Zhan Yue

Chapter 1262: I'm here, but you are really dead

The mellow voice is solemn and solemn, as if it is the manifestation of a certain rule between the heavens and the earth, accompanied by the surrounding heavens and the earth, hanging down one by one, looming, and then these words turned into golden brilliance, one by one poured into my Among the bodies, even the dead souls floating on both sides of the ladder, their bodies have a little golden light drawn out one by one, and finally all gathered in my body, but they did not complain, but looked on the contrary. Tranquility, looking at me from such a distance.

"what is this?"

I looked at my hands, the wisps of golden light seemed to shape a golden body. In a blink of an eye, all the golden light permeated into the texture and bones, and the whole person felt refreshed, like never before. Unprecedentedly powerful, it seems that every cell in the body contains the strongest yang energies, and it is like calling out, wanting, and wanting to explode.


On both sides of the ladder, a group of dead souls knelt down on one knee, and even the tall female fairy bowed their hands in salute. These heroic spirits who failed to climb the ladder were like worshipping the king.

"A world of martial arts is here, so you can move forward!"

In the air, the mellow voice said again, and then the feeling dissipated in the wind, and the suppression of the avenue between the sky and the earth descended on the body again, but this time it was easier, with the martial arts in the body, and head straight forward. Taking a step, he easily walked out of the ice and snow ladder, and the dead souls behind him disappeared.

"Is this already the strongest sun flame?"

I lowered my head and looked at my hands again. The Yang Yanjin inside my body rolled like an abyss. It was indeed far from what I could compare to before. I even have a feeling that I am between the ladders, even if there are two. , It may not be able to beat the current me. This is the foundation of the true peak of Yang Yan. Even the Yang Yan Jin confided in his arms seems to have changed in texture and reborn.

With a thought, I just raised my hand and my martial arts rushed. In the next second, a remnant soul was "detained" from the wind and turned into a familiar figure. Han Yi smiled with a sword behind him.

"Old Han."

I looked at him, feeling weak: "You really... just left?"

He was in chaos and his expression was messy. It took nearly half a minute before he seemed to regain some sanity, and he couldn't help but let out a wry smile: "Ali, you are here..."

I sat down on the bluestone floor, tears rolling out: "What do you mean, I'm here, but you are really dead?"

"Yeah, it's meaningless."

He also sat on the ground, with tears in his eyes: "But this is my destiny. You really shouldn't be here. A mistake, you can't even go back. My eagerness has already let me return. No, the only thing Star Alliance asks me to do is to climb this ladder. This is my only value to them. Only when the ladder is successful can it trigger a certain ancient prohibition and allow Star Alliance to obtain a part of the sealed. The rules of heaven and earth, you came to me, didn't you also fulfill their wish?"

I sat there dejectedly, tears streaming down: "I just want to **** take you back. Why did you die on this ladder? Are you not a genius? Han Yixiao is not a genius? How could a genius die in such a bird's eye There's a place for shit, how can you tell me and A Fei to mention you in the future, you just left, there is no bones left, let us not even have a place to burn paper for you?"

Han Yi smiled and shook his head, tears streaming down: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ali, I'm too stubborn, it hurts myself, and it hurts you. You shouldn't find me at all, just forget my brother."

"Since you are a brother, how can you forget it?"

I wiped my tears and cursed, "I'm just over a year late, so can't you wait for me?"

"I really can't wait anymore."

Han Yixiao also wiped his tears: "If I can wait, can I not wait for the two of you? Do you think I don't want to have a dark night with you in an Internet cafe, and have a happily drink together? I think ah Li, my soul is already incomplete, but I miss you two brothers all the time. I saw you in the whirlpool that time, I was happy and regretful. What's happy is that you, a brother, are always reluctant to give up on me. I regret this trash, I am afraid that you will be involved, if you can not die, who will want to die, who wants to become a wandering soul in this game?"

I gritted my teeth, tears still falling down, and when I looked up, Han Yixiao was only half of his body left, and everything from below the waist was annihilated, and the soul power was slowly disappearing. This time, I can only rely on the martial arts between heaven and earth. Reuniting Han Yixiao's remaining soul in this world, but this will not last long after all.

"Go on."

Han Yi smiled and wiped a tear, and pointed to the upward ladder in front of him, and said, "Ali, you should continue walking. Only by walking can you leave here alive, even if it is to help Star Alliance fill it in a sense. Part of the rules of heaven, but as long as you live, there is hope. You must be well in the future. Together with A Fei, take the one that belongs to the three of our brothers and the one that belongs to Han Yixiao with me, to be well. Stay alive."

"Old Han..."

I stood up, but I could only watch his body dissipate in the wind and never see him again.

Sitting on the ground blankly for a long time.

"Land from."

Outside, Lin Xi's voice came: "It's eleven o'clock, your mission...can you go offline and take a break to do it? You haven't eaten for a long time."

I tried it, but it didn’t work, so I shook my head and smiled: "No, this task must be done in one breath. Lin Xi, you, Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan have something to eat and go to bed early. Don’t worry about me. Everything is fine on my side, and the task is also very good. It goes well, don’t worry, it’s just a little bit more livery, and it should be done tomorrow."

