Zhan Long

Chapter 874: Unruly

Under the effect of thousands of frosted wings, I flew over the sky, the clouds flowed under my feet, and the dragon pool sword in my hand was full of sultry luster. Looking down, the terrain of the entire battlefield was already in my field of vision, but it was not very Clear, the front of the fire elephant valley is a vast plain called "Luoyanyuan". There are some sparsely drawn forests on the plains. The forests are home to birds such as wild geese. In the north of Luoyanyuan, there is a row of towering towers. The peaks of the clouds, the typical karst terrain, are like the stone forests of Kunming, but the stone mountains are very high, at least 300 meters. The name of the mountain peak is displayed on the map, called "Tianping Mountain", which is also appropriate. Like a mountain that connects the sky, it is thin and steep.

Above the earth, the NPC army and players from Tianzhu City have been sent to the army, and the horses and horses swayed the earth. Everyone has stepped into the wild geese. Unfortunately, my vision in the clouds is only less than 1,000 meters. I can't see it. I can only see the dust in the distance. Huoyuncheng has more than 4,000 W players. They can't give up so easily, and the number of these people is far more than the number of people expedition. It’s just that the level of precision is a lot worse.

The monster resources of Huoyuncheng are not as rich as those of Tianzhu City, but the players are more than us, so that the resources that each person can get are much less. The equipment bursts out and the skills are not as good as Chinese players, but there are also like The top players like Ink and Fenglin drunk can still make themselves a world-class player in their barren main city by their own strength.


Did not land, then watched the fire axe army, Yu Linjun, Yan Longjun and so on quickly rushed into the fall Yanyuan, Li Mu, asked Jian, Yan Zhao unparalleled, Ye Lai and others with the dragon, heroes, Prague, trials and other guilds Quickly sneak into the wild geese, sweeping the monsters in the wild geese all the way, the soldiers front pointed to Huoyuncheng, but I know that the people in Huoyuncheng will not let us approach so easily, and my heart is also faintly disturbed. It’s too quiet. If I am clearing the ink, I won’t let the people in the Chinese theater drive straight into the city of Huoyun. However, what I can’t understand is what is going on in the Qing Dynasty and what map she plans to map on. Block us?

Soon after, Li Mu in the front row of the queue suddenly looked up at me in the sky: "The lord, their people appeared!"

I saw it more realistically. In front of the falling wild geese, the densely populated Indian theater people appeared. Among them, there was an acquaintance. It was a thunderous bear that was killed by us in the Valley of Fire. The bear was angry and carried a battle axe. The players behind them are the main players of Huoyuncheng. They are already waiting for us. However, I have not seen the NPC army in the Indian theater. The Qingliu Legion and the Wind Legion have many troops. Where have they gone? ?

The ground has already killed the sound, Li Mu and others led the fire dragon ride, the iron blade ride rushed out, the Chinese confederations of the major guilds are not slow, our number is only half of the other party, but the morale is rainbow, and the degree of precision It is also far better than the opponent, so there is nothing wrong with the charge. After all, the odds are broken, but the real killing of the opponent is still the collision of the frontal battlefield.

Thousands of frosted wings trembled a little, I leaned over and glided to the battlefield. The next moment, the town knife wrapped the force of the strong sanctuary in the crowd, the dragon pool sword shuttle, the bladed air back and forth in the crowd Killing, with Lin Biaoer, the moon is shallow, two MM quickly plunged into tens of meters, killing people in India, and the fire dragon ride, the iron blade ride also rushed to the past.

Even worse, the iron horse of the Yulin Army is also under the leadership of Han Yuan. The 2WNPC soldiers are extremely brave. Many of them have been upgraded to BOSS, especially Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Long Yu, Xia Ye and other generals. It is also the fairy-leading BOSS, and the lethality to players and NPCs is terrible.

At the rear of the Yulin Army, the 1W Dark Moon Spirit Archer began to face the opponents positively. The Jurassic commanded the girls to shoot the arrows again and again, and the players of the other side were blood-washed. At the same time, the Dark Moon Girl also gained experience and constantly upgraded. Under the protection of the knife and shield camp, they did not have any damage.


Ye Lai took the tomahawk to lead the trial of the Frost War sheep riding all the way to storm, brave and invincible, the heroic people are not idle, ask the sword's killing speed is not lost to anyone, a long sword seems to have life, Constantly swallowing the enemy players around, the hero behind him, the elite fire crystal ride also quickly rushed into the big map, the five-star red flag in front of the Chinese player ID almost became a red ocean, so it drowned the orange green camp in India .

The war near the massacre lasted for an hour, and my heart was getting more and more uneasy. Our camp continued to advance, and the players in the Indian theater used the price of blood to lure us deeper and deeper. Seeing the outline of Huoyuncheng, I am even more uneasy. I always feel that this battle is somewhat unfavorable.


Longchi sword was pumped out from the chest of a player, with hot blood. I flew off the ground and rushed to the direction of Wang Qi, where Princess Pei was, and swooped down to tens of meters. In front of Pei's war horse, she actually had been fighting in person, and there was blood flowing above the blade. A pair of alums looked at me and said: "Li Xiaoyao, what happened?"

I said, "Your Highness, we are going deeper and deeper. I always feel that we are in the middle of it. The enemy is using it. Let us step by step. There must be something waiting for us."

