Zhan Yue

Chapter 1295: Who will die if you are immortal?

Under the stunned gaze of a group of Daxiang dynasty landscape gods, that ticket moving mountain ancient spirit worked tirelessly, pouting like this, carrying heavy mountains on his back, coming and going like wind, and in a blink of an eye there are hundreds of people originally belonging to the Daxiang dynasty. The tops of the small hills moved away, and those who moved the mountain ancient spirits stepped across Luming Mountain, and just piled up a whole piece of small hills on top of each other, forming a big hill.


Finally, Daxiang Yunxia Mountain Monarch had a pale face and roared: "July Liuhuo! What are you doing? Are you stealing my Daxiang Dynasty’s Shanhe Guozuo!?"

The rest of the Daxiang dynasty's landscape gods also showed their righteous indignation. Some gods even used their supernatural powers to summon the spirits of the landscape to stop them, but they were all in vain. The ancient spirits of the mountain came from the ancient times and were completely unaffected by these gods. The so-called supernatural powers of mountains and rivers actually have no influence on moving mountains and ancient spirits.


In the distance, a huge flying boat descended from the sea of ​​clouds and stayed at a position hundreds of meters away. A king wearing a dragon robe stepped onto the bow of the boat, his whole body agitated with the aura of the void, a pair of eyes revealed Furious, he roared: "The wind doesn't smell! The fire in July! What are you doing? Is the Xuanyuan Empire going to officially start war with my Daxiang Dynasty?!"

I peeked out my ears: "Huh? Did I hear something wrong? Didn't you and me have been fighting for a long time?"

The emperor of the Daxiang Dynasty was furious, and suddenly slapped the dragon head stone carving on the bow, and shouted: "My Daxiang Dynasty and your Xuanyuan Empire are the same human dynasties. If you steal the mountains and rivers like this, are you not afraid of hurting heaven? Once you lose Beiyue? The protection of the gods, isn’t the northern portal of my Daxiang dynasty completely open, once the alien demon army launches an offensive, the mountains and rivers will be broken, what good is it for your Xuanyuan Empire? You are not a person who has read a book and has a clear sense of truth, isn’t it? Don't you understand the most logical saying about the death of the lips and the cold of the teeth?"

I didn't hear the wind and smiled slightly, did not speak, and decided to give me all the right to speak here.

In fact, this is also the case. Feng Buwen is a scholar. At this time, it is destined to suffer a loss when reasoning with others. Only me, the unreasonable "Crazy" Xiaoyao King, is the most suitable dialogue.

So he stepped forward, just hovering in the wind, holding the blade of Vulcan with one hand, the blade of Thor turned into a flash of light lingering around the body, acting both in a defensive and attacking state, lazily smiling at the opposite side, said : "Do you want to be reasonable? Then I will tell you, Daxiang, the main force of the Xuanyuan Empire before going south and trying to defeat the alien army with you. In the end, what kind of fate did we end up with? Xiangcheng was defeated. , Our Lord Fuyu was martyred, and Fengxiang was pressed under Mount Ventiu. What did your human ally of the Daxiang Dynasty do? Well, it seems that you were stabbing a knife in the back at that time, tusk, since the Daxiang Dynasty decided to go with the Alien Army Form an alliance, then form an alliance. You don't need to worry that the alien demon army will attack the Daxiang Dynasty. Then the Beiyue Mountains are useless for you. Lend us the Xuanyuan Empire as Nanyue, and you have the best of both worlds."


The leader of the Daxiang Dynasty became angry and roared: "July Liuhuo, you are so bold!"

"Yes, I am bold."

I lifted my left hand and touched my chin, and said with a smile: "If you are not brave enough, wouldn't it be necessary to let you, a dog thief step on the top of my head, and do it? Hurry up and get out of it. The dynasty is free. Since you have chosen this path, don’t blame us for being ruthless. Starting from today, the Xuanyuan Empire south of the Nanyue Mountains, even if the entire world is paid for by the sea of ​​flames, it will have nothing to do with me!"

As he said, he waved his hand: "Move the mountain ancient spirit, continue to move!"


A group of ancient gods made a dull sound, and then they dashed like electricity one by one, and continued to work, moving the hills from the map of the Daxiang Dynasty to the map of the national service. A dozen hills clustered together immediately. It became a large-scale mountain, and just after the tops of the mountains fell, there was a screaming sound from under the ground. The roots of the mountains are continuously combining with the veins of the Xuanyuan Empire. Once they are connected, it is equivalent to It is truly rooted in the territory of the national service.

"My goodness…"

An old mountain **** wearing a cyan robe watched the mountain that belonged to him was uprooted, and then left the land of the Daxiang Dynasty. For a while, the golden body of this mountain **** instantly became dim, and the foundation of his body was already No, he may be called a **** at the moment, but after that mountain is officially listed as the Xuanyuan Empire's mountain status by the Ministry of Rites, I am afraid that the mountain god's incense will really be cut off. When the golden body dissipates, it may become degenerate again. For a yin spirit, nothing is left.

I didn’t hear the wind, I just sat on the bow of the ship, suddenly raised his head and smiled at the many landscape gods in the south: "The golden body is not easy to get, everyone, if the mountain top has been moved to the territory of my Xuanyuan Empire, and you are willing Anyone who retires from the Daxiang dynasty landscape hometown and is willing to join my Xuanyuan Empire can come here and register with our Master of Rites, and they will still hold the original mountain tops and never break their words!"

For a time, many mountain gods and water gods of the Daxiang Dynasty hesitated.

"Well, you look so beautiful in white!"

