Zhan Yue

Chapter 1218: The silver dragon queen loses to a powerful enemy

"Fuck, there are so many monsters!?"

A Fei held the staff and stood in the back row of the array. The level 199 he was shocked, and said, "Can we stop these so many mountain and sea level monsters?"

"you're so dumb!"

Nan Mu Keyi jumped up and slapped the back of his head, saying: "At this time, I will refresh you with a wave of 220-level mountain and sea level monsters. What do you want to do? The activity is three times the experience value. There are so many monsters, you still can’t use it. Flame laser'boom' them?"

I secretly smiled, Nanmu Keyi is not like A Fei after all, and his understanding of the game is indeed higher than that of A Fei. At this time, brushing ordinary mountain and sea level monsters is simply a wave of rewards for the players until now. It can be said that it is purely to send experience points and merit points. When the character is good, it can even explode mountain and sea level equipment. This is definitely more affordable than risking your life to fight BOSS and quasi-BOSS. Anyway, this battle has proved a little bit. However, the mountain and sea-level bosses that are refreshed in batches are just like that. The explosion rate is very poor. A batch of hundreds of unicorn bones are refreshed, and none of the mountain and sea-level equipment has exploded. Who can believe it?

"Eating meat during the New Year?" Qing Deng asked with a smile.

"Yes it is."

Lin Xi smiled slightly and said, "Everyone cheer up and eat meat!"


Everyone smiled, and I looked at A Fei, and said, "Operate well. The higher the output, the higher the experience points you can get. After you reach level 200, I will help you fly through the catastrophe, and that will count. He is a good mage."

"Yes it is."

Kamei smiled meaningfully: "We Yilu has many 200+ level mages, but few have ascended through the catastrophe. There is no way. It is too difficult for the wizards to ascend through the catastrophe. The first few were still funded by Lu Li’s equipment. It was only completed. Later, more than a dozen who were lucky enough to survive the catastrophe were all perilous, and some even failed once before successfully crossing the catastrophe."

Suddenly, A Fei's eyes lit up, and he was full of confidence in the future.


Below the city, countless groups of monsters charge together.

Sealed wolf rider, bonebreaker, and trolls are all melee combat, so they directly attack the player's front line, while Moonlight Mage and Moonlight Witch act as the back row. Moonlight Mage is all male mage, dressed in white, holding white jade inlaid in hand. The gem’s staff starts with lightning chain, flame laser, flame vortex and other skills, but it is not so easy to deal with, while the moonlight witch is a beautiful wizard in white, a beauty from the moonlight altar, holding a white jade technique. The rod continuously releases various curses on the player, and at the same time releases healing magic to heal the monsters in the front row. It is a multi-functional monster.

This kind of monster combination seems to be sending experience, but as long as the defense is lax, it may become a player sending experience.

"Mage, archer!"

Clear the lights for the first time to see the clues, and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to shoot the monsters in the front row. Just hand the monsters in the front row to the reloading brothers on the front line. You all focus on killing the Moonlight Master and the back row. Moonlight Witch, kill them all for me, at least they can't be so comfortable to output, otherwise our former queuing friends will be uncomfortable!"

Everyone obeyed the command, and the pressure on the front line of the deer was reduced. The paladin in the front row turned on the light messenger and other skills, and the spirit deer cavalry became the monster spawning machine on the front line of the battlefield. The player of ”also kills very comfortably, leaning against the city wall, the long-range system on the wall swaying skills at the city like it is raining, and has entered the monster spawning mode.

I wield my double-edged blades and shuttled back and forth among the monsters. This way of killing monsters was the best. The noise of the wind, the grass and the trees were all released continuously, and the killing was dark and dark for a time.


While the players are enjoying, the battle in the sky has already begun.

Lei Ming held the Demon Sealing Blade and looked at the Wu Lei Teng array for a long time, and finally the sword was released. The moment the divine sword was raised, a ray of brilliance fell straight on the sky of the Wu Lei Teng array, followed by the large array. Being separated by a line, the formation continued to crack and annihilate, and just as Sylvia was refining the spirit stones to repair, Thunder started to cut out dozens of swords, haha ​​laughed and said: "Silver Dragon Queen, you Obviously it is a generation of Dragon King who is proud of the world. How can he become a gatekeeper dog under the Jing Yunyue Throne, and he is like a peasant girl, so he can only do this kind of stitching?"

Sylvia was not irritated, and smiled: "Thunder, when Pioneer Valen died, you are the bottom ten kings of the Northern Territory. Why? The more people are more and more nonsense?"

The thunder did not break the defense, but dozens of swords were released again, and each sword blasted like a purple thunder on the five thunder vine formations, leaving a deep sword mark, and said with a smile: "No way, we are in the north. There are so many powerful people and high barriers to entry. I am a thunderous quasi-god realm, so I can only rank at the bottom. If you Sylvia come over, maybe you won’t even be a king, you say it’s miserable?"

