Zhan Yue

Chapter 1502: Miss Lin Lu

Around seven o'clock in the evening.

Lin Xi always kept the voice call with me. On her side, there was a rush of footsteps, followed by the explosion of skills, and I frowned, "What's the matter?"

"I met someone from Longqi Palace."

She smiled slightly: "I originally wanted to sneak attack on me, so I let Liming Vision's passivity see it in advance, so I did it smoothly."

"It's rare, I can still meet people." I said.


Lin Xi nodded and said, "Indeed, this mountain and sea secret realm map is too big, and there are many monsters in the map. Although there are many people in the national service, it is not 100% that the three times of triumphs above level 280 are not 100%. It's hard to meet people, but if you look at the map... the smaller you go inside, the whole big map should look like a circle."

"Where is the spirit beast?"

I smiled and asked, "Isn't there a spirit beast that you can see right now?"

"Spirit beasts are often seen, but the level is too low."

In the next second, there was the sound of charging, followed by the continuous sound of the white **** transforming + the glowing sun sword. After a slash, Lin Xi said: "Just killed a white bear and got a d Level-level spirit beast mark, not the only one, I guess, at least a level-b or higher spirit beast mark is the only one. Otherwise, there are so many people on the national server side, and if many people go back empty-handed, the game company can't justify it."


I nodded: "The game company does not matter. In fact, this map was created by the main brain. A map derived from my dialogue with the big tengu has little to do with the game company, but this map still follows the game. Some rules in it."

"Those who can enhance our strength should be supported." Lin Xi said.

I think so: "This is the reason, can you see if the mark can be lost?"

There was a "click" over there, and Lin Xi smiled: "You can throw it away or trade, but you can't bring out the map of the Mysterious Mountains and Seas, otherwise these spirit beast marks will automatically disappear when people go out, so there is excess. You can give it to someone you meet in the secret world of mountains and seas, or if you are a friend, otherwise it will be useless no matter how much you hit."

"Understood, keep going, how many mountains have you reached?"

"77 heavy mountains."

"It's not slow, keep going!"


Continue, the endless sea refines the swords of the heavens.

Not long after, the dense clouds in the depths of the endless sea slowly separated, and then a whirlpool appeared in the sea, and a majestic white flood appeared in the sea. The scales all over his body glowed with brilliance, and it looked solid and solid. With his head protruding out of the sea, his body disturbing the wind and clouds in the sea, his eyes were gloomy and he smiled and said: "The people who sit on the wall of the sky are really idle. Sitting in an endless sea in our district all day, is it interesting?"

"It has something to do with you?"

I glanced at it, and immediately understood the roots of this white dragon, the anomaly of the endless sea dragon family, born with white scales, but powerful, and challenged the patriarch many times as an adult, but the patriarch was too strong and lost time and time again. , And this time, the ancestor of Jiaolong was hit hard by me and escaped, so this white Jiao appeared.

"There is injustice in the world, can't you care?" Bai Jiao sneered.


I nodded and said with a smile: "You plan to stand up for the Endless Sea-Monster Clan, right? The crux of the problem is, is your neck hard enough? Can you hold my sword?"

"How can I know if I don't try?"

Its expression became more and more fierce, and its lower body swayed, causing at least a hundred feet of fiery turmoil, as if an unprecedented tsunami was about to sweep the earth, and sneered: "The monster race of the endless sea will not surrender to a foreign race forever, not now, in the future No, even if I died today, it’s okay. Other monster races will remember my name and find opportunities to avenge me in the future."

"Think beautifully."

I laughed, holding my sword in the air, facing the monstrous turmoil ahead, without a trace of fear in my heart. The luck of this endless sea and world was bestowed on me by Master Shi, so I am the master of this world. This feeling of absolute mastery is something that Bai Jiao in front of him cannot understand. In the next second, when he raises his hand to hold the heavens, the volley is a sword falling!


The bright sword light separated the heaven and the earth first, then separated the violent waves, and finally fell fiercely on the head of the Baijiao. I saw it staring at me fiercely and swaying all over, and strands of natal supernatural power rules surged on the head, condensing it. He had an extremely pure white scale technique, as if trying to use this natal scale to resist the heavens.

But it thinks too much. The heavens have been cultivating in the endless sea for a long time. Not to mention the sharpness of the sword's edge, and the level of the magic weapon is also improving. This sword is far from what it can be compared to before, with the sword. When the light fell, the pure white scales instantly shattered, and then the sword light fell on the head of the Baijiao, splitting the skin and flesh, and there were also traces of cracks on the skull.


It wailed in pain, no matter if it twisted its body, its body galloped back, trying to escape from here.

It's a pity that it's too late, and if you dare to be provocative, you are doomed to bear the price.


Holding the heavens, I turned into a wisp of white light, tearing the sea surface, and almost instantly came to the vicinity of the white flood, the sword light flashed by, and a huge white flood head fell into the sea, as it returned. Dust was floating on the surface of the sea, and the huge body of the Baijiao was also sprayed with red blood plasma, rolling on the surface of the sea to die.

