Qianmian Langjun couldn't believe that there was such a person in the world.

Is that human being?


Qianmian Langjun fell to his knees again.

"Zhang Zhenren spare his life, the villain will never dare again!"

After all, he continued to kowtow until the blood was pouring down his forehead.

This time, he was really scared.

The means Zhang Sanfeng showed had exceeded his imagination.

Only then did Qianmian Langjun know that the title of the number one person in the world is by no means a false name.

Zhang Sanfeng can suppress the entire Shaolin by himself, how could he be able to fight against it?

I was really confused just now, how could I think of shooting at him?

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

He was killed with a slap.

This kind of person, leaving him in the world, can only do harm to others.

"How slow!"

Shangguan Haitang spoke quickly.

"I want to ask, what happened to Hulong Villa?"

Qianmian Langjun did not dare to hide it at this time.

"According to Eunuch Cao, he has obtained the iron-clad proof that Hou Zhu ignored the rebellion with the ten generals."

"I'm asking the Holy Order to completely eradicate Zhu Ignore and Hulong Villa."

"Now the East Factory has all been dispatched to arrest the people of Hulong Villa, and mobilize the troops to besiege Hulong Villa."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Sanfeng flick his sleeves.

A sword light flashed, and Qianmian Langjun fell down immediately.

Shangguan Haitang was extremely anxious.

"Zhang Zhenren, Hulong Villa is in danger, and I hope Zhang Zhenren will help and save the Dragon Villa in the fire."

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"How about Hulong Villa, what does it have to do with Pindao, why should Pindao be saved?"

"It's you Shangguan Haitang, who joined the Wudang faction and concealed your identity."

"As the No. [-] spy of Xuanzi of Hulong Villa, sneaking into Wudang to inquire about information, do you really think that Pindao doesn't know?"

Shangguan Haitang's complexion changed greatly.

It turns out that Zhang Sanfeng has always been as clear as a mirror to everything about him.

Lose yourself thinking that the other party doesn't know about it.

"Zhang Zhenren, although I was ordered by my righteous father to go to Wudang's sect, I never thought that if I want to do something unfavorable to Wudang, I hope that Zhang Zhenren will look into it."

Zhang Sanfeng sneered.

"You may not want to, but if your adoptive father Zhu ignores it, he won't."

"The information you spied on in Wudang is the basis for Zhu to ignore Wudang."

Shangguan Haitang was shocked and shook her head again and again.

"No, absolutely not, I am very clear about the person of the adoptive father."

"Since he has decided to befriend Wudang, he will never be detrimental to Wudang."

"Zhang Zhenren, maybe you have had unhappiness and conflicts before, but that's all over."

Zhang Sanfeng gently stretched out his hand, and an internal force entered Shangguan Haitang's body.

The air machine is flowing, and it is thousands of miles in an instant.

Wherever he passed, Shangguan Haitang's body was instantly shaken.

All the grief and crisp breeze that I had just mentioned have been resolved.

She couldn't help being horrified.

This sad and crisp breeze is very powerful.

Shangguan Haitang felt her inner strength before, and it melted at the touch of a touch, and she couldn't raise half of her inner strength at all.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's internal strength seemed to be unaffected by half.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren for detoxification."

"You are my Wudang disciple, and I naturally want to help you, let's go."

Shanghai Haitang did not get up, but bowed down.

"Zhang Zhenren, I hid my identity and sneaked into Wudang. Whatever you want to punish me, I will recognize it."

"But right now Hulong Villa is in danger, Daming is in danger, and I hope that Zhenren Zhang can ignore the past suspicions and help each other..."

"As long as Zhenren Zhang rescues Longshan Villa, Shangguan Haitang is willing to pay any price."

As she spoke, a blush appeared on her face.

Although she is the owner of the first village in the world, she has unparalleled wisdom and strong martial arts.

All of this is out of reach for many people.

But in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, it is really worthless.

Perhaps, the only thing he could make Zhang Sanfeng fancy was this body.

Beside Zhang Sanfeng, there are like clouds of beautiful women, but the more like this, the more valuable it is to him, doesn't it?

Shangguan Haitang was thinking like this.

If she could become Zhang Sanfeng's woman, it would be the best destination.


Zhang Sanfeng didn't have a half-point reaction.

At this moment, Guo Xiang flashed out from the side.

It turned out that Zhang Sanfeng left just now, and she was curious, so she followed.

Naturally, her Qinggong couldn't be compared with Zhang Sanfeng, but Ling Bo was not slow at all in spreading it out.

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng finished handling the thousand-faced Langjun, she already felt it.

Seeing Shangguan Haitang's hair falling down, Guo Xiang's eyes widened.

"I said how can there be such a handsome son in the world, it turned out to be a woman."

When Shangguan Haitang saw Guo Xiang, it was like seeing a savior.

"Sister Guo, please help Long Villa."

She knew that Zhang Sanfeng had a deep relationship with Guo Xiang, and most of what she said to Guo Xiang would be accepted.

Although he felt that the possibility of Guo Xiang's agreement was very small, Shangguan Haitang hurriedly asked her as if she saw a life-saving straw.

"Hulong Villa? I've heard of it. Okay, let's go take a look then."

Guo Xiang agreed, and reached out to pull Shangguan Haitang up.

Zhang Sanfeng's expression also softened a lot.

In fact, he would have gone to join in the excitement of Hulong Villa.

The reason is very simple. He has a system that kills him, and he always has to make some trouble before he can get rewards.

Cao Zhengchun and Hulong Villa are fighting fiercely. This is a rare drama, how can you miss it?

However, when the identity of Shangguan Haitang was revealed, Zhang Sanfeng of course wanted to scare her.

Otherwise, she really thought that Wudang was a place where she could come and leave whenever she wanted.

"Well, let's go to Hulong Villa and see what's going on."

Shangguan Haitang was overjoyed when she heard Zhang Sanfeng agree.

"Thank you Zhang Zhenren!"

She bowed her hands and bowed again.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at her.

"You see the Marquis of Iron Courage as a father, but he just sees you as a pawn that can be used."

"Going to Hulong Villa this time may let you see his true colors."

Shanghai Haitang was shocked.

She didn't believe in any way that the adoptive father was a ruthless villain.

However, what Zhang Sanfeng said...

The more Shangguan Haitang had contact with Zhang Sanfeng, the more unfathomable he felt.

Since he said so, is the righteous father really...


Shangguan Haitang shook her head.

She never believed that Zhu Ignoring was really the despicable villain Zhang Sanfeng said.

"Let's go, let's go to Hulong Villa.".

Chapter 193

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