Sylvia smiled and said: "Tsk tsk, is there such a way to put gold on your face? No matter how strong your alien army is, it is a wicked evildoer. When the wind blows in my dragon realm, your small body does not tremble? Don't say it is. I don't want to go, even if I go to the alien demon army, you ask your father Lin Hai dare to take it? The wind of the dragon with the pure blood of the real dragon, I am afraid that your small body will be blown apart."

Lei Ming laughed and said: "If this is the case, for the silver dragon queen's beauty, I will voluntarily cut off the road to the sky and the broken magic pill, and start from the body refining state again, and strengthen the physical foundation to withstand the dragon domain. After the baptism of the wind, you can re-enter the throne, right? Then when will you come to surrender to the alien army?"

Sylvia stayed silent, shut up and used the formation to continuously illusion a series of lightning and golden vines to attack and kill the opponent. When he encountered a strong opponent, he felt that he was a little bit overwhelmed, so he could only fight with all his strength.

At the fierce battle, Xiao Sheng sounded.

The divine sound Situxue hovered gracefully in the air, and the moment he played the jade flute, the wisps of music turned into invisible blades and flew in through the gaps in the formations split by thunder, and blasted Sylvia's intensively. Sylvia’s real body position, while Sylvia is doing two things with one heart. While launching strands of vines out of the formation, to attack the thunder in the air so that they can’t use their swords, while triggering the restrictions on the landscape within the five thunder vines, it turns into one. The tender golden vines drew into the air, resolving Situ Xue's offensive again and again.

But Xiao Sheng is invisible and dense, and Sylvia can only resolve about 90% of it. The remaining one achievement turned into agile wind blades all fell on Sylvia, and her original delicate skin suddenly appeared. Streaks of blood, silver dragon scales appeared under the skin, the wound only appeared for less than a breath, and in a blink of an eye began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How strong is the vitality of giant dragons. Even those dragons with a normal cultivation level can stop the bleeding and produce meat from their bones. Some giant dragons were injured by a "dragon slayer warrior" when they went out. It's a very light thing, and it can be repaired in a blink of an eye, and Sylvia, as the Queen of the Silver Dragon, has been the most "respected" existence in the dragon clan since the fall of Shi Bailong. , The physical body is strong, this injury can be carried through with the strength of the bloodline alone.

However, when Sylvia raised her head to look at Situ Xue who was playing the jade flute outside the formation, her eyes clearly had murderous intent, and she was already killing intent. As long as there is a chance, Sylvia will not hesitate. The head of this little lady was screwed off.


In the instant of thunder, count the swords and chop up the ten vines of the five Lei Teng, and then glanced at Senior Sister Yun, who was sitting on the observatory in the distance, with a warm sword, and smiled: "Jing Yunyue, Situ Xue and I besiege Sylvie Ya, why, are you just watching your chief general be beheaded by us? If this is the case, Situ Xue and I will do our part, and we will accept this dragon-slaying merit."

On the high platform, flying snow drifted, avoiding Senior Sister Yun's body on her own. She just sat there still, her sword intent was mighty and restrained, and she didn't even look at the thunder. The meaning is self-evident, you are thunderous. I don't have the qualifications to open my eyes, and it's useless to yell.

But I looked back and couldn’t help frowning. Senior Sister Yun’s temperament I can understand. Her kendo has always been "a sword forward and no one is around." Her ability to endure the thunderous clamor shows that she has a powerful enemy that she really needs to worry about. , I’m afraid it’s Lin Hai, the shadow of death hidden in the dark, and Fan Yi, who sits on the Guanwentai treasure book and suppresses the world with literary luck. Both of these are people who can threaten Senior Sister Yun. .

And what about Senior Sister Yun's support?

She seems to be in the Dragon Realm. She does not want to leave the Dragon Realm without authorization, but she is not worried that anyone will step into the Dragon Realm. As long as she enters the Dragon Realm, she can kill the enemy with a sword, and from the dialogue between Lin Hai and Sura It can be analyzed that once the alien king enters the dragon domain, the chance of being killed will be infinite!


There is no way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the gods fight, and I can only look up as a "mortal" like me. Although I am also an immortal realm and have been instructed by Master Shi and Senior Sister Yun, what is it? Players, in front of these NPCs, it is impossible to activate many "supernatural powers". If so, I am afraid that I would have used the original flying sword to fight Situ Xue long ago. I only know how good the flute is?

Therefore, this wave of Sylvia relied on the background of the dragon's landscape and his own physical strength, and it was so hard to carry. The wave of offensive lasted for two hours, until 10 o'clock in the morning. The players are full, and ALFY has even directly upgraded from level 199 to level 200, which shows how rich the experience points have been in these two hours.

Lei Ming and Situ Xue were also tired, and left in anguish. Lei Ming's body was covered with traces of the golden vines of five Lei Teng, and there were many scars, while Situ Xue was fighting Sylvia through the air. His face was a little pale, and it took a lot of effort, but using Xiao Sheng outside the Wu Lei Teng Array to attack and kill was always like itching through boots, unable to kill the tyrannical Silver Dragon Queen.


The next wave may be the last wave.

It depends on whether Lin Hai took the shot, or the Demon Wing Landro took the shot. _

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