Zhan Long

Chapter 876: play hard

From the water in the plain of the end of the falling wild geese, Qing Tuo Tuo thought that the big map would not show this water area, so I thought of the strategy of attacking the Chinese theater in the water there. Over the terrain, know that the terrain under the Tianping Mountain is slightly higher than the rest of the area. The NPCs and players in the Chinese theater may choose to use it as a landing point, and then send people there to bury the explosives, and give us a heavy blow to Tianpingshan. !


Tianping Mountain is still falling down in the block. No one dares to go there to rescue the Chinese army. The handsome account of Marshal Xu Wei is naturally the meat mud under the Tianping Mountain. However, the player team constantly flocks to me and Pei. The Chinese army, Han Yuan and Xiao Li also came with the Yulin army iron. The cavalry was drowned by about 3,000 people, and the loss was acceptable.

The players of the guilds such as Heroes, Prague, and Judgment have come over, and the fleet led by Qingmoo Tumo on the lake has disappeared into the horizontal line. It seems to be giving up on our continued pursuit, and in fact wins this. After a move, the moves have been used old, and the clearing of the ink will not be stupid enough to feel that this time to attack our "sad soldiers."

Looking at the fireworks in the direction of Tianpingshan, Lin’s voice was a little trembling: “There is a lot of clear and clear ink... I really didn’t think she would be so embarrassed...”

Asked the sword to bite his teeth and cut his teeth: "This woman is the enemy of the first step, it is terrible!"

Yanzhao Wushuang holds a long sword and sits on the battle. He frowns: "Their dragon crystal cannon is not enough for Tianpingshan? How did it detonate those explosives?"

I sighed and said, "If there is no accident, it should be to let the living person detonate. Before we arrived, we had already sent people to ambush. We killed the fire in the Valley of Fire. At the time of clearing up the ink, I have already done all this, just waiting for us to get into it."

Yan Zhao’s unparalleled eyes passed a chill: “Let the living people detonate?”

Ye came to bite his teeth: "Well... a good woman, too unscrupulous!"

I smiled and said: "In order to achieve the goal, it seems that this is understandable. On the contrary, her opponent is really terrible. It is not so easy for us to attack the south of the city."

Asked the sword and said: "As long as we are step by step, I believe there is still a chance to win."

I nod: "Yeah."

Tang Qi said: "There is a piece of water in front of us. What do we do? Going around, or cutting down the wood to make some rafts in the past, or swimming directly, but they will definitely ambush the gun battalions and archers in the mountains to intercept. Ours is not easy."

Lin Yuer shook his head: "You don't have to build a raft, for up to two hours, these waters will naturally recede."

"Why is that so sure?" Tang Qi stunned.

Lin Biaoer smiled slightly: "The plains upstream of Luoyanyuan have accumulated so much rain, but there is nothing in the wild geese. This shows that there is a flood channel on the geese, otherwise it is already a lake."

Asked the sword to praise: "He is really smart!"

Lin Biaoer seems to be somewhat uncomfortable. He shook my hand and I smiled. I was deeply happy and happy to have such a considerate girlfriend.


As a result, Lin Biao’s expectation, the lake quickly subsided, and the woods appeared again in front of the eyes. According to the monthly shallow information, the nearby is a canyon, which led the water in the wild geese to the sea. Unfortunately, the mouth of the canyon is too Small, otherwise we will not suffer such losses.

In the army, all the people are mourning the war dead, and the excavation work under the Tianping Mountain has also progressed. It came from the flying newspaper and sent the soldiers: "General Li, the command of the Highness, let you go to the Chinese military !"

I hurriedly turned over and followed him, and arranged for the dragons to rest, and immediately prepared to launch the attack again.

In the middle of the army, a corpse lay there, covered with white cloth, a group of Yanlong officers and soldiers were crying there, one by one tears.

I frowned. "Is this?"

Pei said sadly: "Xu Shuai's body was discovered, he ... he has been killed in the Tianping Mountain..."

Xu Wei, killed in battle!

My heart sank, this is definitely a major blow. We have not yet arrived under the city of Huoyun. The marshal has already been killed, and it was killed by the design of Qingmo Tumo. Can you kill the expedition marshal in the Chinese theater by burying a pile of explosives?

When I stepped forward, I opened the white cloth and couldn't help but frown. Xu Wei's face was still good, but the part below the chin was directly hit by the boulder. It was almost a pile of meat, and it was a The Marshal of the Empire, but camped under the dangerous peaks of Tianping Mountain, is about the price.

Standing up, I said, "Your Highness please mourn, we are buried Xu Shuai and then enter the fire cloud city, or...?"

Pei said: "After burying Xu Shuai and the fallen soldiers, let's attack again. Maybe, let the adventurer play the first time?"

I nod. "This is fine."


