"Zhang Zhenren's Wudang respects nature and conforms to the way of heaven. I wonder if the old monk can join?"

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly taken aback.

Immediately understood.

Put down two words, it's easier said than done.

Once the heart is demon, it will be difficult to pass.

Sweeping monks seek Buddha wholeheartedly, but it is easier said than done to let go of the obsession of "seeking Buddha"?

If he wanted to join Wudang, he wanted to abandon Buddhism and practice Taoism.

Everything is empty, what can't you give up?

This is the only way to truly cut off the past and cut off the obsession.

This man really has great wisdom.

You must know that he has cultivated Buddha for so many years, how can he give up so easily?

But he said put it down and put it down without any hesitation.

Turn the firm heart of seeking Buddha into the heart of Dao.

Such a person will surely succeed in cultivation in the future.

"Okay, since you've woken up, how can a poor man not accept the gift?"

The sweeping monk was overjoyed and thanked Zhang Sanfeng again.

"Good, good, good! I never thought that Shaolin would be so rebellious."

Seeing the monk sweeping the floor openly requesting to join Wudang in front of everyone's eyes, Wu Shi suddenly trembled with anger.

"Brother Abbot, what are you waiting for?"

"If Zhang Sanfeng can't be eliminated today, what will Shaolin look like in the world from now on?"

Xuanci put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

"The formation!".

Chapter 183

Xuanci gave an order, and the Shaolin monks swarmed up like a tide and surrounded Zhang Sanfeng.

"Zhang Sanfeng, you used an evil method to absorb Senior Brother Xuancheng's entire body of power, making him crazy and turning into a demon. You must give Shaolin an explanation on this matter!"

Xuan Ci snorted angrily.

Shaolin monks are like ants, and the number is innumerable.

Xiao Yu pouted.

"Shaolin is known as the largest faction in the world. For thousands of years, it has been the leader of martial arts, but only dares to rely on more to win. What kind of skill is it?"

Guo Xiang took her hand and smiled.

"It's okay, your master will definitely teach these bald donkeys a lesson."

Xiaoyu nodded.

She has absolute confidence in her master.

But seeing the Shaolin monks gathering more and more densely, I couldn't help but sweat.

However, Zhang Sanfeng explained it long before he went to Shaolin.

Let them not interfere, just watch.

Guo Xiang and others also knew that although they had already been among the top experts, compared with Zhang Sanfeng, the difference was still far from 17.

If they don't have to, if they make any move, they will only disrupt Zhang Sanfeng's arrangement.

Looking at the surrounding Shaolin monks, Zhang Sanfeng's expression was very calm.

His Rank Nine Mysterious Art has gone from Rank [-] to Rank [-] to the Rank [-] of Rank [-], and his skill has improved a lot, which naturally makes him confident and full of confidence.

"Xuancheng fails to cultivate Buddhahood and enters the devil's way, so what's the matter with the impoverished way?"

Xuanci saw that the monks around him were all seated, and his heart was immediately settled.

How could the power of the thousand and eight novice formations be small?

As long as Zhang Sanfeng was surrounded, it would be difficult for him to get out even if he had the cultivation of the sky.

"Zhang Sanfeng, you practiced evil arts and murdered fellow martial arts practitioners."

"When you were at the top of the light, you absorbed the inner power of the monastery's emptiness, emptiness, emptiness, emptiness, and no signs, as well as the [-] Shaolin disciples."

"Now I'm doing the same trick again, absorbing Senior Brother Xuancheng's whole body of skill."

"You have tortured my Shaolin disciples again and again, and you are ten times better than the demons by doing so. But you falsely claim that you are a cultivator."

"Today, if Shaolin can't slay demons and eliminate demons, and suppress you, it will be called the No. [-] faction in martial arts."

With a flick of his hand, he raised his meditation staff.

In an instant, the surrounding Shaolin monks all heard the order and moved.

One thousand and eight people, but they are all integrated, as if they are one person.

Their movements are not uniform.

On the contrary, one thousand and eight people, there are one thousand and eight different sets of movements.

However, it gives people a natural, not chaotic feeling.

Everyone's movements are coordinated closely and seamlessly.

Zhang Sanfeng's pupils could not help but shrink slightly.

The qi of heaven and earth changed suddenly, and with his cultivation, he could naturally perceive the extraordinaryness of this formation.


Guo Xiang's expression also changed slightly.

"This is?"

"The legendary Great Array of the Thousand and Eight Novices!"

Chu Liuxiang took a deep breath.

The tone was full of incredible meaning.

The Shaolin Arhat Formation is famous all over the world.

But most people in the world think that the [-] Arhat Formation is the limit of this formation.

But I don't know that Shaolin has a kind of great formation that has never been used for thousands of years.

It is said that once this formation is used, it will surpass a million troops.

It's just that this formation not only has a large number of people, but also has extremely high requirements for everyone.

It is very difficult to make the movements of one thousand and eight people uniform.

And the moves of the thousand and eight people are completely different, but they are closely integrated. This alone makes it difficult to ascend to the sky.

This formation is only known by its name, and the world has never seen Shaolin perform it.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with Zhang Sanfeng, he would use such a peerless formation today.

"Is this the essence of Shaolin Temple?"

Shangguan Haitang was very surprised.

Her No. [-] village in the world, dedicated to looking for information for Hulong Villa, but she didn't know that Shaolin was hiding so deeply.

"Can Zhang Zhenren stop it?"

Shanghai Begonia's mood is very complicated.

In all honesty, she didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to block it.

However, from Wudang to Shaolin, the understanding of Zhang Sanfeng along the way made her a little shaken.

Maybe it is a good thing for the world to call this person respected in martial arts?

As soon as the battle was completed, it became dark for a moment.

A terrifying aura filled the Shaoshi Mountain.

In the horror, there is a trace of Buddha rhythm.

When the Buddha was angry, the color of the world changed.

The old urchin Zhou Botong scratched his head.

"These bald donkeys in Shaolin, I didn't expect to have a few brushes. Is this formation really so powerful?"

He only felt the qi in his body, surging and uncontrollable.

It must be known that Zhou Botong's cultivation level today is no longer under the Wang Chongyang of that year.

As for the great formation of the thousand and eight novices, this power alone made him so uneasy, and the power of this formation was evident.

The shocking atmosphere spread from Shaoshi Mountain to all around.

The wind was blowing, the clouds were flying, and the sky was amazing.

On Shaoshi Mountain, [-] Shaolin disciples sat down with their legs crossed and recited Buddhist scriptures.

The voices of [-] people converged and reached Jiuxiao.

The sound of the Buddha and the Great Array of One Thousand and Eight Novices complemented each other, adding to the power of the array.

The voice of these [-] people is also an invisible attack.

Ordinary top experts, under this kind of attack, have to roll with blood, and it is difficult to control.

And through the Great Array of One Thousand and Eight Novices, the effect of this attack is multiplied.

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