"okay then."

Outside, Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, and Gu Ruyi went offline together, ate, washed and went to bed.

In the game, I slowly got up and it was time to challenge the next stage of the ladder.

Right in front, a stairway formed by a cyan stone road leads straight to the sky. Even when I squinted my eyes and opened the eyes of the Shifang Hot Wheel, I could vaguely see the end of the ladder, not many, at most 500 steps. After that, it will come to the end, and the climb to the ladder in the true sense is successful.


In the ear, there was a beating of the gods, and then there was a **** with a trident in his hands floating in the sky, and smiled: "That's good boy, he can actually pass through the ice and snow ladder, come and come, next is Wanggu Ladder, as long as After you have walked these five hundred Wanggu Ladder, you will be the first person to finish this ladder, unprecedented!"

Wang Gu Ti?

I frowned. The name is not simple, but I have to go if I don’t walk. There must be a road to the mountain. I hesitate to no avail, so I stepped onto the first step of Wanggu Ladder, which is on the right. The moment I stepped on this level of ladder, I only felt that a mighty force was pressing on my shoulders, and the luck between heaven and earth seemed to be turned into a real thing, and it rolled down like this.


The strongest Yang Yan Jin immediately poured out of my body and condensed into a flame field with a radius of ten meters around me. The pressure was reduced for a while, and then I stood steadily on the stairway, raised my head and looked forward, step by step. Slowly moving forward, looking up, scenes of scenes scrolling in the sky like clouds, there are scholars wandering around the world with bookcases on their backs, heroes carrying three-foot swords and slashing snakes, and others sitting on the top of the mountain. The hidden master playing a flute sound, every picture scrolls continuously, and in a blink of an eye it becomes a series of rules of heaven and earth suppressed.

"Keng Keng Keng~—"

The artistic conception of these scrolls has actually formed a real object, just pressed on my shoulders, and I also understood what Wangguti means at this moment. Looking at the ancient sages and bearing the ancient Taoist rhyme, it should be like this. One meaning, the next second, when I was walking forward with the avenue details on my shoulders, every step became very stable, and the artistic conception of the scrolls turned into light and shadows and sank into the lake of my heart in a blink of an eye. In Lingxu, the axe has formed an ancient Taoist rhyme. It is not so much a challenge as it is to sharpen one's own practice here.

Step by step, the ancient scrolls in the air continued to unfold, and when I accepted the artistic conception of these scrolls on the Wanggu Ladder, I actually got a certain response. There are old men playing chess in the mountains, smiling at me, there is a lonely boat. The young scholar who fished between the mountains and the sea said to me with his heart, "The world is the same people who don’t know how to fish, and they use fish as their ears." There are also generals standing on a wall with bruises, holding a handle full of hands. The long sword with the curling mouth smiled at me, "I have inherited Junze and received the salary of the world, and died in the battlefield in battle. What is the life of a worthy man, how will the King of Xiaoyao be?", I just replied, "Can you repay your grace," Or maybe, it's naturally better", he clasped his fists and smiled, and disappeared into the lake of the heart together with the picture, turning into a trace of the avenue deep in the Lingxu.

Looking at the ancient ladder, walking is far less difficult than the ice-snow ladder. It seems that both the old and the present are evacuated at the same time. There are a few things in common. Although they are not high mountains and flowing waters, they can at least be easily integrated and succeeded.

However, the progress of the integration is problematic, so it is still slow.

Until the afternoon of the next day, Lin Xi was worried about whether I would be okay if I didn’t eat or drink for so long, but I responded that there was no problem, the strongest sunburn in history, I could not die if I didn’t eat for a week, and my body was there. Up.

Until 3 o'clock in the afternoon the next day, I started to ascend the last step of Wanggu Ladder. Just as I was standing at the end of Wanggu Ladder, there was a glorious sunlight outside the cliff in front of me. Up.


System reminder: Congratulations for completing the task [Climbing the ladder] (Starry sky level), get rewards: Level +10, Charisma +50, Dragon Merit +300W, Merit +20E, Gold Coins +50W, and get additional rewards: [ Daiyu Leggings] (Return to Ruins Level)!

Dai Yu's leggings? !

My mind was stunned, it seemed to be a part of the Five Sacred Mountains suit. Tsk, the amount of reward for this starry sky mission seemed a bit unprecedented.

But at this second, a whirlpool appeared in the bright sunlight in front of me, and with an unimaginable suction, I was suddenly absorbed into it.

"Why, UU reading www.uukanshu.com thought it would be a good thing?"

In the ear, there was a dark laughter.

Lian Yin.


The brilliance in front of me skyrocketed. In the next second, I did not appear in the whirlpool. On the contrary, my spirit seemed to be drawn away. I was just wearing a white shirt and black coat, standing in a familiar garden. In front of my eyes, I was working. -Room dwelling.


Suddenly, his body couldn't move. When he looked down, a sword edge was slowly drilling out of his heart, accompanied by strands of flaming thunder and lightning, and heart-piercing pain came.

"I want you to die, can you live?"

It was still the voice of Lian Yin. Latest URL:

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