He felt that the qi in his body was rapidly decreasing.

And the Taiji map covering him, the faster and faster, the stronger the suction.

Zhang Sanfeng's figure is like a god descended from the earth.

There was neither joy nor sadness on his face.

The Tai Chi diagram works, absorbing all the inner strength of the people in the thousand and eight novice great formations, and transferring them into his body.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt his body's qi, the endless turbulent energy, as if he was about to burst his body.

Fortunately, under the operation of Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, the internal force that entered his body was continuously tempered and purified.

This time, the training was even harder than before.

Even the internal power in his body was tempered together and became more condensed.

If the general internal force is a stream of true energy, then Zhang Sanfeng's current internal force is water.

One water is worth hundreds of air.

After the internal force is purified, the gas engine runs faster and faster.

Eight thousand miles in an instant.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt that his body seemed to be traveling the world.

At this moment, he felt that he was on the Nine Heavens Cloud, standing against the wind and walking on the cloud.

Above the sky, there is a faint terrifying aura.

As if some immortals were provoked, Zhang Sanfeng was not allowed to get there.

The Tai Chi map was running fast, and the internal force of the thousand and eight novices rolled into Zhang Sanfeng's body, getting faster and faster.

In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, a bright light suddenly shot out.


He burst out suddenly.

The clouds are gone, the blue sky is thousands of miles.

The energy in Zhang Sanfeng's body was like lightning at this moment, incredibly fast, thousands of miles in a blink of an eye.


In his body, there was a faint sound of thunder.

At this moment, the internal strength of the thousand and eight Shaolin monks was completely absorbed by Zhang Sanfeng.

And his martial arts cultivation base, at this moment, finally went further.

From the ninth turn of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, the eighth floor, and entered the ninth turn of the ninth floor.

In an instant, the majestic Qi machine in his body rushed like an ocean tide.

An astonishing and terrifying aura spread out around his body with his body as the core.

The Shaolin monks who formed a great formation of one thousand and eight novice monks snorted almost at the same time and all fell to the ground.

They were all drained of their inner strength by Zhang Sanfeng, and their bodies couldn't lift up any strength.

Zhang Sanfeng's body slowly floated up in the air without relying on anything.

Nine turns and nine floors, completely different from the previous one.

Zhang Sanfeng only felt that a new door suddenly opened in front of him.

That has nothing to do with martial arts at all, but the real Taoism.

This is a brand new realm, and it has vaguely broken through the pinnacle of martial arts.

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep breath.

His eyes looked further afield.

There, there are better and more beautiful scenery.

At the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, everyone noticed the change of Qi on the mountain.

Dao Yun Tiancheng.

Zi Qi came [-] miles from the east.

"Is this someone trying to become immortal?"

"It seems to be Zhang Zhenren's way of Tai Chi?"

"Could it be that Zhang Zhenren has successfully cultivated and achieved the status of immortal?"

"This breath is indeed extraordinary. It is no longer something that can be motivated by internal power."

"Could it be that there is one less warrior and one more immortal in the world?"

"Haha, Zhang Zhenren's name, how could it be called casually?"


In Shaoshi Mountain, the [-] Shaolin disciples were all dumbfounded.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes slowly swept across everyone in the field.

Xuan Ci closed his eyes.

"Unexpectedly, Shaolin has been inherited for thousands of years, and today, it died in my hands."

He only felt that all his thoughts were empty, and his heart was ashes as death.

Shaolin is over.

One thousand and eight eminent monks were all sucked out of their inner strength.

In other words, Shaolin elites are lost!

At this moment, he suddenly felt extremely regretful.

Why didn't Zhang Sanfeng bow his head to him when he went up the mountain?

Why should we gather the strength of the whole temple and fight it to the end?

If Shaolin is over, what's the point of everything?


At this moment, I saw Zhang Sanfeng's figure fluttering down from the sky.

"Pin Dao always convinces people with reason, now, can you have a good talk with Pin Dao?".

Chapter 186

Xuan Cheng sighed.

"This thousand and eight novice formations are almost all the elites of Shaolin."

"Now that you have sucked away your inner strength, you have become a waste, and Shaolin is dead. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"Pindao never said that Shaolin would be wiped out."

"It's just that you Shaolin must be the enemy of Pindao, so don't blame Pindao for being merciless."

"Now, your skills are all useless, but you are monks, and you are the right way to devote yourself to cultivating Buddhism."

"If you can't even see through this, what kind of monk do you want to become?"

Xuan Ci was silent.

He was originally a man of great wisdom, but he made many arrangements because he felt that Shaolin's reputation for thousands of years could not be destroyed in his own hands.

Unexpectedly, these arrangements, in the end - they pitted themselves.

At this moment, the disciples of Shaolin all came running frantically.




Many disciples were shouting loudly.

The one thousand and eight Shaolin monks who were sucked by Zhang Sanfeng were the main force of Shaolin, the head of each academy, and the elders.

They are also the most apprentices.

Seeing that they have all lost their inner strength and become cripple, these disciples are naturally filled with righteous indignation.

"Zhang Sanfeng, we fought with you!"

Someone shouted.

red eyes.

Xuan Ci shook his head slightly.

"All come back!"

His voice was not loud, but he still made these disciples quiet down quickly.

Xuanci's eyes turned to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Shaolin has been honored in martial arts for thousands of years, and now Shaolin monks have all lost their inner strength and become crippled."

"Even if you don't kill us, those demons of the rivers and lakes will not let Shaolin go."

"In today's Shaolin, although there are [-] disciples, there is not a single top master. After all, it is difficult to compete with them."

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were like electricity, staring at Xuanci.

"Pindao said that Shaolin won't be wiped out, that's why it won't."

"I won't destroy Shaolin, who would dare to destroy Shaolin?"

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