Soon after, a large number of dead soldiers’ bodies were transported and buried in the dug craters. The dense bones made people feel unbearable, but this was a war, a cruel war.

Han Yuan personally placed a body with a martial arts soldier in a deep pit, and then led a group of Guards of the Imperial Army. The entire army of Tianzhu City brushed his ears and fell to the ground. Pei took a long sword and stepped forward. Standing in front of the spirit of the deceased, sang the battle song of the Scorpio City Empire with a twitching voice.

Tianzhu Zhaozhao, the brave man.

I swear by my loyalty and bury my bones.

Tianzhu Zhaozhao, the brave man.

With a belt, the soul keeps the country.

Han Yuan and others also sang together, although it was extremely ugly, but it was also very moving. After the burial of the fallen soldiers, it was already more than 6 o'clock in real time. I hurried off the line to accompany the two MMs after dinner and went online to continue the battle. Huoyuncheng, this national war will last for 7 days. It is necessary to win the Huoyuncheng within these 7 days. Otherwise, I don’t know when I can complete the goal that Lin Tiannan gave me.



When I appeared with Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue in the rear of the array, the front army and the players had already crossed the peak of the end of the wild geese. They summoned the sacred dragon horse and pulled Lin Biao into his arms. Dongcheng Yue patted his wings and fell in the air. On my shoulder, so her flight speed can almost catch up, the three people galloped away, a few minutes of galloping arrived at the mountain, when I walked up the mountain, I couldn't help but sigh, right side The lake has become a flat land. It is the water storage here that has caused us to lose many soldiers, and even the expedition marshal Xu Wei was killed by Tianpingshan.

In the forward direction, the dense players are already heading for Huoyuncheng, and behind them, many of the squatting camps of Tianzhu City are flipping through the hillsides. A frame of catapults, dragon crystal cannons, fire rock cannons, etc. want to carry the past. At the same time, almost everyone agreed with the power of the heavy artillery. We also ate a big loss for underestimating the number of fireworks in the city of Huoyuncheng. Although the dragon crystal cannon and fire rock cannon of Huoyuncheng were less than Tianzhucheng. However, it will never be too much. It seems that they have adopted the war-fighting type when they are developing. The development scale and planting level of the city are not as good as those of Tianzhu City, but they are not lost to the weapons in terms of weapons and equipment. Yucheng, Huoyuncheng is a war-oriented city, like a tiger lying in the south. We don’t razed the city of Huoyun this time. I am afraid that we will be razed to the ground in the future.

By the time I arrived at the city, many guilds in the city of Scorpio had already set aside for the war. The city of Huoyun was an isolated city, but it was not really lonely. There was a mountain behind it, and it covered about 50% of the city. Above, this also means that Huoyuncheng will be able to concentrate on defending the offense, but it also means that their replenishment will be cut off very easily. In fact, we have cut off all their supplies now, but Huoyuncheng operates For many years, the granary is rich, and the starvation tactics are useless. Even if the national war is 7 days, the end of the fire cloud city will not be hungry.

Under the city, full of Chinese players, after the battle, we still keep at least 1500W people under the city, but many of them are killed and continue to run again to participate in the war, the same is true of Huoyuncheng, the city is full The densely populated players are now full of players in this mighty main city. Compared to the city of Fire, the city of Huoyun is called the real first-class main city. There is also a reason for this. The walls are more rigid and there are many troops. The wall is full of dense people, and the dragon crystal cannon and the fire rock cannon are placed in a door. If we hardly rush, the loss is not destined to be less.



With a long sword, I walked into the position of Xiaolong. Li Mu looked back at me and said, "Happy, how can I fight this and attack directly? There are at least 2000W people in the city. We don't have many of them."

I said, "How many heavy guns are they built on their walls?"

The moon smiled and said: "I have already counted it, a total of 120 doors, many of which are newly installed. The 70 heavy artillery pieces arranged by Qingyi Tuo Mo in Luoyan are actually pulled out from Huoyuncheng, and according to me. The line report, the shells in the Huoyun City military arsenal are also about to be warned."

I stretched my arm and smiled. "This is our advantage. In the five major regiments that Tianzhu City came, there are more than 100 dragon crystal cannons and 200 fire and rock cannons. The five major regiments are together at least 300. There are also some reserves of cannonballs, such as the Menlong Crystal Cannon and the 500 Fire Rock Cannons. Since Qingyi Extension Ink can make such awkward means in the fall geese, then we have nothing to say."

Li Mu asked: "What should I do?"

I pulled out the long sword and ordered: "Second and third-line players, organize the siege ladder to prepare for the siege, do not seek to attack, but only want to consume the remaining shells, then I will let the NPC army cover the fire cloud city. Their players are so crowded together, let us smash him a smash, even if it turns the city of Huoyun into a ruin, this account must be clear!"

Asked the sword to look at me from afar: "A good Li Xiaoyao..."

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