzhu City!

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