Zhan Yue

Chapter 1470: Divine Devour

   Endless Monster Sea, there is already a calm atmosphere, no more waves, the Monster Race is afraid of being killed.

I sat cross-legged on the ground, put the heavens of the divine sword on my lap, and drew a little bit of the heavenly energy from the endless sea to refine the sword. As a result, in less than ten minutes, dozens of heavenly energy turned into a ray of golden light. Qin entered the blade, ripples surging on the blade, and the blade was slightly sharper. At the same time, a bell rang in the ear—


System reminder: Your sword making envoy [the heavens] has gained 500 practice experience points this time!

Looking down, there is an attribute of "Magic Artifact Realm" in the introduction of Divine Sword Heavens. It is currently the 0 level of the heavens, and the highest level is 15. It is conceivable that the higher the level of cultivation, the more The greater the power of the sky, if I just waved the 15th floor of the heavens, I am afraid it will not stop there, maybe, can I separate the endless sea with a sword?

Suddenly, there was hope for the future of this sword.

Standing aside from the wind, he smiled and said: "The relics of the ancient gods are indeed extraordinary. They should be easy to use. This kind of gods are born with spirituality. Once they enter a place with a strong spiritual energy, they should be able to be used with the aura of the great avenue. It's time to sharpen the edge of the sword. Where did you get this stuff?"

I thought for a while: "Rewarded by the system?"

I didn't hear the wind and said "Oh". Since I didn't understand it, I didn't intend to continue to ask questions. I just turned around hiding in the clouds on the top of the mountain, and I was here to protect me.

I had nothing to do, this sword refining lasted almost nine hours. At ten o’clock in the evening, accompanied by a pleasant ringtone, the progress bar was full, and a ray of golden light circulated on the swords of heaven, upgrading the current The Heavenly Sword has risen to the "first level". From the introduction, its power has increased a lot, but there is currently no opportunity to play.

Stretching, I got up from the cliff and said, "Okay, it's time to go."


I nodded without hearing the wind, the mountain weather moved north instantly, and I flew over the sky, looking at the human beings in the world, my mind and thoughts were complicated, after reaching the level, there were too few things I could do, on the edge of the endless sea. Refining the sword is one thing, but the swords of the heavens are like a dry well. A few hours of refining the sword has almost exhausted the aura in the endless sea and sky. You need to warm up the aura between the heavens and the earth before you can refine it. I can only rest for a while.

The whole world is peaceful and peaceful.

After the decisive battle in Lishan, the alien demon army seemed to be much more honest. Fan Yi and the swordsmith were silent on the two thrones. They didn't know what to do in the north, and I, the person sitting in the sky, didn't have much to do. It can be done, so he turned around and raised the swords of the heavens, and the swords of the human were unified into a brilliant light and rushed to the wall of heaven.

The site of the ancient Tianting.

The dilapidated and severely weathered steps, this is the only place I can stop, the rest is surrounded by overgrown vegetation, the ancient heaven’s palace has long been turned into fly ashes, only a pile of ruined walls under the vines, Spiritual energy is scarce, and it is even better to go anywhere in the world. So, sitting on the stone steps of the ancient heavenly court, holding the swords of the heavens in his right hand, and summoning the abyss mace with the left hand, lying down on the stone steps, overlooking the boundless. The boundless wall of the sky.

After waiting for a long time, the spirit of the spirit moved, and the whole person's mind seemed to be wandering. It just broke away from the body and floated on the wall of the sky. In a blink of an eye, the mind dispersed and attached to a small piece of the wall of the sky, as if it was about to merge. In general, immediately afterwards, countless memories and knowledge permeated my mind, making my whole body tremble like thunder.

After a while, the tightness of the mind gradually dissipated. Just in the moment, it seemed that a part of the wall of the sky was merged. Many rules have become a part of me. For a while, the whole person is quite in a trance. Am I still for me? Why doesn't the wall of sky in front of me look like it used to be?

Looking at human affairs again, the mind is completely different, as if the whole person has been removed from the original thinking, and in the true sense, the human affairs are viewed with the eyes of "gods". All living beings are all ants, but they are not complete. It's an ant.


I took a deep breath and tried my best to return my mind to the body. At the moment when I returned to the body, I realized that I was still alone, and the idea of ​​overlooking all beings and ants gradually faded. After a while, I was terrified. At that moment, how ruthless and pale my thoughts were. All living beings are ants, and only the great road is immortal?

What kind of feeling is that?

Sitting down on the stone steps, I held the abyss mace tightly, and my heart was shaken extremely strongly.

At this moment, the earth on the former site of Tianting trembled slightly, and then a drop of dust rose from the stone steps, among the grass, and from the gravel, as if engulfed by the breeze, it turned into a very vague figure in the blink of an eye, standing there. A few meters away from the edge of the cliff was an old man in a gray robe, his appearance was quite vague and he couldn't see clearly.

"are you afraid?"

