Zhan Long

Chapter 871: If the bird is poor, then the beast is poor.

As the sun sets, the dense iron rides gallop to the city of Fire. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the city of Fire seems to have been infected with a layer of blood. In fact, the city is indeed surrounded by blood. In order to capture the city, Players in China and India have not damaged the players, and the total number of damages has been at least 10 million.

Looking far away, the fire is like a smoke in the city. It should not be a fire-blood gun, a fire-red cloud of dragon crystals. Looking at my confused look, Lin Biaoer laughed in my arms and immediately laughed: "Ask the sword The surprise attack was successful. Last night, we used over a million players to take the initiative to attack. It attracted the attention of the players in the city and the NPC army. Some of the assassins who sent out the sword sent a successful sneak into the city, and then fired the elephant. The seven granaries in the city were burned, and the smoke has not been scattered."

I am happy in my heart and said: "When the sword is really not disappointing players in China, as long as the granary of the fire elephant city is burned, basically this city belongs to us. According to the time of our rest, the game time has passed two It’s a day, the fire is like so many NPC troops in the city, there must be no food, maybe it’s already killing the horses.”

On the side, Wang Hao raised his sword and nodded. He nodded and smiled: "Yes, we have got the news. The Qingyun Legion of the Huoyun Empire, the Wind Legion, the Autumn Leaves, etc. have begun to kill the horses as military food, but in the city. There are too many people in the station. The NPC army is at least 40W. The horses can't satisfy the food needs of the 40W army, and the NPC cavalry in the city will be greatly reduced. Can't compare with Tianzhu City."

The fire dragon ride, the iron blade ride, and the Yulin army iron ride passed over the battlements. When we passed through the battlements, the front line was already the dense line of the Tianzhu City players and the army. They had surrounded the fire elephant city three floors. The three-story, and the slinger of the remote equipment is also constantly banging the wall, waiting for the counterattack of the players in the city and the NPC.

Came to the front of the dragon's position, the fox led the people stationed here, and smiled and said: "Li Xiaozi, you finally came back, hey, have already killed the Qing dynasty, but not?"

I smiled and said: "The news is very well-informed?"

"The nonsense, all said in the guild, I am not a blind man and a blind man."


"Don't laugh, you can use the dragon crystal cannon to directly kill the Qing dynasty, although it is a great achievement, but it really provokes this woman in the true sense. Qingy Tuo Mo in the forum of the Indian theater. A post is a declaration of war against our dragons. It is claimed that even if we lose the city of fire, we will inevitably kill our dragons and destroy them!"

Song Hanjian raised his eyebrows and smiled: "When you come, come and post any posts, we are waiting for her to clear the ink to the full extent!"

I smiled a little and didn't talk, but Qingy Tuo Mo blamed all the deaths in Bai Mulin on Xiaolong. This is really not a good thing. The national war is going on, I also hope that everyone in Xiaolong can I have won a lot of national warfare points in exchange for a high return, but now I am being stared by the powerful little woman of Qingmoo Tumo, which is not a good thing.

Turning to the horse slowly moved to the south gate of the fire elephant city, this is their passage to the city of Huoyun, and the other gates also go out to kill the thicker encirclement to break through, if I am they must It will break out from the south gate, while the south gate is responsible for the Yanlong Army and the Yulin Army. It is also the two strongest military forces on the expedition.


On the wall, the army of the Huoyun Empire seems to be tired and weak. Many people are setting up iron pots on the wall of the city. They are cooking cowhide boots to fill their hunger. This is really hungry. Even I can hear the sound of "Dangdang." "The bones are squeaking, some soldiers are shaving the shredded pork on the bones of the horses to fill the hunger, and some have crushed the bones to swallow them, but the taste must not be good, almost all the archers in the city are responsible for defense." Sitting on the ground, no one is taking the lead, only the players are still there.

The sacred dragon horse slowly came to the middle army account, and the middle army account was facing the south gate. It also means that the other party wants to break through and must kill our middle army account. Princess Pei is sitting in the middle army account. When I saw my arrival, I smiled and flew up on my face: "Li Xiaoyao’s command is finally here!"

I nodded: "His Royal Highness, how is the situation?"

Pei said: "This is the third day of their food breakage. Most of them can't help it. The army of more than 50W people can't stay longer without replenishment."

Luo Wei sneered: "If the guess is good, maybe after they have finished eating the horses, they will kill the craftsmen and slaves in the city to cut the meat for food."

I couldn't help but shudder: "No?"

Luo Weidao: "There has never been such a precedent. The history of the Imperial Expedition was more than once. Just like Locke’s expedition to the Lingyue City of the Moon Empire 17 years ago, Lingyue City was surrounded by the 11th, and the turf in the city was dawned. Beginning to kill people for food, first the husband and the craftsman, the climate is the groom, and finally the woman. After the break of the city, the Lingyue City of 30W population was eaten by only 7W people, and then the Grand Emperor ordered all the light!"

