Zhan Yue

Chapter 1514: Soldier

Latest website: 7:30 in the morning.

With a cry of wailing, Bai Ze's huge body suddenly exploded, turning into countless colorful fragments and flying around the world in the unexplored mountains and seas, while a colorful imprint of immortality slowly drifted down in the sky, and Lin Xi instigated the white deer. Before, he reached out and grasped it with a hand, and his pretty face was immediately full of joy.

"Congratulations Lin Xi, leader!"

Haotian was busy flattering: "This is probably going to be invincible, the king-level spirit beast Bai Ze, and it is such a good-looking spirit beast, after the fusion, the boss Lin Xi will surely sweep the army and be invincible!"

Lin Xi was speechless and didn't bother to look at him at all.

I said, "The Mark of Bai Ze, if you are satisfied, just merge it?"


Lin Xi opened her five fingers and the colorful imprint was in the palm of her palm. She smiled happily, "The imprint of Bai Ze should be one of the strongest imprints of spirit beasts, maybe there is none of them, if this is still not satisfactory. , I'm afraid I can only come back empty-handed."

As he said, with a grip of five fingers, Bai Ze's imprint suddenly turned into strands of colorful brilliance and merged into Lin Xi's eyebrows. In less than five seconds, a gorgeous white mark appeared on Lin Xi's eyebrows. It was Bai Ze. At this time, it looks like Lin Xi is like a female fairy who has practiced in the mountains for many years.

Immediately afterwards, a ringtone echoed in the air, shocking all players in the entire server——


System Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Lin Xi] for successfully fusing the king-level spirit beast mark [Bai Ze] to obtain magical powers [Bai Ze], [Rebirth], [Bai Ze Jing Wei Figure], etc., all attributes +105% when transforming, Total resistance +175%, and activate a part of the spirit beast's divine power!


The first king-level mark in the whole server, the integration is successful!

In the next second, the mark on the center of Lin Xi's eyebrows burst into the sky, and behind her slowly appeared a huge white sky tens of meters high. The aura was majestic and full of awe-inspiring aura. Far from being comparable to the S-level spirit beasts, and the supernatural power skills also lit up three at once.


I asked: "Are the three supernatural powers powerful?"

"It must be amazing!" Haotian said silently.

Lin Xi smiled and said: "It's not bad. It can make the owner 100% avoid crit, bloodsucking, damage increase and other damage, which is equivalent to providing a very thick defense BUFF for himself. The supernatural power of rebirth is also good. , After the battle, you can choose to be reborn in place with full blood, but the level will still drop by 1 level. As for the Baize ghost map, eh... it seems to be a map book, you can collect the map book of other spirit beasts. After the collection is completed, you can Acquired his own magical powers."


I was startled slightly: "So defying the sky? Then how do you collect it?"

"It is enough to be 10 yards away from the other party. As long as the other party summons the spirit beast, I can collect the illustrated book here."

"Rely on..."

Haotian was shocked: "Isn't this going against the sky? You can collect all the illustrations of the spirit beasts. After that, all kinds of magical powers will be thrown out like a cannon. Who can stand it?"

Lin Xi glanced at him: "Is there a cooling time for magical power skills? Bai Ze just copied someone else's magical powers and can be used at will. There are many rules to follow, so strong is strong, but not strong enough. To the point of invincibility."


I nodded, then looked towards the foot of the mountain, and said, "Shen Mingxuan and Ruyi should be here too? Shall we go down the mountain?"


As a result, when we came to the foot of the mountain, a group of players had already arrived, led by Feng Canghai, surrounded by players such as Baili Ruofeng, Resolute Fengxing, Yunjian, etc., totaling more than ten people.

"It's late..."

Baili Ruofeng raised his bow, frowning and said: "The Mark of Bai Ze has been merged by Lin Xi."


Feng Canghai frowned, looked at us, and said, "Among the three, only Lu Li has no marks. The remaining two are a king-level Baize mark and a ten **** corpse Xia Geng mark."



Lin Xi was holding the sword of the archangel and instigated Bai Lu to walk in the forefront. There was a kingly style of the deer leader. Standing high on the stone steps, with a pair of beautiful eyes overlooking the crowd, he smiled and said: "Oh, sorry, everyone , Let your plan of picking up the leaks failed. Now there is one on Yilu's side that has the mark of Bai Ze and the mark of Xia Geng. It's not that I despise you, ten wind and seas tied together can't be beaten, it's better to... directly Is it gone?"


Resolutely holding a battle axe in his hand, with anger in his eyes, but forbearing that there was no attack, there is no way, it is really not defeated, basically they do not have the mark of fusion, and the only player who has the mark of fusion is still one. A-level spirit beast mark, if it really fights, it will be directly killed by our side, there is no chance at all.

"Why, are you still leaving?"

I raised my eyebrows with my double-edged blade, smiled and said, "I will kill all of them if I don't leave~~~"

"It's a bit aggressive, Yilu."

Baili Ruofeng carried his bow, with a light cloud and breeze, and smiled: "The road goes up to the sky, and the white woods under the Baishou Mountain are all public maps. Anyone can come and anyone can walk. Could it be that Baishou Mountain has already been captured by your deer, and we are so coming?"

