Zhan Long

Chapter 952: Quasi-temple knight

In the book city training ground, a group of heavy cavalrymen of the Yulin army are practicing riding and stabbing. Han Yuan is standing on the side with a steel knife. His armor and even bloodstains are not completely washed. When you are close, you can smell the sweat. Taste, perhaps the scent of the evil spirits left behind after the killing, but I am used to it. This is the hero of the war. Most of the time, it will not be a teenager riding a white horse and a handsome, but Han Yuan. Every meal eats three pounds, and when the horse is charged, he does not forget the big man who buckles his nose.



Han Yuan stepped forward and smiled. "We have recruited 20,000 new recruits and are training. They are all good seedlings of the War College. They are already excellent students in the school. It is easy to train a lot. Soon, we will have another 30,000 heavy cavalry, and even more."

I nod. "What about the barbarian step shield camp?"

Han Yuandao: "This war infantry battalion lost at least 2W people. We are continuing to recruit the Barbarian Warriors to join the Yulin Army in the Fire Crystal Basin, but perhaps the damage is too great, they have already complained."

I sighed: "Well, after all, the barbarians have not really regarded Tianzhu City as their home. It is impossible to fight for us wholeheartedly. Then we will recruit some human soldiers. Wait until a while, resentment. Quietly go to the Fire Crystal Basin where the barbarians live, and recruit new recruits. In addition, encourage barbarians to give birth more, and develop good fields for us to make a living."

Han Yuan nodded, with a sly smile on his face, and smiled: "I have done this. When I went to the Fire Crystal Basin last time, those barbarians were indeed uncultivated savages, in the fields, under the trees, on the stones. There are scenes of their dealings everywhere, hehe... it’s really bloody!”

I glanced at him and said, "Are you supposed to marry?"

Han Yuan stunned, and there was a trace of vicissitudes in his eyes. He said, "We are all soldiers. Maybe one day we will have to ruin the wilderness. When we don't even know where we are buried, what do we mention? Don't betray the girl of other people's family. If I really need it, I will spend a few silver coins in the Imperial Tavern with Xiao Li and Long Yao for a night of joy."

I smiled and said: "Well, that's good."

Han Yuandao: "General, you will not come to the camp just to chat, what is the matter?"

I took out a wild heart talisman in the parcel and said, "This is obtained from the advancement of the barbarian wolf. This wild heart talisman can greatly stimulate the potential of the barbarian and give them a stronger Power, the power of the barbarian wolf ride, you also saw it, so help me think about ways to use these wild heart charms."


Han Yuan took the talisman from my hand and sighed for a long while and said, "I am a rough person, I can't read it. I will go to the Prophet Master in the City of Books to see it?"

"it is good!"


After less than ten minutes, Han Yuan went back and regained his face. He said with excitement: "The general, the court mage said, as long as there is magical trigger, this wild heart talisman can be integrated with a barbarian warrior, but This is very demanding for the wizard's magic, so the generals write a paper instrument, I took to Tianzhu City to dispatch enough Masters to integrate the talisman, general, how many talisman?"

Me: "Enough of all the soldiers of the Royal Forest Barbarian are all integrated."

"Okay, that's good!"


Things have progressed very smoothly. After my personal letter, Han Yuan did not encounter any obstacles. Emperor Luo Shaolin personally approved and stamped the seal of God. Han Yuan quickly dispatched 200 court mages to go to Fanshucheng, afternoon. The fusion of the barbarian talisman began.

Above the school ground, there are a lot of people waiting for the integration of the barbarian soldiers. Each face is full of surprises and expectations. They have been in the Royal Forest Army for a long time, and they are completely in harmony with the human soldiers. Naturally, they have the honor of the soldiers of the Yulin Army. Knowing that killing an enemy is a man's job, and this talisman can make you stronger and gain more honor.

“Ready?” A young mage looked at a young barbarian.

The barbarian nodded: "Ready!"

The young Master's arm was raised, the wild heart talisman flew up and turned into a ray of light. Then he quickly broke into the body of the barbarian under the impetus of magic. The barbarian suddenly burst back a few steps, and the muscles of the body quickly swelled up. The ground is a few fists to vent the feeling of expansion that has just gained strength, and the young mage has stepped back and paled: "I have to rest for a few minutes!"


Fanshucheng is the resident of Xiaolong. I have set up many warehouse managers in Fanshucheng. Our tens of thousands of wild heart charms are installed in the guild warehouse, and they can be added and added.

