They were all deeply shocked that Zhang Sanfeng had broken through the great formation of Shaolin's thousand and eight novices and forced Shaolin to bow his head as a minister.

Many wish that this never happened.

Shaolin's resignation from the seat of the world's largest faction means a systemic change.

The territory of Wulin [-] is no longer what it used to be.

The impact of this will be far-reaching, many people can't imagine.

However, right now they can't care about that.

It is a very rare opportunity to have the opportunity to listen to Zhang Sanfeng's preaching.

Of course they still have to take advantage of this opportunity.

As for the general trend of the world, that is something that the rulers of the major forces need to consider.

It may be closely related to them, but it is not as important as the immediate interests.

Three days later, when Zhang Sanfeng finished his sermon, he heard the system's voice ringing in his ears.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has absorbed the floor sweeper to join Wudang, and the chance reward is being distributed..."

"Ding, it is detected that the host is preaching Shaolin, preaching the world, and the chance reward is being distributed..."

"Ding, I detected that the reputation of the Wudang faction created by the host has skyrocketed, becoming the largest faction in the world, and the martial arts halo reward is being distributed..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host of Hunyuan's nine-turn Xuangong fifth turn."

"Ding, congratulations to the host of Hunyuan's nine-turn Xuangong sixth turn."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the sect halo reward, 10 experience points and 10 skill points."

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep breath.

Open the personal panel.

Name: Zhang Sanfeng

Gongfa: Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong (Ninth Revolution) Level: Ninth.Small Wuxiang Gong, Bodhicitta, subduing dragons and subduing elephants, Zixia magic… (there are dozens more)

Martial Arts: Martial Arts Dao Xin (Advanced)

Martial Arts: Tai Chi Martial Arts (third grade)

Experience Points: 100000 points

Skill Points: 100000 points

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, he added all experience points and skill points to the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

"Ding, congratulations to the host of Hunyuan's nine-turn Xuangong's seventh-turn success!"

In an instant, Zhang Sanfeng felt a subtle change in the energy in his body again.

Indistinctly, there is a hint of perfection.

Hunyuan's nine-turn Xuan Gong, now only the eighth turn has not been completed.

The first transformation of the Tendon Sutra (Consummation).

The second turn of Jiuyang Divine Art (Consummation).

The third turn to the Great Practice of Breathing Exercise (Consummation).

The fourth turn of the Sunflower Collection (Consummation).

The fifth turn is the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Gong (Consummation).

The sixth turn of the Nine Yin Sutra (Consummation).

The seventh turn of the eight deserts and six together is the only one I am proud of (perfect).

The eighth turn of King Kong is not bad magic (Xiaocheng).

The ninth round of Taiji Heaven and Earth Movement (Consummation).

The Taiji universe shift of the ninth round is a practice method created by him.

Therefore, from the moment of training, it is already a state of perfection.

"If the King Kong Indestructible Divine Art is also practiced to perfection, then the power of the Profound Art will be completely changed."

In Zhang Sanfeng's heart, enlightenment rose.

"I might not be able to make my profound arts complete."

With a thought in his mind, the Taiji Martial Dao was smashed.

Tai Chi reappeared on his body.

At the same time, Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong slowly operated, blending with Taiji martial arts.

"What kind of breath is this?"

"Zhang Zhenren is going to break through again?"

On Shaoshi Mountain, martial arts people were all talking about it.

"Zhang Zhenren has long been a land fairy, and now he breaks through, is this about to soar?"

"No, Zhang Zhenren is still so young, it is impossible to soar now."

"What does Feisheng do? Isn't it better than being a fairyland ten thousand times better in the world?"

"The theory of the immortal world is ethereal and ethereal. What Zhang Zhenren said is already the avenue of longevity. It doesn't matter whether you ascend or not."

All the Shaolin monks looked at Zhang Sanfeng with complicated expressions in their eyes.

Outside, with the operation of Taiji Martial Arts and Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, the infinite spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into Zhang Sanfeng's body, a steady stream.

This went on for several hours.

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from Zhang Sanfeng's body.

The sound was not loud, but the hundreds of thousands of people in the field could hear it clearly.

As if this voice rang in his ears.

It was because of this sound that the qi of all of them was affected a bit, which led to such an illusion.

Hunyuan's nine-turn Xuangong was finally complete.

In Zhang Sanfeng's body, the qi movement was as fast as electricity, which was unbelievably fast.


Infinite airflow gushes out from the dantian, flows through the limbs and bones, and then flows back to the dantian...  

The cycle goes on and on.

Before that, this was only the case when he was meditating and performing exercises.

And now, everything is so natural.

It's as if blood flows from the heart into the trunk of the body, the limbs, and back to the heart.

The same is true of the Qi machine in Zhang Sanfeng's body.

He stood up, took a slight step forward, and walked on the slate.

Immediately, a footprint several inches deep was taken.

It was only then that Zhang Sanfeng realized that he had a terrifying power as if he had activated his internal force when he moved his qi.

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep breath, and then gradually recovered from this power, slowly adjusting to this sudden change.

If the Qi machine keeps running, it is like [-] hours of non-stop cultivation.

On the one hand, his body, under the nourishment of Qi, has undergone fundamental changes and is getting stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, the operation of the qi machine itself, just like his movement of power, will naturally restore the spirit and spirit, and enhance the internal strength.

It means that he is not cultivating, and it also seems that he has been cultivating hard.

This is the new ability produced after the completion of the ninth round.

The power of Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong did not really show until this time.

Nine turns and nine levels are all complete, this is the real Hunyuan Nine Turns Mysterious Art.

Just the ability of this natural operation and continuous improvement is enough to make all the exercises in the world look ashamed.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng wake up, Murong Bo stepped forward.

"Zhang Zhenzhen is a scholar of the world, and the old man learned today that Wang Tu's hegemony is like dust compared with the Tao of Cultivation, and it is not worth mentioning."

   "Have pity on me being too deep into the devil, I just realized it today. I hope that Zhenren Zhang will be generous enough to put me under the door."

"From now on, I will only be a free and easy immortal, and I will never ask about the world again."

What he never forgot in his heart was how Dayan could restore the country and how his descendants of the Murong clan could ascend to the throne again.

But after listening to Zhang Sanfeng preaching for thirty-three days, Murong Bo had a new idea.

If you can cultivate into an immortal, wouldn't it be a thousand times better than the emperor of the world?

Compared with the Dao that Zhang Sanfeng talked about, Murong Bo suddenly felt that his previous pursuit was very ridiculous.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth.

"Pin Dao's Wudang has always been inclusive, but you have no grudges and grievances. If you want to join Wudang, please forgive Pindao for not agreeing."

Murong Bo was stunned when he heard the words.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Xiao Feng.

"This person is the big villain who killed your mother and your whole family. What are you going to do with him?".

Chapter 188

Xiao Feng was shocked.

Before going to Shaolin this time, Zhang Sanfeng had clearly told him that he would help him find the enemy who killed his father.

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