Zhan Long

Chapter 931: Triangle killing

The battle lasted for nearly 2 hours. The elite cavalry of the advance troops was indeed powerful. The superior offensive and defensive attributes have already caused many of our small and medium-sized guilds to collapse. Li Mu and Wang Hao have even rode around with iron blades to support the surrounding support. The player who lives, but the most stable is the Yulin Army, a group of high-ranking barbarian knives and shields composed of a level of high-level knives and shields can not even shake the 5th level, and the 1W dark moon bow led by Jurassic The hand is remotely and accurately shot, and the skeletal knights are shot down. In just two hours, these dark moon archers have risen by at least 1 each, which means their attack power is stronger!


Compared with the solid forest of the Royal Forest, the loss of the mad thunder army will be much heavier. Although the battle is brave, it still can't recover anything. The 7W people of the mad thunder have lost more than half of the damage in just 4 hours. The advanceer Luo Ding is a The unusually savvy and savage kings, concentrated forces attacked the Scorpio City, and the attacking forces of the entire coastline, at least 20% concentrated in the impact of the army, the loss of the mad Lei Jun is naturally imaginable.

It’s really hard to stand up. Wang Nanluo of Zhennan took a long sword out and waved his sword. He shouted: “Dan Dijun, play, reinforce the mad Lei Jun, change them and give them time to rest and recover!”

The hooves stunned the coast, and a large number of 戎 军 铁 铁 铁 驻 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后 背后The 25W 戎 军 军 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Pick up some infantry from the NPC soldiers in Linhai City to recharge.

However, Luojing Township guards Linhai City, which also makes me worried. Although he has 30W people under his hand, can this really protect the safety of Linhai City? On the IQ, Qingxu Tuo Mo can crush Luo Yan, an old guy who is only good at tactics, on the strength of troops, Qing Tuo Tuo Mo, Feng Lin drunk and other people to kill the light, this 30W 戎 Di Jun will not cost a lot of things, say Going, depends on the 1W Royal Forest Knight Knight who I placed in the Temple of Light in the rear of Linhai City?


After a while, the war gradually subsided, and the skeletal knights in front of the guilds such as dragons, myths, and heroes had already been killed. There was no one to rob the warships that were parked along the coast. However, no one thought that there were people in the warship, so they lowered the sails and took the warship away, shameless!

Li Mu, Yue Tishou, Dongcheng Yue and others continue to distribute equipment, and the monsters in front of the dragon's position are not too small, and the surrounding monsters that I stand are about to be piled up into mountains. The equipment that the Cavaliers burst out was piled up in a circle around me. There were all kinds of light, the holy scorpion, the fairy scorpion, the gold ware, and the silverware. They were all run by Li Mu and hugged in their arms.

In the distance, Yan Dijun is still striking the last force of the skeletal knight. The 戎 军 军 久 久 久 久 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常 非常


Luis rolled over and stepped on the beach and walked toward Luo Xiao. His face was very difficult to see. He held a fist to Luo Wei. "The Royal King of the South, the Thunder Army has tried its best. We have lost a lot and can't fight any more."

Zhennan Wang’s face was soft and supported Luis’s shoulder. He said: “The generals have worked hard. The empire will always remember the heroic performance of General Luis today. Don’t worry, I will definitely talk to my majesty and ask him to commend the mad thunder army. , will also restore the 7W people's establishment for the mad Lei Jun as soon as possible!"

Luis looked suspiciously and looked at Zhennan Wang. He didn’t say anything more. He turned to the crowd of the mad Lei Jun and went to arrange the wounded treatment and so on.

Perhaps Luis also realized that everything is just being used, and Luo Wei is only using it.


At this moment, suddenly the sea surface was filled with the sound of the drums of the thunder, and the rumble seemed to strike on everyone's heart. However, after a long time, but no one warship came, a second hero could not help laughing. Road: "The thunder is loud and the rain is small. Is this wave of different magic forces the air?"

I smiled and said: "Not necessarily, wait, maybe not by boat..."

The hero of one second raised his thumb: "That is the snorkeling, this suffocating ability is proper..."

Li Mu holds the sword of the town and his mouth is raised: "Yong Jie is your idiot. This wave is indeed a snorkeling, but you don't need suffocation. This wave is mostly a sea beast! Remember, the last time the king of the sea monster was small Sven slaughtered, and the entire sea force that did not return to the sea was in charge of the northern demon. The advanceer Luo Ding called the million-strong army, which is the real-named "Malaysian Marshal", and the grand Marshal of the Terracotta Warriors. May it be possible to dispatch the Krakens who are not moving to the sea?"

One second hero's face changed: "NM, I was really told you, come!"