Pei stunned: "No... no?"

I am sure: "They didn't even defensively fight with us on the position, but they lost and lost. It is reasonable to say that people in Huoyuncheng are not weak. There is only one reason. They are obeying orders. Retreat."

The fire axe army commander sneer a sneer: "Is Li Xiaoyao commanding this is a battle? Is it ridiculous, the man who claims to be invincible in Tianzhu City will still be afraid of this group of lost helmets?"

I looked at him coldly and said, "I don't think too much about the ban. I don't have a fight. I just fear that the empire will lose too much of the main force. Your Highness, we have enough people to pursue, so I think that the cavalry should be ordered to pursue. Let the infantry battalion slow down, and then let some of the troops withdraw from the ghost **** to establish a camp. Unless our people directly arrive at the camp of Huoyuncheng, they should not act rashly."

Pei snorted and looked at Xu Wei and asked: "Xu Shuai, what do you mean?"

Xu Wei touched a few beards and smiled: "Li Tong is cautious in using the soldiers. This is also a good thing. There will be nothing to say at the end. It is all that goes under the command of the Highness."

Peier nodded: "Well, then according to Li’s remarks, each of the five major regiments will transfer half of the existing troops back, and only send half of the troops to pursue it!"

I quickly nodded: "Then I am going to order!"

He flew into the sky and reached the sky above the Yulin Army. He ordered the voice: "Han Yuan, Xiao Li!"

On the ground, two rushing squadrons are rushing to the horse, holding a fist: "What is the general?"

Me: "The order is passed down. The 1W man of the Dark Moon Spirit immediately retreats to the Ghost Slope. In addition, the barbarians of the Step Shield Camp are all withdrawn from the Ghost Slope."

Han Yuan stunned: "General, when will we not be chased after this time?"

Xiao Li was calm and calm, and he frowned and said: "Han Yuan, we are obedient to act, don't ask, just go and order!"

"it is good!"

Therefore, I actually retraced most of the troops of the Guards, and only let the cavalry charge in front. Once you encounter any danger, you will have to escape with mobility at any time, and I can be sure that something will happen. The wisdom of clearing up the ink is placed there. The Indian area has suffered so much losses in the white wood forest and the fire elephant valley. They have no reason not to put us together.


After the order, continue to fly forward to rush to the past, Longchijian, Zhenyue knife will fall into the crowd, my killings are very impressive, and even almost can be won, but I do not care about these many, Continue to rush forward, about an hour later, at the end of the fall geese, where there is a long hillside, the height of the hill is about 200 meters, while on the hillside is the dense Indian players and NPC army. Even Qingyi Tuo Mo, Feng Lin Drunk, Bai Lilun and others are there, and the central part of the mountain range is surrounded by a dragon crystal cannon, about 70 doors, which is already waiting.

"Hey, this grandson was hiding here!" He took the tomahawk and said: "When do we launch the charge, take these hills in one fell swoop, and get rid of the idiots of Fenglin?"

Fenglin was drunk in the Battle of Fire City and has already killed a lot of Chinese players, so the value of hatred against Chinese players is not high.

I looked up at the people above the mountain and bite my teeth: "I don't worry, I always feel that something is wrong."

Ye came to the tomahawk and grinned: "There is nothing wrong with them. They are no longer safe. The 200-meter peak is nothing. The **** is not big. Our cavalry can be flat. Killed it."

I pointed to: "There are many dragon crystal cannons?"

Yanzhao Wudao said: "Yes, these dragon crystal cannons are a big problem."

At this moment, suddenly a ring of bells retraced the sky, and finally, the war in the direction of the city of fire has been fixed, and the sub-primary city of this Indian theater has been captured by us -


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Tangmen Giant] (China) successfully destroyed the throne of [Fire Elephant City] (India) and chose the occupation mode to transfer the sovereignty of this sub-main city to the name of the Chinese theater. Moreover, the top three players in the battle of the fire elephant won the rewards respectively - the player [Happy" gets [Fire Helmet] (Ghost )), the player [Cangyue] gets [Mingxin Bracelet 】 (Ghost scorpion), the player [flower gun a pot of wine] get [melted knees] (ghost scorpion), the rewards of the remaining ranked players will also be issued together!


For a moment, the surrounding players brushed the golden light, many people have upgraded, I also upgraded a level, and also got a fire helmet, is a ghost device, but my hero helmet is Artifact level, so I threw the fire helmet to Li Mu, this product is also not polite, replied to give me a ring of Xianlin, this ring added a lot of blood and defense, I transferred to Li Mengyao, All are happy.

Chinese players are boiling, and they are leaping with the victory of the city like fire. At the same time, they are also murderous and ready to work on Huoyuncheng.

Just then, a drop of rain suddenly fell from the sky.

Qing Yan Tuo Mo looked up to the sky, let the rain fall on the white face, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a little, said: "It is time!"


I looked at Qingyi Tuoyuan far away, opened the map and glanced at it, but suddenly my heart trembled and asked: "Hey, check the weather in the days before Huoyuncheng, I remember... I didn't have it. ......"

Lin Yuer said: "There has been 7 days and 7 nights of heavy rain in the area of ​​Huoyuncheng."

"It's bad!" I took a long sword and my heart hurt.

"what happened?"

Li Mu, Wen Jian, Ye Lai and others all looked at me.

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