Until the end of the evening, the barbarians in the Royal Forest Army have all integrated the talisman, and their strength has been greatly enhanced. The next time they fight, they are bound to shine.

After dinner, I stayed in Fanshu City to rectify the city and the army, and Lin Biaoer also sent a shared picture. She was sitting on the throne of Huoyuncheng to listen to the words of the ministers. This is everyday everyday, although it is very annoying, but In order to stabilize the rule of Huoyuncheng, Lin Biaoer can only continue to do these boring things.

At about 7 o'clock in the evening, I finally got a new message. Xiao Li was galloping on Chengchi Avenue. The black cloth on one-eyed eyes was bumped and flew up. He held a long gun in his hand and laughed. : "Mastering the adults, good news, leading the adults, there is good news, ah hahaha..."

I am a little surprised: "What good news?"

Xiao Li said: "I remember the 1W people who sent to the Temple of Light to cultivate? The first batch has already returned, and a total of 2,000 people have returned!"


I felt awkward and smiled. "Come tell me, are we already having 2,000 Templars?"

Xiao Li glanced, then smiled: "Adult, not so much, the Templars are not Chinese cabbage, only 10% of the 2000 people became the 'Quasi-temple Knights', they have passed the Templars Graduation assessment, learn all the fighting skills of the Templars, and then honed their abilities in the battle, and grew into a real Templar. The other 1,800 people did not pass the assessment, but they also learned a lot. High-level combat skills, these 2,000 people are the fresh blood of our Royal Forest Army!"

I laughed: "Where are they?"

"Come on, the adults wait a little longer!"

About 10 minutes or so, the far-reaching hoof of the book city came from a hoof, and a group of black cavalry came into the city. At first glance, a black custom-made armor, the temple of light is rich, actually sent to me. No one has created a new set of trenches, 1800 people wearing black trenches, and 200 people wearing golden trenches, don't think, the people wearing golden trenches are quasi-temple knights!


A group of people have dismounted, kneeling on one knee, and yelling at me: "See the master!"

I am satisfied and nodded and said, "Get up, who is the best after you have assessed?"

One of the people wearing the golden armor came out and said: "Adult, the final score of the test is 297, which is the highest. What do adults have to say?"

I applaud him and said, "Come on, let us know what you have learned in the Temple of Light in the bandits who stayed in the city of Tianzhu?"

"Yes, adults!"

The quasi-templar knight immediately stepped back a few steps, raised his hand and pulled out the long sword behind him. He broke off and suddenly swayed the golden light around the sword. His arms twitched and the power surged to form a round circle. The holy shield lingered around the body, and then the blade slid out, and a holy light bombarded it on the ground. The stone slab collapsed and a deep ditch was formed.

I and Xiao Li, Han Yuan, Long Yao, Xia Ye and other generals are all a glimpse, Long Hao immediately patted and said: "A good Templar, it really makes us open our eyes!"

The Templars put away their long swords and hugged their fists: "I led the adults. After we entered the Temple of Light, we spent more than ten days comprehending the power of light, and then tempered our body. Now our power is already very pure. The Holy Power has a very strong lethal effect on the northern demons, and can judge their souls and make them annihilate!"

I am satisfied with the smile: "Well, that's great, but what you might do next is not to deal with the northern magic, but the enemy of the Western Moon City, Iron Cranial City, Zeyuan City."

The Templars clasped a fist: "I will follow the command of the commander, and die!"

I patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "I don't need you to die. I need you to fight and defend the dignity of the city and the humanity."

"Yes, adults!"


At this moment, suddenly a message was "dropped" from Shen Bing, who had not seen for a long time: "Li Xiaozi, coming down the line to the base, you need to go out of the mission!"


I was a little surprised. I didn't think that I had a task so quickly. I didn't ask much anything. I immediately said goodbye to Han Yuan, Xiao Li and others, and then I went down with Lin Biaoer and Dongcheng Yue, and Lin Biaoer made me be careful. In fact, this worry is somewhat redundant. Who can hurt my life with my current Yang Yan-level strength?

Down the line, put on the uniform of the Guardian squad, put the butterfly behind, the guns are ready to go out, and A4 quickly went out of the campus and went straight to the Guardian base.

When I arrived at the base, Shen Bing waited for me at the underground entrance. She looked at me like a smile. "Don't be too nervous. The days are good. It seems that the whole person is much more spiritual!"

Me: "Nature is much better than just half-death after Ouyangchuan!"

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