Since he went to Shaolin, seeing that Zhang Sanfeng has not made any movement, he has long been unable to hold back.

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Since Zhou Botong joined Wudang, he has improved his martial arts and his cultivation has soared. He has long wanted to try his skills.

This time when I came to Shaolin, I came to fight.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't act in a hurry. Although the old urchin was in a hurry, he didn't dare to act rashly.

At this time, seeing Jiu Mozhi, he finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Jiu Mozhi saw the figure flash, and quickly turned sideways to dodge.

The old urchin seized the opportunity, and the seventy-two road Kong Mingquan gushed endlessly.

His original martial arts are already superb.

On the Wudang Mountain, he was diligent again.

By now, even if Wang Chongyang was reborn, it would be difficult for him to be his opponent.

Jiu Mozhi naturally can't either.

What's more, being grabbed by the old urchin with a trick.

In an instant, it was hard to resist.

Jiu Mozhi was horrified.

He has studied martial arts for many years, and he has reached the realm of transformation by asking himself about martial arts.

But I didn't expect that this old man who came out of nowhere would be so powerful.

In the Mahavira Hall, all the Shaolin monks were shocked.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

The height of Jiu Mozhi's martial arts has reached the peak of the world.


At least the abbot Xuanci admitted that he was far behind.

And the old urchin Zhou Botong's martial arts is still far above Jiumazhi.

Wudang is full of talented people, which has really made Shaolin unmatched.

Jiu Mozhi became more and more frightened, and suddenly shouted.

"Are you old urchin Zhou Botong?"

The old urchin stopped immediately and laughed.

"Yes, yes, you have a bit of a wink."

The name of the old urchin, Kumozhi naturally has long heard.

But he shouted like this just now, mainly to gain a breathing space for himself.

Otherwise, Zhou Botong will attack again, without ten moves, he will definitely lose.

"Zhang Zhenren, the mountain monk is asking you for advice, why are you unwilling to take action?"

Jiu Mozhi turned his attention to Zhang Sanfeng.

If he didn't ask the number one person in the world for some tips, he would be really unwilling.

Moreover, for Zhou Botong, he is really not sure of winning.

Might as well force Zhang Sanfeng to do it.

Zhou Botong laughed.

"You can't even win the old urchin, what qualifications do you have to let Zhang Zhenren take action?"

Jiu Mozhi was stunned for a moment, but he was speechless.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled indifferently.

"Okay, just shoot at me, Pindao will give you a trick."

In Jiu Mozhi's eyes, two bright lights suddenly appeared.

Zhang Sanfeng was famous all over the world, but he still had some contempt.

Just after playing against Zhou Botong, I realized that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky.

Middle-earth martial arts, really crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Zhang Sanfeng's ability to overwhelm the top ten masters should not be taken lightly.

But he was so arrogant that he could sit still and let himself make moves, which would be too contemptible.

Jiu Mozhi used Xiao Wuxiang Gong and hit Zhang Sanfeng with a palm.

Zhang Sanfeng sat still, and slowly extended a finger.

Jiu Mozhi suddenly felt a huge force coming from his chest, and it seemed that there was nothing.

His inner strength was like a torrent of water, flowing east to the sea and disappearing at a very fast speed.

The Zhang Sanfeng in front of him was beyond reach.

Although it is close at hand, it seems to be far away and can never be reached.

In the eyes of outsiders, they saw Jiuma's palm slammed down, and then stopped there, motionless.

"Idiot monk, you are addicted to martial arts and lost the original intention of Buddhism. If you don't wake up at this time, when will you wait?" Five.

Chapter 177

Zhang Sanfeng gave a cold drink.

Jiu Mozhi only felt the inner strength of his own body, all gushing out from his chest.

Through an invisible channel, from Zhang Sanfeng's fingertips, he was inhaled into his body.

Air suction.

Such a strange and magical martial art is really unheard of.

Jiu Mozhi was shocked.

He knew that if he continued like this, it wouldn't take a moment or three, all his inner strength would be sucked out, and he would become a crippled person from then on.

He struggled desperately, but he was like a chicken caught by an eagle.

There was an invisible force that bound his body and made him unable to move.

The more Jiu Mozhi tried his luck, the faster the internal force in his body disappeared.

The monks in the surrounding Shaolin Temple were all stunned.

Everyone is a martial artist, and naturally they can see that Jiumazhi is wrong.

"Let him go!"

Dozens of Shaolin monks exited at the same time.

At the same time, they all slapped Nine Six Zero.

I want to rescue Kumozhi.

These more than a dozen monks are all people who have practiced asceticism for many years.

Everyone's inner strength is extremely impressive.

A dozen people shot one at a time, and the power was amazing.

As soon as the palm qi came out, it was overwhelming.

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly, sitting still.

One hand still pointed at Kumozhi, while the other hand drew an arc in the air.

A stream of air was born out of thin air.

Surging and spinning endlessly, it turned into a Tai Chi picture, protecting Zhang Sanfeng's body around him.

The palms of these people hit the Taiji map, and they immediately disappeared into the invisible.

All the monks were shocked.

The world's martial arts come from Shaolin.

Shaolin monks, although staying at home, practice martial arts all day long.

The martial arts classics in the temple are as numerous as stars, and there are countless.

Thousands of years of accumulation, how can it be trivial?

Among them, there are martial arts handed down by the ancestors of Bodhidharma.

There are also continuous creations by the eminent monks of the past dynasties.

There are also many half-way monks in the martial arts who contributed what they have learned.

There are so many Shaolin martial arts and rich martial arts secrets. For thousands of years, it has been unrivaled in the world.

These monks have been studying martial arts in the temple and middle school, and their knowledge is extremely profound.

But these strange and profound martial arts, they are all unheard of.

In the empty eyes, it shines brightly.

"A good way of Tai Chi."

There have long been rumors in Jianghu that Zhang Sanfeng created Taiji martial arts.

Zhang Sanfeng had already advertised it widely, and even explained it specially when Wudang opened the mountain gate.

Since the Shaolin Temple received the news that Zhang Sanfeng was going to join Shaolin, they have carried out a lot of research on his martial arts.

He knew Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi martial arts very well.

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