Zhan Long

Chapter 864: Fire granary

The main force of the dragon retreats nearly 1000 meters, and they are recovering their blood. This process is not too fast or too slow, but at this time it seems that there are too few people hanging the pot. The Dragon Crystal Cannons and the Brakes of Tianzhu City have also arrived and arrived, and the Dragon Crystal cannon roared and smashed with the Imperial Army of the Fire Cloud.


I stood in the crowd and canceled the effect of the thousand-winged wings. It was not that I couldn’t afford a second of gold coins, but it was so eye-catching that it would make people feel uncomfortable.

Not far away, a ride flies, it is the marshal Xu Wei of this Nanzheng, he looked at me standing in the rear of the dragon and the Yulin army, could not help but sigh: "Li Xiaoyao command, you this What does it mean, the whole army is already attacking the city at a rapid speed, why does Li Xiaoyao’s commander do nothing in the rear of the Chinese army?"

Aside, the dragon that is wrapping the wound can't help but frown. "Xu Shuai, why are you so aggressive? Don't you see that our commander is the first person to rush to the city? Penalty and the empire of the fire cloud The man has already regarded the commander and his government soldiers as stabs in the eyes, and the Imperial Army is also the same. The damage is extremely heavy. Isn’t it a time to rest for us? If you have no eyes, you should also see that there are still a lot of people on the side of the city. The Yulin army fought in the **** battle? Retreat 10,000 steps, we are leading the adults, even if it is a policy, sitting in the Chinese army can also be able to strategize, although you are a marshal, but do not want to add sin."

Xu Wei snorted: "Dragon, you seem to have forgotten that you used to be Yan Longjun!"

Long Hao put down the wrapped shoulders and lifted a long gun. He smiled slightly: "Not Xu Shuai, the only thing I remember is that I am an Imperial soldier, not a person!"


Xu licked his lips and looked at me and said, "General Li, in fact, this handsome is not to blame you, but at this time you must take the bang to attack the city of fire, otherwise we will fall into a long battle, We traveled from Tianzhu City, and the grain and grasslands were not rich. If we were trapped in this fire, the consequences would be unimaginable."

I turned over and pulled out the dragon pond sword again, saying: "Xu Shuai, if you really think that we can't fight here for a long time, why not be cautious, to confirm whether the grain and grass route from Tianzhu City is safe? If I It is a person who is like a city of fire. I will secretly send troops to attack the grain and grass of Tianzhu City. As long as the army of Tianzhu City has no grain, it will be unwilling to fight again after a hungry day."

"do not worry!"

Xu Wei’s mouth is rising: “I’m not a soldier, but I’m not a soldier, but I’ve been using it for a long time. I understand that I understand, rest assured, our food is very safe, enough to support the 50W army here. Month, and the direction of Tianzhu City and the generals of General Xia Houren are raising food and grass."

I nodded and smiled: "That's good!"

Pulling the reins of the sacred dragon horse, I looked at a group of players from the Yulin Army and Xiaolong. The loud voice: "Brothers, continue to fight again, and fight off the ammunition and arrows in the city. This grandson is almost sending troops. Go out of town and fight with us!"

Li Mu haha ​​smiled: "I think so too. As long as their arrows and shells are finished, the NPC will definitely play to ease the damage to the city. The NPC army will come out and the players will come out. At that time our chance will come!"

"Well, come on!"


When the arm sinks and the blade is lowered, the horse rushes out. The force of a group of dragons is once again killed in the city, but the firepower on the city is still very fierce. The arrows, magic, and ammunition of the player are inexhaustible. In fact, this battle is not a long-lasting battle. For the time being, only the first guild of the city’s phoenix forest is drunk and led by everyone, but the most taboo of the Qing dynasty has not yet appeared, which always makes people I feel faint uneasiness in my heart.

Although the situation in the Indian theater is not very well understood, I am also very clear that the "World of War" guild established by Fenglin Drunk is the first ace guild, but Fenglin is only the second person in the IBN Battle Network, the real Indian theater. One person is Qingmoo Tuo Mo, although it is a woman, but the fighting strength and personal wisdom displayed by Qingyi Tuo Mo is the victory over Feng Lin. If Feng Lin is a king of the squadron, it is clear. Tumo is a true queen with both mind and spirit.

It is precisely because of this that Qingbi Tuo Mo and her guild "beautiful life" have not appeared, which makes me feel very uneasy, what is she doing, what is she planning?

The only thing that I can think of is that there are three goals for Qingming Tuo Mo, one is Tianzhu City, which directly bypasses Huoxiang City from Huoyuncheng, and attacks Tianzhu City to surround Wei to save Zhao. The other is the fire rock of the Five Legion. Guns, dragon crystal cannons, sneak attack on these heavy weights can crush the army of Tianzhu City, and finally the grain of Tianzhu City, sneak attack on our grain, basically can win.