"Come out?"

I raised my sword light and smiled in the direction of the head of the Baijiao: "The monster race in the endless sea was beaten to the point last time. Even if this Baijiao has bones in the back of his head, he will not dare to oppose me again. Someone must control it, are you right, Deacon Lin Lu?"

"Yo, I found it..."

Above Bai Jiao's head, a ray of silver light floated out, condensed into a graceful figure, it was the guide Lin Lu, who wore a white dress, looked beautiful, but unfortunately had a serpentine heart.

"What on earth do you Star Alliance want to do?"

I raised my sword and stood on the surface of the sea, and asked calmly.

"It's nothing."

This rare and beautiful adventurer who can condense a real body looked up at the sky, revealing a long snow-white neck, chuckled lightly, and the peaks on his chest trembled, saying: "What can Starlink want to do? It's nothing more than... It's nothing more than turning the tide and supporting the building."

I pursed my lips: "Even I believe it?"


Lin Lu smiled and trembled, and she stretched out her hand to point me in the direction, and said, "Lu Li, Lu Li, sometimes you kid really makes people love and hate. Some things can't be explained clearly in a few words. Later generations will thrive. The people and all the beings in the universe will remember the merits of the Star Alliance. This is enough."

"Then what is it for this time?" I asked.

Lin Lumei looked faintly and said, "You opened the map of the mountain and sea, right?"


"How much cause and effect are involved, do you understand?" she asked with a smile.

"not understand."

I shook my head: "But I don’t care. Rather than look forward and backward, we have to go forward. Our earth has no way of retreat. Last time, thanks to your Starlink, it hit the star of the Starlink and almost caused the earth to die out, so I am in the Starlink. Human, what you say, do you think I will believe it? Can I believe it?"


Lin Lu pursed her red lips, and said, "In fact, the matter of causing space changes and causing the Earth to hit the Star Alliance’s parent star was a big argument at our Star Alliance’s elders meeting. To tell you, more than half of the Star Alliance’s The members are against deliberately doing it. After all, the hundreds of millions of creatures on the earth are innocent, but...because of your stubbornness, the deacon and more than half of the deacons agreed to this punishment on the earth, so Starlink triggered an impact. It was a typo, but ask yourself, Lu Li is right? If you are willing to cooperate with Star Alliance, there will be no such thing. Those who are frozen to death will not have to die. Maybe they are still enjoying the happiness of family."


I fixedly looked at her.

Lin Lu also looked at me, her pretty face flushed slightly: "Why look at me like this?"

I sneered: "I'm watching, why is such a beautiful woman so shameless, so shameless? If you say I am willing to cooperate with Star Alliance, these people will not have to die, but the truth of the matter is no more than me. Is it clear? If I give up resistance, the entire life on earth will disappear from the world, because you have to rebuild the wall of the sky, and you have to free cages for birds, and everyone will die."

Lin Lu pretty stood on the surface of the sea, and said, "You are not the first person to say such things. It doesn't matter. Anyway, I only remember the first sentence of your statement just now."

My body ascended and sat cross-legged tens of meters above the sea, and said, "Sit?"


Lin Lu also rose to the same height, knelt down on the void, her long skirt fluttering, and smiled: "Is this... you want to sit down with me?"

"Do not."

I shook my head, raised my hand, and suddenly a sea world appeared, covering myself and Lin Lu in it. No one else could snoop into it. I said: "I want to ask this gentle and beautiful big sister. What is the one-step plan? In the world of Magic Moon, what other plans do you have, can you say no?"

Lin Lu Sufeng was ups and downs, a little messy, and said, "No, there is no layout. Now you use Star Eye to take over the entire main brain system. The entire Moon Moon universe is a copper wall and iron wall. At most, our Star Alliance will send a few. A facilitator came to see the situation, what else could be laid out, after all, the source code is now in your hands."

I held the Heavenly Sword in my arms, tilted my head and looked at her, and said with a smile: "With such a big chest, wouldn't I be afraid of panting if I lie?"


Lin Lu was even more confused-intrigued, and said: "There is really no layout, at best, it's just the idea of ​​starring."


I frowned and said nothing.

Lin Lu covered her small mouth: "Did you say something was missing?"

I laughed and said: "Maybe, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may also be told to me on purpose, but it doesn't matter."

Lin Lu stood up: "Okay, I've talked too much, it's time to return."

"Don't come to me next time, change Lian Yin."


She was taken aback: "Why?"

"I want to kill him, even if I kill a piece of data, it's fun."


Her pretty face blushed: "So, do you already feel pity for Miss Lin Lu?"

I rolled my eyes: "I don't know whether the old woman who has lived for thousands or tens of thousands of years, or the young lady? Have a face, Lin Lu!"

"Oh shit!"

She patted her butt, turned into a white light and flew away. </div>

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