"As expected of a martial arts prodigy who has not been seen in Shaolin for two hundred years, he still has some skills."

On Xuan Cheng's body, the Buddha's light became more and more prosperous.

Zhang Sanfeng danced his hands and feet slowly, and behind him, a Tai Chi picture slowly formed. .

Chapter 181

The situation is changing.

On the top of Shaoshi Mountain, floating clouds gathered from all around.

The Tai Chi map behind Zhang Sanfeng slowly rotates, intertwined with the Qi machine of heaven and earth.

Xuan Cheng's eyes were wide open.

King Kong glared.

He took a step forward and punched him.


A loud bang - suddenly exploded.

Between Xuan Cheng and Zhang Sanfeng, a huge fist appeared, like a hill, pressing down.

The fist wind was surging all around, blowing the big trees in the mountains and forests to the east and west, and the birds and beasts ran.

All the Shaolin monks were amazed.

"This is?"

"The Great Weeduo Pole of the Seventy-two Shaolin Skills."

"It's terrifying to be able to use the big weeduo pole to such an extent."

"Master Xuan Cheng is indeed the first person in my two hundred years of Shaolin."

"Zhang Sanfeng doesn't know how high the sky is, so he has to regret it this time."


Fist like a mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng took a step forward and punched out.

As he spit out the power of his palm, a Tai Chi diagram quickly formed, wrapping Xuan Cheng's boxing shadow like a mountain.

At this time, Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan, Yilin... The people who followed Zhang Sanfeng to Shaoshi Mountain had already arrived.

Song Yuanqiao and other seven people were among them.

Although Shaolin Temple fought fiercely with Zhang Sanfeng, they did not take action against them.

After all, Shaolin, who is the leader of the martial arts of the right way, still needs some face, and it is impossible to say anything about taking action against children.

Everyone knows that the key to success or failure today lies in Zhang Sanfeng alone.

The young Song Yuanqiao opened his eyes wide.

"Can Master hold up?"

Beside him, a smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth.

"That's natural, Master is omnipotent."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Sanfeng's figure and quickly retreated.

Xuan Cheng's fist was like a long rainbow, and he was chasing after him.

Guo Xiang and Wang Yuyan looked at each other, and both saw a little anxiety in each other's eyes.

Although the two of them were extremely confident in Zhang Sanfeng's strength.

But as the saying goes, concern is chaos.

There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that there are hidden monks in Shaolin.

This monk who came out of nowhere should be the legendary "hidden monk".

Looking at the power of his shots, he also knew that this person's martial arts were far superior to the average masters.

They could not help but make both of them sweat in their palms.

Although Zhang Sanfeng's figure retreated, his expression was not even a little flustered.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When the Shaolin monks saw Xuan Cheng knocking Zhang Sanfeng back with a punch, they all applauded.

"Senior Brother Xuan Cheng is indeed the first person in Shaolin for two hundred years."

"Senior Brother Xuancheng is outstanding, how can Zhang Sanfeng be his rival?"

"Haha, what is the number one expert in the world, in front of Master Xuancheng, he is nothing but a chicken and a dog."

"You're young, and after learning a few martial arts, do you think you're really invincible in the world?"

"It's just a traitor, how can he tolerate his arrogance?"

"It seems that Senior Brother Xuancheng will soon be able to win, suppress Zhang Sanfeng in one fell swoop, and restore the world's martial arts to a bright future."

"Every time there is a catastrophe in the martial arts, it is my Shaolin to save the tide, and this time will be no exception."

"Zhang Sanfeng, the clown jumping on the beam, how can it be worth a blow?"


Zhang Sanfeng retreated farther and farther, and in an instant, he had retreated several hundred meters away.

Xuan Cheng's fist shadow followed like a shadow, like a shadow attached to a bone, biting tightly.

The Shaolin monks all thought that the victory was in their hands, and they all smiled happily.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the situation changed suddenly.

"No, it's impossible!"

Xuan Cheng suddenly screamed.

He felt the inner force in his body, like the water in the sluice.

Following his fist, he rolled straight into Zhang Sanfeng's palm.

When he realized that the situation was not right and wanted to withdraw his hand, he found that his fist was tightly wrapped by Zhang Sanfeng's palm, and he struggled to escape.

When the Shaolin monks heard Xuan Cheng's exclamation, they were all in shock.

Obviously Xuancheng has the upper hand, but why is he so frightened?

And Zhang Sanfeng's figure quickly retreated, but there was a smile on his face?

Only at this time did the Shaolin monks realize that something was wrong.

Between Xuan Cheng's face, there was a look of fear and inconceivable.

"I am pulling the heaven and earth qi machine, how can you swallow it all?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

"The way of Tai Chi is all-encompassing."

"Xuan Cheng, your cultivation is still shallow, and you don't know the true meaning of the Tao, so you have such doubts."

"Do you really think that you will be invincible when you step into the land of gods?"

The face of the sweeping monk was also full of astonishment.

In his eyes, there was a little doubt and thoughtfulness.

Suddenly, he shot again, and attacked Zhang Sanfeng with a palm.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

One palm still firmly controlled Xuan Cheng, while the other hand waved casually.

In an instant, an invisible sword energy shot out from his sleeve.

The sword qi was incredibly fast, like lightning, but it rolled like a dragon, and there were thousands of changes in the blink of an eye.

The sweeping monk hurriedly changed his tactics, his palms turned into thousands of shadows, and the invisible force was floating, but it was still difficult to stop the sword energy, and he was forced to retreat step by step.

Xuan Cheng only felt that the energy in his body was flowing faster and faster.

Zhang Sanfeng's body was like a bottomless pit, absorbing all his inner strength.

In a hurry, Xuan Cheng kept transforming his skills, using six or seven secret techniques in a row, trying to get rid of it.

But every time he felt a little bit free, he was immediately caught by an invisible force.

...................... 0

No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't break free.

After a while, Xuan Cheng's surging internal energy was sucked out.

As soon as these internal forces entered Zhang Sanfeng's body, they quickly began to condense.

Xuan Cheng's inner strength, although huge, was not condensed in the slightest.

It's no wonder that he would suddenly lose his inner strength overnight.

Over the years, he has been cultivating in the back mountain of Shaolin.

On the one hand, I study Buddhism, and on the other hand, I want to find a way to restore martial arts.

Unexpectedly, he actually found it.

As a result, he regained his inner strength and went further.

But in Zhang Sanfeng's view, Xuan Cheng's method was nothing more than drinking poison to quench his thirst.

Not a fundamental solution.

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