He turned around and squinted, seeming to be looking at me.

"You are…"

I had a very clear impression of him in my mind, and I couldn't help but stand up: "Are you Ning Sheng?"

"A long time ago, it seems that many people called me that." He murmured.

I hurriedly clasped my fists and folded my hands: "Junior Ouyang Luli has met Senior Ning Sheng!"

He nodded lightly, but turned around to look at the weather outside the heavenly court, and said: "Gu Tianting hasn't been sitting in town for a long time. Do you know why you just thought so different from before?"

I frowned: "I don't know, this is what the juniors want to know."

"That is divine."

He sighed and said: "Since you hold the heavens in your hand and sit on the wall of heaven, you are actually considered to be a **** sealed by heaven and earth. Although there is no title, as long as you stay on the wall of heaven, your divinity will be swallowed a little bit. If you lose your original humanity, all the fireworks you originally knew will be annihilated. In the end, you will become a true **** with only heaven in your heart, no selflessness, compassion, and despair."

I frowned: "If that's the case, as a god, it seems meaningless."

The ancient saint looked at me and smiled leisurely: "Back then, when I was young, I also said these things..."

I felt a little guilty: "Does seniors think I am too ego?"


He was thoughtful, standing on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the world, and said: "On the contrary, since you call me a senior, then I will send you a word, as a god, you should fight against the divine in your life. In my opinion Without being completely swallowed up by the divine nature, there is still a trace of human deities remaining. These talents are worthy of being called gods. Otherwise, they are just clay sculptures and wood carvings under the heaven and earth avenues, which is worthless."

I was stunned, and clasped my fists again: "The juniors are taught!"

He smiled: "Goodbye."

When I looked up, the wind and sand drifted, and this Ning Sheng disappeared in a flash.

I frowned, and under my inner look, I found that in my Shadow Spirit Ruins, the foot of a mountain had turned into a piece of gold. The rocks were gold, the trees were gold, and even the flowing stream was also gold, in that small area. Inside, Lingxu is no longer a Lingxu, but has been refined into a more extraordinary existence full of divinity.

God Ruins?

I stood there blankly, as if struck by lightning, I have already begun to conclude the God Ruins? Does this also mean that once my spirit ruins continue to be swallowed by the divine nature, the entire shadow ruins will turn into a shadow ruins, and at that time, it will be a real ascendant realm, that is, the legendary **** realm!

With that said, my Quasi-God Realm is no longer a Quasi-God Realm in the strict sense, but has already stepped into the Ascending Realm. Otherwise, it would be a bit outrageous to conclude a few God Ruins.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a daze. I no longer saw the world with the naked eyes of a mortal fetus. Just at the place where I was thinking, I saw through the starry sky with a pair of eyes, looking straight into the world of the moon, and then immediately after my thoughts, I found the person I wanted to see immediately, and the picture turned to the depths of the Northern Territory, and then the picture plummeted, into the depths of the earth, until it passed through a layer of fiery red magma, and then passed dozens of blood-colored enchantments. Arrived at the target in an instant.

In front of me, there was a scene of purgatory, with bones all over the wild, wailing, and numerous ghosts wandering among the bare mountains and forests, and on the top of the mountains, there was a hall, outside the hall, all dressed in black, gray, and blood red. The armored ghost will stand like a forest, and in the hall, the evil spirit is overflowing, and a ghost emperor wearing a golden armor is happily talking.

Sitting opposite him, a scholar dressed in white, full of throne atmosphere, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is Fan Yi.

"Let the ghost army into the world?"

The ghost emperor put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Sir Fan Yi is joking? Our purgatory legion and your alien demon army belong to two realms. We have never invaded the river from the well water. That's right, your alien demon army was indeed maimed by Jing Yunyue. It’s really too miserable to be hacked to death by so many thrones with a single sword, but our purgatory legion is galloping horizontally and horizontally on the Skywalk Continent, like entering the land of no one, what is this night and night, Tiramisu Adventurer, if you want to kill a few times, why do you need to go to your sky and go to this muddy water? I heard that on your side, there is an adventurer called July Liuhuo that is very good, so... I am afraid that Master Fan Yi will leave empty-handed this time."

Fan Yi squinted his eyes and smiled and said, "Why do you use this rhetoric to prevaricate? As far as I know, the Purgatory Legion on the Skywalk Continent is equally uncomfortable, especially the sword after the Mingyue Pool soars. , It is also the kind of one sword and one king. Since everyone is hard to live, why not combine the two? Once the Purgatory Legion enters the world of the magic moon, it will also bring a lot of death luck, and when we work together to flatten Xuanyuan After the empire, I will naturally lead the alien demon army into the Skywalk Continent to help you exterminate the ants like this, eve and eve. Wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds to get the best of both worlds?"

The ghost emperor also squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "It depends on how much bargaining chips you can offer."

Fan Yi smiled slightly, but slowly raised his head, his eyes made contact with me, and smiled: "Have you seen enough?"


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