The lord of the Daxiang dynasty was so angry that he almost passed out of his anger. He pointed to the unheard of the wind and cursed again and again: "Your dignified scholar, actually started digging the wall in front of me. May I ask if the courtesy, justice and shame of your scholars have all been read into the belly of the dog?"

I frowned, knowing that I still have to come about the curse, so I said loudly: "The wind is not shameful? You are wrong? You are not distinguished between black and white in the dynasty, and colluded with the alien army, and recognized the thief as the father. Really shameless, if I were you, and still have a little bit of shame, I should go home now and wait for the country to be destroyed!"


The Lord of the Daxiang Dynasty was furious. He turned to look at the large group of mountains and rivers behind him, and said angrily: "You mountain monarchs, water gods, you are going to betray me? Are they?"

"His Majesty."

A handsome mountain **** took a step and said with a smile to the lord of the country, "Talk about betrayal? I have long been a dead person. I will reshape my golden body and enjoy the incense of the world for a century and thousands of years. It is to stabilize the mountains and rivers, protect the people of the other side, take on the prince, and repay the favor, but after the first battle in Xiangcheng, we can no longer distinguish the enemy and me, so... now the opportunity is here, I am willing to join the hilltop of the Xuanyuan Empire , Continue to fight for the human beings."

He turned around to salute the gods: "Goodbye, everyone."

With that, he stepped out one step at a time, and someone from the Imperial Ministry of Rites released a corner of the Xuanyuan Empire's Nanyue mountain and water restrictions and allowed him to enter the country.

Ignoring the wind, this trick is enough to make a break between the landscape of the Daxiang Dynasty and the court.

Soon afterwards, many mountain gods took this step and became the mountain gods of the Xuanyuan Empire, but none of the water gods. After all, we only steal mountains this time, not water. We don’t need to steal things like water. The Xuanyuan Empire has a high altitude. Water transport is abundant, and the melting water of the snow and ice on the mountains in the northern region has never been lacking. On the contrary, as long as we cut off the river, the Daxiang Dynasty may face a situation where there is no water available.

"What are you waiting for?"

I waved my hand and said, "Pry me on the roots of Yunxia Mountain, and don't be stingy with your strength!"


In an instant, at least hundreds of ancient spirits who moved the mountain whizzed away, entrenched one by one around Yunxia Mountain, holding the roots of the mountain with their hands, and struggling to lift it up, and for a while, Yunxia Mountain, known as Daxiang Beiyue, buzzed and trembled. The roots of the mountain are showing signs of loosening. This mountain is really too big, stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles. In fact, it is not inferior to our Nanyue Luming Mountain. If you want to move this mountain, you don’t need to use hundreds of them. It's really impossible to move the mountain ancient spirit.

"So courageous!"

The lord of the Daxiang dynasty trembled with anger, raised his hand and drew his sword, and shouted, "The wind is not heard, and the fire in July, are you two really going to move my Beiyue? You...you are so mad, you will be condemned by heaven! "

I said indifferently: "The Twilight Lord who is allied with the alien demon territory is frantic."

The lord roared: "What can I do? Your Xuanyuan Empire is so despicable and shameless, how can I? The alien demon army reclaimed the sea from the East China Sea and rushed into the hinterland of my Daxiang Dynasty in one fell swoop. You northern barbarians are clearly uneasy and kind, and want Only when we see our Daxiang Dynasty and the Alien Demon Legion die together, will we be able to take advantage of it, isn't it?"


I nodded calmly and smiled: "We really think so. You are not wrong at all, but you can't say that we are mean. After all, when the alien demon army assembled all the main forces to attack the northern part of the Xuanyuan Empire, wasn't your Daxiang Dynasty in it? Looking from the sidelines, don’t you wait for the moment when the mountains and rivers of the Xuanyuan Empire are broken? What do you want us? Reinforce the Daxiang dynasty as soon as possible? Think too well, repay grievances by virtue, how can you repay virtue? Since it is calculated by each other, then Don't say who is despicable and shameless."

Mr. Yunxia Shanshan nodded slowly: "This is the reason."

At this moment, a group of players appeared in the jungle, and the surrounding mountains were being moved away little by little. These players can basically tell the ID, and the leaders of the major guilds gathered together. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the heavyweight players such as the clear eyes and the restless people of the beautiful life are there, among them, the clear eyes and the rest are walking in the forefront, watching the surrounding mountains rise one by one, she Looks depressed.

"The July Flowing Fire."

Qing Miao Tuo Mo's body was lifted by the blue wind, and it flew slowly, with the sparkling brilliance of the bow in her hand. She frowned and said, "Do you have to do this? All the mountains have been moved. Our country-protecting landscape formation will definitely be useless. Then the alien demon army will do whatever it wants. Do you know the consequences?"


I nodded lightly: "Yinfu may become the first to be destroyed by the alien army."

"Since you know, do you still insist on doing this? Is it for revenge?"

Qing Miao Tuo Mo frowned: "Can I ask you once? Don't move Beiyue Yunxia Mountain, and leave a little more capital for Yinfu. I really don't want... Yinfu becomes the first army to be attacked by aliens. Destroy the server..."

"No discussion."

I shook my head: "After all, your Yinfu is the first server to kneel down toward the alien demon army. Who will kill you if you don't destroy it!?"

As he said, he waved his hand gently.

In the distance, loud noises rumbling from the underground, huge underground rocks were uprooted, and huge mountain roots appeared in front of the players. The entire Yunxia Mountain, hundreds of miles of mountains, all lifted into the sky. He was so supported by more than a hundred golden ancient gods!


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