
Xiao Feng knelt down in front of Xiao Yuanshan, and two lines of tears rolled out. .

Chapter 189

Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

"From nothing to existence, gather Qi, and come in time."

"From existence to non-existence, dissipate the air and disappear, and go with the time."

"Although your father is gone, all his life skills have been passed on to you. For him, it is another form of rebirth."

Xiao Feng absorbed the skills of the two, and naturally his cultivation improved greatly.

It's just that he felt extremely painful when he thought that his own cultivation would cost his father's life.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's enlightenment at this moment, his heart was suddenly shocked.

Even though Xiao Yuanshan was his own father, what he did made Xiao Feng very difficult to deal with.

He solved Xiao Feng's problem in a way that was still alive.

He also passed on his lifelong internal strength to Xiao Feng to become his own son.

"Daddy treats me like this, but he hopes that his son will be successful in his cultivation and honor his ancestors, instead of being overwhelmed by grief and failing to recover."

"Even though Daddy is dead, I can't let him down."

Thinking of this, Xiao Feng suddenly cheered up a lot and surrendered to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Thank you bro for the pointer."

He immediately collected the bones and buried his father.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes fell on Xuanci.

"You come with Pindao."

Xuanci froze in her heart, and quickly followed.

The two walked into the abbot's room together.

Outside, the [-] Shaolin disciples and nearly [-] martial arts practitioners all looked there.

They know that the conversation between the two will determine the future of Shaolin.

Before, Zhang Sanfeng accepted the kindness of Shaolin Temple and preached in Shaolin.

This aspect is to declare that Wudang is superior to Shaolin from now on.

On the other hand, it also shows that he has no intention of uprooting Shaolin.

However, how to deal with Shaolin?

Zhang Sanfeng did not say.

Xuanci didn't mention it either.

Now, Zhang Sanfeng called Xuan Ci into the room, mostly talking about this.

"What do you think Zhang Zhenren will do with Shaolin?"

"It's hard to say. Although it is said that the three religions are one and the teachers are from the same school, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has a long history."

"Yeah, Shaolin Weizhen Jianghu is still allowed to exist after so many years?"

"I think Zhang Zhenren probably won't let Shaolin dissipate, and will continue to keep it."

"Seventy-two stunts of Shaolin. There are countless martial arts and [-] disciples in the Sutra Collection Pavilion. If Shaolin is given a few more decades, they may not be able to grow up again."

"Can Zhenren Zhang allow Shaolin to grow again and threaten Wudang' 〃?"

"What if Shaolin grows up again? If Zhang Zhenzhen can suppress Shaolin once, he can suppress it a second time."

"The future and destiny of Shaolin at the moment depends entirely on Zhang Zhenren's words."

"One thousand and eight eminent monks have all become invalids. Even Shaolin cannot afford such a loss."

"Shaolin has no high-end combat power now. Although there are [-] disciples, they have not grown up."

"Zhang Zhenren is aloof, and most likely don't think about Shaolin."


In the room, Xuan Ci knelt down again.

"Zhang Zhenren, Shaolin has been inherited for thousands of years. Lao Na really can't bear to see Shaolin dying at Lao Na's hands."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and flicked, a gentle inner force lifted him up.

"Pindao said that if Shaolin is not destroyed, it will not be destroyed. You can rest assured."

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren."

Xuanci still felt very uneasy in her heart.

He has been practicing Taoism for many years, and since he has long been as calm as water, it is difficult for him to make waves.

I just found out today that it wasn't.

It is nothing more than that there are no major events on weekdays, and it seems that the ancient well has no waves.

Faced with the fate of Shaolin today, no matter how deep his practice is, he can't help but feel up and down in his heart and find it difficult to calm down.

"Shaolin is not a demon sect, it has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is also a treasure of Chinese heritage."

"Since Pindao is a cultivator, how could he destroy Shaolin?"

"Buddhists talk about cause and effect, and the poor Daoist wants to beat Shaolin. It's all cause and effect you planted by yourself."

"Stay high above, call the martial arts, and ignore the people of the world."

"If the poor road doesn't give you a warning, the Shaolin in the future will definitely fall into the devil."

Xuan Ci was stunned there.

What Zhang Sanfeng said was not bad.

For many years, Shaolin has been respected in the rivers and lakes, and has held the arrogance of the world's martial arts.

As a result, he became increasingly arrogant.

He thinks he is the head of decency in the world and represents the justice of martial arts.

In fact, he acted arrogantly, almost compared with the humans in the demon religion.

It's just that as people in Shaolin, they don't take this as a warning, but think that it is Shaolin identity detachment.

due right.

If you do this, what kind of Buddha is you still cultivating?

Zhang Sanfeng sucked their inner strength and asked them to change their mentality and change their angle, maybe it was saving Shaolin.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren for your teaching."

Xuanci again.


The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has a long history.

But Zhang Sanfeng didn't care at all, and still wanted to point out Shaolin.

It was only at this time that Xuan Ci realized that he had really fallen into a daze before.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

Suddenly the conversation changed.

"Pindao called you into the room because he wanted to talk about you and Ye Erniang's son."

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth twitched up, and there was a slight smile in his eyes.

Xuanci was shocked.

Ye Erniang, nicknamed "No Evil Doing Nothing", ranks second among the four evil men.

She robbed other people's children to play, and then killed them.

It is like an ordinary person buying chicken, duck, fish and sheep in a vegetable market, and picking fine and fat.

Such wickedness is appalling.

But who knows that Ye Erniang once lost her life in Xuanci, and after giving birth to her son, she was stolen by Xiao Yuanshan, and three bloodstains were also scratched by Xiao Yuanshan on her left and right cheeks.

Ye Erniang recalled that her son became crazy, and began to steal other people's babies to play with, and after playing with them, she would kill them, so she got the title of "doing all evil".

Later, Duan Yanqing collected him as a wing and became one of the four villains.

"Zhang Zhenzhen clearly saw the fall, and the old man's misstep in the past turned into an eternal hatred. All these years, day and night, he has been tortured in all kinds of ways in his heart."

"Zhang Zhenzhen mentioned it today, does he know where my son is?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.


"I'll tell you the truth, the original Shaolin disciple "Xuzhu", the current Wudang school's Xuzhuzi, is the child born by you and Erniang Ye."

Xuan Ci's eyes froze, and he muttered to himself.

"It turned out to be him, it turned out to be Lao Na's biological son. It's a pity that our father and son see each other every day, but we never recognize each other."

Zhang Sanfeng said: "If you want to recognize Xu Zhuzi, Pindao will transmit his voice and let him in."

Xuan Ci shook his head slightly.

"No need!"

"Now that he has joined Wudang and become a disciple of Wudang, Lao Na sees that his cultivation is very deep, and he has such a cultivation at a young age, so there must be some adventures."

"If he doesn't know who his father and mother are for the rest of his life, of course he will have some regrets, but he will also have less troubles because of it."

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