Haotian yelled in a low voice: "What are your thoughts when you come here and need us to break it? Hurry up, get out of the picture, remember your own ability, and don't **** blood on our Yilu, be careful not to die!"


Feng Canghai didn't expect our Yilu people to speak so straight, and couldn't help but smile: "It's really interesting, Yilu people speak more and more like the T0 guild now."

I frowned: "Feng Canghai, enough, knowing that you want to rely on your mark to fight for the first place, if you have the ability to fight it yourself, don't be disgusting here."

But at this moment, there was a sound of "rustling" in the woodland on the side. Two little beauties appeared in the field of vision, one carrying a bright bow and the other carrying a blue staff. It was Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi two people.


I strode down the mountain directly, guarding in front of Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi, and said with a smile: "Lin Xi, don't we have a mark? It just happened that Ruyi and Shen Mingxuan arrived, right?"


So, Lin Xi and I each handed out a Vermillion Bird mark and a nine-tailed fox mark, while Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi did not hesitate to confirm the fusion on the spot. In the next second, two bells burst into the sky--


System announcement: Congratulations to the player [XiXin] successfully integrated the S-level spirit beast mark [Suzaku] to obtain magical powers [Shenhuo], [Creation], etc., all attributes +75%, total resistance +100%, and some activations Spirit beast divine power!


System announcement: Congratulations to the player [Ruyi] for successfully fusing the S-level spirit beast mark [Nine-Tailed Fox] to obtain magical powers [Nine Spirits], [Auspicious], etc., all attributes +75%, total resistance +100%, and Activate part of the spirit beast's divine power!


In this way, two more S-rank fusionists have been added to Yilu, which also means that Feng Canghai and others have completely lost the opportunity. Under this circumstance, it is impossible to pose any threat to our Yilu. .

"Let's go."

Feng Canghai frowned, somewhat helpless, holding the blade and pulling on the reins, and said: "Let’s look for it again, maybe we can find a suitable spirit beast in the final period of time. If it doesn’t work, you should merge and merge. Well, it’s better to have the mark of the spirit beast than not. A-level and B-level are fine, and I can also merge with an S-level at will."

Yun Jian frowned: "Boss, you are a T0 player in the national server. You definitely don't want S-level. We are either king-level spirit beasts or the top ten corpses of gods. We will never stop them. It's great to come again next time!"


The other swordsman also echoed.

Feng Canghai smiled helplessly: "Well, it depends on the situation!"

But at this moment, the earth trembling violently in the distance, followed by a few "swishes" ray of light through the jungle, crashed into the crowd of Feng Canghai and others.

"Be careful!"

Feng Canghai shouted, and immediately stepped into the state of Chaos Transformation, his palms opened, and summoned a Chaos Shield to protect the players behind him, but they could not protect everyone. There were still four people who were instantly caught in the flames. Beheaded, **** and bloody.


"Who!?" Feng Canghai looked awe-inspiring, looking at the depths of the jungle, there was a bit of fear on his face.

My brows were frowned, this breath was too "arrogant", it could be called a big murderer, and even the Shadow Spirit Ruins, which I had been refined into the ruins of the gods, buzzed and trembled, as if it were an enemy. Lin Xi, Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and Haotian frowned, and they were ready to fight.

In the wind, the drizzle was swaying, and the feeling of the gloomy heavy rain came again, the rain master screened it?

"Master Soldier."

The figure of Yushi Pingyi appeared in the wind and rain, saying: "This place is the Baishou Mountain where Bai Ze, the ancestor of the monster race, exiled and inhabited. We kill people here... Will Bai Ze be angry?"


A voice resembling a muffled thunder sounded: "You **** are afraid of Bai Ze, thinking that I am also afraid of Bai Ze? Besides, I have already felt that Bai Ze's breath has faded a lot. If nothing else, his natal mark has fallen. It’s really ridiculous that the human race is in the hands of the ancestor of the monster race, and the ancestor of the demon race, which has access to all things, will ultimately end up like this."

"Yes, my lord."

Yushi Pingyi looked in our direction and sneered: "The two have already found out here, do you immediately start an offensive to contain them, and wait until the main body of the soldier arrives, you will directly kill it!"



In the air, the rain master gave a low drink, and the rain in the sky solidified in place, and then turned into thousands of sword rain, which fell from the sky, crackling and indiscriminately blasted to the players on the ground.


Baili Ruofeng was shocked: "This is called Yushiping, the top ten corpses!"


Resolutely, his body sank, holding his battle axe, and said: "I am embarrassed to be the leader if I have no education..."

"Your uncle..."

Baili Ruofeng smiled bitterly.


"Lu Li, be careful."

Lin Xi instigated Bai Lu to step forward, and stepped into the imprinted transformation state with a "peng", a transparent Baize direction hovered around her, and the whole person's aura suddenly changed.


From a distance, there was a thunderous voice: "Sure enough, Bai Ze's mark of life has been refined, tusk, in that case, let me pull your soul away and take out this Bai Ze mark!"

A huge figure appeared in the distant jungle. The whole body was full of **** luster, with three heads and six arms, holding a battle knife, axe, and a golden ge. It was like a gold cast, as if the **** of war was resurrected!

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