Zhang Sanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since that's the case, Pindao will thank you two first."

"You two must have heard of it, and Pindao has given up."

"Three months later, Pindao will go to Shaolin to seek justice for what happened that year and the death of Pindao's master, Master Jueyuan."

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng immediately looked at each other.

I don't know why, but Zhang Sanfeng actually mentioned this.

While the two were feeling uneasy, they could only hear Zhang Sanfeng's voice, ringing in their ears again.

"I would like to invite you two to join me in Shaolin, and do justice for my master, Master Jueyuan."

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt the wind from Wudang Mountain, how cold!

If it is normal, let the two of them go to Shaolin, of course, there is nothing impossible.

For Chu Liuxiang, with his light work, let alone going to Shaolin, he would definitely dare to sneak into the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion and steal a few scriptures or martial arts secrets.

Even, it can be done.

Of course, the premise is that the sweeper does not make a move.

However, Xiao Feng's father, Xiao Yuanshan, and Murong Fu's father, Murong Bo, had been peeking at the martial arts secrets in the Sutra Collection Pavilion. The floor sweeper didn't stop them, and of course there was no reason to stop Chu Liuxiang.

Chu Liuxiang has a great chance of getting out.

The same is true for Lu Xiaofeng.

However, everyone in the martial arts knows that Zhang Sanfeng went to Shaolin three months later to challenge the Shaolin Temple.

The Shaolin Temple will definitely be ready to fight with Zhang Sanfeng to the end.

At this time, follow Zhang Sanfeng to Shaolin.

Doesn't that make it clear that they are enemies with Shaolin?

Thinking of this section, both of them waved their hands again and again.

"Zhang Zhenren, the two of us have little knowledge, so we don't need to go to Shaolin to drag you down."

Xiao Yu snorted coldly beside him.

"So handsome Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows turned out to be two cowards."

Facing the merciless ridicule of the little girl, both of them smiled bitterly, but they did not dare to refute.

The battle between Zhang Sanfeng and Shaolin is bound to be shocking.

What will happen is anyone's guess.

Although both of them are daring people, they do not want to be involved in such a fight for no reason.

"Don't worry, Pindao will give you two enough rewards."

Zhang Sanfeng stared at the two with his eyes like electricity.

"There is no need for the two of you to intervene in the fight between me and the bald donkey in the Shaolin Temple. You can just watch it on the sidelines."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Hearing these words, Chu Liuxiang and Lu XiaoFeng breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't get involved, that's fine.

"Both of them are known for their resourcefulness in the arena."

"Pin Dao's master, Master Jue Yuan, suddenly passed away after Pin Dao left Shaolin."

"Pindao suspects, there are other reasons for this."

"Pindao wants to invite the two of you to go and find out the cause of death of Master Jueyuan."

Zhang Sanfeng expressed his thoughts.

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng, both of them are experts in solving cases.

Master Jueyuan has passed away for quite a long time.

Although Zhang Sanfeng doubted in his heart that there were other reasons for the death of Master Jueyuan, he had to provide evidence for everything.

......... 0

Therefore, when he saw Chu Liuxiang at Xiaoyao Inn, Zhang Sanfeng asked him to come to Wudang Mountain.

In terms of martial arts cultivation, Zhang Sanfeng is of course much better than the two of them.

But when it comes to investigating cases and solving cases, Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng are always there.

It is naturally the best thing to be able to invite two people who are under pressure to solve the case.

"You two, please rest assured. If this matter is done, Pindao is willing to teach you two, each of whom has a peerless magic."

"For example, Jiuyin Zhenjing."

"Alternatively, I will personally instruct you on the martial arts you are practicing now, and I will ensure that your martial arts cultivation will be improved to a higher level."

Zhang Sanfeng is very clear that since he invites people to do things, of course he has to give them some sweetness.

People who practice martial arts, the most wanted thing, naturally, is to practice more advanced martial arts.

The two of them, although not as obsessed with swords as Ximen Chuixue.

But who doesn't want their martial arts to be higher?

Anyway, just to investigate the case, not to fight recklessly with the people of Shaolin Temple.

Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng looked at each other.

"Since it was invited by Zhenren Zhang, how dare the two of us refuse to obey, and we will do our best."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

Looking at the eyes of the two of them, it suddenly became softer.

"Okay! The two of you will stay in Wudang first, and when the time comes, you can go to Shaolin with me."

A sharp light flashed in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes.

No matter who killed Master Jueyuan, he will never be spared!

PS: The "Rootless Tree" in this chapter and the "Meditation Song" in the previous chapter are both written by Zhang Sanfeng (I'm talking about the real Zhang Sanfeng, not a novel.) [-].

Chapter 167

At the foot of Wudang Mountain.

Small town.

The Wudang Mountain Opening Ceremony ended.

The town at the foot of Wudang Mountain did not become deserted because of this, but became more and more prosperous.

The reputation of Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang faction is getting louder and louder.

Zhang Sanfeng's deeds are also spreading more and more widely.

In the world, more and more people came to the foot of Wudang Mountain because of their admiration for Wudang and Zhang Sanfeng.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that at the foot of Wudang Mountain, Zhang Zhenzhen can also be seen comprehending the Tao and feel the change of Qi.

It is very helpful for martial arts cultivation.

Moreover, the demeanor of the number one person in the world, just thinking about it, makes countless people admire and yearn for it.

Even if you can't join the Wudang faction, you can come to the foot of Wudang Mountain, take a close look at the legendary Wudang Mountain, and feel the fairy spirit of Wudang Mountain. This life is enough.

With this idea in mind, more and more people live in the town at the foot of Wudang Mountain.

At the same time, various forces in the rivers and lakes are mixed, and they want to inquire about every move of the Wudang faction.

It made the town's prosperity even more.

However, ever since Zhang Sanfeng attacked and slashed the three hundred black armored soldiers of the Great Qin Empire with one sword, no one dared to make trouble in the town.

The town where people from endless rivers and lakes gather has become unprecedentedly peaceful.

No one dared to challenge the rules of Wudang sect.

There is an inn.

Since Paoding started delivering meals to Wudang, the business of the inn has been booming.

Zhang Sanfeng took Xiao Yu to the inn.

Paoding is unraveling the cow.

I saw him holding a bull's knife in each hand, dancing up and down quickly.

Cut, chop, slice, pick, slice, slash, chop...

The method of solving the bullseye may seem bizarre, comical, and even vulgar.

But it is accurate and effective, coupled with Paoding's strong inner strength, its power can be described as shocking.

After a while, all the beef was separated from the bones by the cook.

The beef bones he unwrapped were clean, without even a trace of minced meat.

Cooking Ding Jie Niu, amazing skills.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but applaud.

"Uncle's Uncle's Sword Technique is getting better and better."

Paoding was a little embarrassed, touched his head, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"I'm just a little trick. In front of Zhenren Zhang, how dare I show my ugliness and brag?"

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes flashed slightly, thoughtfully.

"Such a sword technique can be called a skill, why do you have to be so humble?"

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