On the sea, an unnatural tide rushed toward us. The tides drowned the beach. When it slowly receded, a beast with a dark blue floating pattern appeared. It had four hooves but was born in the body. The fins of the road are really incomprehensible, and this is a 6-level demon, the legendary triangle beast -

[Triangle Beast] (6th level demon)

Rating: 163

Attack: 17400-22500

Defense: 18000

Qi and blood: 2000000

Skills: [Corneral advancement] [Bone-breaking] [Triangle killing]

Introduction: The triangle beast, the beast living in the deep sea, but also able to gallop on the land, this fierce Warcraft has a strong aggression and defense, the whole body is wrapped in a thick carapace, can withstand the deep sea Water pressure, the pyramid can summon the energy of three elements of frost, flame and thunder, which is extremely powerful against the enemy.


"Be careful!"

I shared the attributes of the triangle beast in the guild channel and said: "The attack power of this triangle beast is much stronger than before. Be careful of the skill of the triangle killing. It may be the group killing skill. The brothers in the front row should not slack off, hold the blood bottle at any time to prepare for self-treatment, and keep the blood full to guard against the triangle attack!"

Everyone nodded, and the hoofs in the distance, the triangle beasts used in the tide, the number is countless, and sure enough, the advancement Luo Ding did not intend to rely entirely on his own advance army to defeat us, but to use the Kraken first We formed a crushing injury and then made a fatal blow to us, which was really smart.

A group of iron-blade riders and fire dragons are waiting in a row. Everyone has a trace of worry in their eyes, because they have never seen such a monster. It seems that the body of the triangle beast is like a car, heavy and rushing. Some people feel guilty.

In the position of the Imperial Army, Han Yuan did not have such concerns. The monk would command a car to shoot, and then rushed forward, with a long knife, the force of the sanctuary surging above the blade, suddenly swaying out "嘭" will shoot a triangle beast like a fly.

A group of barbarian knives and shields immediately cheered, morale increased significantly, but morale does not mean full of strength.

In the next moment, the group of triangle beasts has quickly approached. After breaking through the firepower of the wizards, the musketeers and the archers, the impact of the "嘭嘭嘭" on the defensive array of the dragon ride and the iron blade ride, and in the melee At that moment, the triangle beasts have launched the pyramidal ejector skills, and they rushed into the 3-5 meters against the player's shield and mount, and even formed a certain trample effect. The players with slightly lower attributes were directly crushed. Above the front line, a whole piece of 2W-4W damage numbers splattered. Once a critical strike hits 5W, a lot of people have been killed in one face.

I slashed the knife in the monster group of the triangle beast, and the three green dragons together launched the attack together, but after all, only one person's strength could not control the whole battle. The monsters I killed could not save too much situation, triangle. The beast is still raging in the crowd of players and NPCs. After continuous arching, the effects of flame, thunder and frost appear on the triangle. I suddenly have a cold heart. The loud voice: "Everyone is careful, ready to drink syrup!"

However, it has been slightly late, and many triangle beasts on the front line have already launched the effect of triangle killing. They suddenly formed a triangular magical array in front, and the players in the array have been attacked three times, each time 1.5 The W-3W does not wait, and the white light keeps on in an instant. Many iron-blade riders are killed without being able to withstand the damage.

Li Mu hates tooth itch, the knife rags and rushes, the hanging pot team also goes all out for treatment. This triangle kills the attack range of about 5 yards, the group kills the skill, three consecutive attacks, the attack is superimposed and more deadly, it is too hateful. !

At the first contact, Xiaolong has already lost more than a thousand people. The iron-blade ride and the fire dragon ride are good. The players who have joined the league have a lot of people who still lack the hanging pot. The treatment can't keep being killed. Off, and in the distance, other players are even worse than the dragons. The players of the guilds such as Long Xiang, the Knights Templar, and the famous family are almost killed by the film. We are too small to be the power of the 6th level.

The battle doesn't change for anyone's will, it's still going on, and the players try their best to hold on.

On the main battlefield, Luo Yi’s 戎 军 军 and Stuart’s banned army have already resisted the front of the Chinese army, but the triangle beasts there are also very dense, and the head of the squad is shocking, tearing the human body’s body into pieces and continuing to Before the sudden advance, the rear, the curtain of the big account suddenly opened, Luo Shaolin carrying a long sword, a body armor turned over the horse, low drink: "Mixed money, different people, how many people are willing to kill us??"

The chief of the guards almost scared and cried, and hurriedly licked the arm of Luo Shaolin: "Your Majesty, you are the head of a country, you can't go in person!"

Luo Shulin angered: "Others can, why can't I go?!"

The chief of the guards was so scared that no one was colored.


At this time, I raised my sword and jumped out and suddenly threw the dragon pool sword out!


Longchi sword landed, splashing a dusty sand in front of the horses in Luoshenlin, Luoshenlin slightly looked up and looked up at the sky: "Li Shi, I..."

I faintly said: "Owen and Pei are fighting for death because they are going in person. Do you want to be a third person in Shallow Forest? Scorpio City has not yet survived and died. When we have not ruled, we cannot go on. Battlefield! Listen to me and go back!"

Luo Shaolin bit his teeth, after a few seconds, said: "Okay, Li Shi..."

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