I frowned and didn't speak.

Xu Wei looked at me: "General Li will not feel too cruel? The war is like this. It is not that you are dead or that I live. In order to win, any means can be used and it is reasonable."

I don't want to be entangled with these two people. I said to Pei: "Your Highness, the city of fire will not last longer. Even if the army of the Huoyun Empire does not kill, their tens of millions of adventurers will not Will continue to wait, immediately ordered, the Chinese military account is always at risk of being broken."

Peier raised her eyebrows and smiled. "It seems that you have an idea?"

I nodded: "Well, our former army and the Chinese army resisted their breakout offensives, but don't resist too long, the loss will be aggravated. Let's deliberately let go of a road and let the army of the Huoyun Empire rush south. I have seen The map, here to the south is a valley, called the Valley of Fire, the entire canyon resembles a giant elephant. We have all the artillery and dragon crystal cannons erected on the two wings of the Valley of Fire, and then ambush the archers and the swords and shields on both sides of the valley. Ten miles stretches are our battlefields. We shot and killed this group of defeated troops according to their high superiority. The Huojun army of the Huoyun Empire has been killed by the whole army. We are fighting to eliminate the Qingliu Legion, the Tianqu Army, and the Wind Legion in this battle. The Autumn Leaves Legion, killing all the main legions, and seeing what Huoyuncheng relies on to resist our subsequent attacks!"

Pei smiled happily: "Okay, it's what I want!"

Luo Wei frowned: "Since we can trap them in the fire like a city to kill the light, then why should they let them out? Li Xiaoyao, Ben Hou feels that your strategy is not proper, obviously can be blocked, but deliberate Indulgence is simply stupid!"

I felt a little annoyed in my heart. I looked at Luo Wei and said in one sentence: "Although I don't know much about the art of war, I also know that the bird is poor, the beast is poor, and the city of Fire is still there. At least 40W people's army, the whole army assault, even if we can kill them, we must at least lose more than half, it is better to give them a hopeful way of life, slowly consuming them along the way, so as to minimize our own losses. ""

Luo Wei gnawed his teeth: "You are just a clever word..."

Peier seems to be somewhat unhappy, saying: "Forbidden, you are just a pioneering general. It seems that the tactics are still not up to you to blame? Even if the accusation is also the commander of the Marshal Xu Wei, General Xu Wei, you think that Li’s strategy is Question?"

Xu Wei holds a fist: "It makes sense. At the end, there will be no fault."

"Well, according to the plan, send troops to ambush on both sides of the fire like valley, and the rest of the troops are concentrated in the south gate, ready to meet the battle of the beasts of the fire elephant city!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"


As a result, the opponent's attack time is earlier than ours. When the Yulin Army sent 2W people to ambush in the Valley of Fire, there were already players in the city like the city directly jumping down from the city, which would increase their speed of sending troops. The gates of the city also opened up. Countless people came out under the gates of the big city. First of all, the cavalry of the Qingliu regiment, about 20,000 people. After that, they were all the infantry and squadrons. It was difficult for them to have at least 10W. The cavalry was eaten with only 2W left, and at least the impact of the cavalry was no longer the rival of the Scorpio City.

Soon after, there were a large number of people gathered under the fire elephant city, about 200 meters away from our position. I took the sword out of the middle army account, came to the position of Xiaolong, pulled out the dragon pool sword, whispered: "Basic strategy It’s just here to resist a while, and when they get the strongest morale, we will retreat to the Valley of Fire, give them a way, and then chase it!”

Everyone has pulled out the blade, a large group of fire dragons, iron blade riding swords, and morale is booming.

The next moment, two cannons, the light of the dragon crystal cannon broke out in the crowd of the Yanlong army, tearing up a group of Yanlong army soldiers into a crush, and the fire on the city side, Fenglin drunk and Baililun almost Together, they raised their swords and the Chinese players who were facing Tianzhu City screamed: "Kill!"

The battle of the beastly beast is finally here!

My Jianfeng swayed and immediately rushed out with a dragon ride. This is a great opportunity to win the national war points. The dragon dragon cavalry moves faster and faster, colliding with the opponent's players, and the judgment is good. Sweeping and cutting in, and the battle line over 10 miles below the city is a mess, dust and smoke cover the sky, the war is indeed like a steel wheel, not crushed by the will of anyone, the countless dead, no one People can have the power to reverse.

The dragon front line maintains a complete compilation. I and Li Mu, Wang Hao, and Matcha are commanding each other. Each time they step into the 100 meters, they will retreat. Then they will continue to make a sudden increase. They will always keep a small loss to attack the opponent. In our close to this, Under the rogue tactics, the Indians have no choice. Several major guilds have no choice but to circumvent us and go straight to the position of thousands of people. However, thousands of people still have at least 2W greedy wolves riding in the city of Fire, presumably India. People can't make any money in their hands.

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