While slashing the players in the Indian area who rushed down the city, they are still thinking about it carefully. If Qingyin Tuo Mo people take people to attack Tianzhu City, it is a matter of Fang Songyu and rumors. It has nothing to do with me. The Dragon Crystal Cannon and the Fire Rock Cannon are now on the front line. It is impossible to attack. It is only the last possibility. We attack our food. Now it is the evening in the game. It will enter the night and stay up all night. Grain is the best.


As soon as my heart sank, I immediately raised the sword to the camp of the Yulin Army and shouted: "Xiao Li, give it to me!"

In the crowd, Xiao Li rushed out with a long gun with blood, and shouted: "Adult, what? The war is urgent..."

I bite my teeth and say, "Where is our grain hoard?"

"What happened to the adults on the banks of the Black River?"

Me: "I suspect that people in the city of Fire will be assigned troops. We are not prepared to sneak into the granary of the Tianzhu City on the edge of the Black River."

"Not very likely!" Xiao Li said: "First of all, the road leading to the fire city of Heishui River has been blocked by us. Secondly, at least the granary of the Black River has our 2W soldiers guarding the city. Again, the fire The elephant city has been blocked by us, and where will they come from?"

"There may be other passes."

"That way from that road to the granary? These official roads and trails are all our people..."

"If they attacked the ship from the Black River?"


Xiao Li suddenly stunned, rounded his eyes, and there was a hint of sorrow in his eyes: "I... I actually thought about this less, heaven... It’s really dangerous to say that our granary is!"

I nodded: "You immediately take the 1W Yulin Army cavalry to speed up the granary at full speed. It is best not to be attacked. If you are attacked, you should try to reduce the loss. The speed is fast. Go now!"


A few minutes later, Xiao Li ordered, and Yulin’s 10,000 iron riders had already left the city.

Soon after, the commander came to summon, and I immediately went to the Chinese army.

Princess Pei sat in the handsome account center, Xu Yi stood aside, and shouted: "Li Xiaoyao, the siege war is fierce, why did you suddenly leave the 1W cavalry of the Yulin army to leave the battlefield?"

I said faintly: "I suspect they are about to attack our granary."


Xu Wei whispered: "Our granary has been foolproof. You don't need to worry about anything. But you have so many people at this time, is there a heart?"

I looked up at Pei: "His Royal Highness, say something to me!"

Pei smiled slightly: "Xu Shuai does not have to worry, I trust General Li Xiaoyao, what he wants to do, I support unconditionally!"


When I turned around, I walked out of the handsome account, and my heart was more worried. I said in the guild channel: "Li Mu, Wang Hao, suspend the siege, you take the main cavalry of 1W Xiaolong with me, let's take a look at the granary of NPC. How is it, I always feel that something is going to happen!"

Li Mu: "Okay, after five minutes, the assembly is over!"

When I arrived at the Nine Dragons position from the Chinese military account, our 1W cavalry had already assembled, and immediately set off, the sunset had fallen, and the stars fell on the road, like a layer of frost.

The cavalry galloped and arrived at Heishui River in about 30 minutes, but I also felt too slow. There were too many variables in this half hour. As a result, when we approached the granary, we saw the distant fire. The grain of Tianzhu City was really sneaked and burned together.

On the bank of the river, fighting is taking place. The Yulin army led by Xiao Li is slashing a group of Huoyun Empire soldiers who have returned from the granary, and in the middle of the river is a warship. The warships are all soldiers of the Huoyun Empire. There are a few warships that are full of players, and they have a lot of credit for the burning of Tianzhu City.


I rushed the sword and smashed the past. After cutting off a few NPCs, the horses stopped at the river bank. The dense arrows on the ship made me unable to get close. On a recent warship, a woman with a bright-eyed woman stood in her armor. There, with the bow and arrow in his hand, it is the Qing dynasty and the ink, a beautiful Chinese charm. It is said that she is a mixed Chinese and Indian, and now I am smiling at me, eating and laughing: "The Royal Forest commander is free, goodbye. Just!"

Li Mu gritted his teeth: "Lord, are we going to kill?"

"no need……"

I sighed: "We don't have a boat, we can only catch people's bows and arrows."

Xiao Li rolled his saddle and squatted on the ground: "To lead the adults, we... We are late, the granary is almost burned out, and only a few distant granaries are spared."

I gnawed my teeth: "This is not your business. Which arsonist is the army of Huoyuncheng?"

Xiao Li Shen said: "It is the person led by Jiang Yan, the leader of the Huoyun Empire Fire Corps. Their cavalry is also on the battleship. There are a total of 30 battlefields, and 3,000 heavy cavalry straddle our granaries. The royal horse is not an opponent at all."

I nodded: "Well, I know... I havetened to order people to go to Tianzhu City to raise food."

"it is good!"


At this time, a message came from Lin Biaoer: "How is the granary burned?"

"Well, you all know?"

"Yes, give me a military power!"


"Give it..."

"it is good!"

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