"The Four Ghosts of Western Hunan, see Zhang Zhenren.".

Chapter 194

"Get up, don't be too polite!"

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand, and a gentle inner force lifted the four up.

The four ghosts in western Hunan have heard the name of Zhenren Zhang for a long time and want to try it.

The four of them ran their skills and wanted to suppress it.

However, he found that his inner strength seemed to dissolve in the invisible.

In front of Zhang Sanfeng's internal force, he couldn't exert any strength at all.

No matter how hard they work, the power that holds up their bodies seems to be unhindered.

The four of them were shocked and looked at each other.

They have worked together for many years, and they have long been on the same page.

At the moment, they will destroy the phantom magic power together.

This set of kung fu is a combination of defense and attack. If anyone entangles it, no matter what kung fu they use, they will disappear into nothingness.

Together, the four can dissolve all the internal forces in the world.

However, this time, the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi miscalculated.

Zhang Sanfeng's Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong and Taiji Martial Arts, how could the four of them be able to resolve them.

No matter how the four ghosts in western Hunan are displayed, they are like birds in a cage.

The phantom magic power, which has always tried a hundred spirits and is invincible, seems to no longer exist.

Until the four people stood up, Zhang Sanfeng's internal strength was withdrawn, and the four ghosts in Xiangxi felt the control of their bodies and returned to their hands.

In the eyes of the four of them, the shocking color could not be added.

Since they practiced the Phantom Magic, the four of them have joined forces and they are invincible.

This also makes the four ghosts in western Hunan feel very proud.

Zhang Sanfeng had a huge impact on the world, and they naturally heard about it.

Originally, I thought that the four of them were very talented. Even if they lost to Zhang Sanfeng, they could still compete against each other.

But just after this trial, the four ghosts in Xiangxi understood.

There are people outside.

There are mountains beyond the mountains.

Their phantom magic was nothing in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

If Zhang Sanfeng wanted to kill them just now, then the four of them are now four corpses.

The height of Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts is truly unimaginable.

Although Wan Sanqian did not understand martial arts, he was best at observing words and expressions, and when he saw the expressions in the eyes of the four ghosts in Xiangxi, he understood what was going on.

"I have long admired Zhang Zhenren's name. I was supposed to visit Wudang Mountain and listen to his teachings, but I heard that Zhang Zhenren went out for a wander. I was very sorry. I didn't expect that I would meet him today."

Thousands of thousands of emotion.

He is already the richest man in the world, and the only thing that attracts him is probably cultivating Taoism.

Who doesn't want to live forever?

Not to mention, the millionaires like thirteen thousand.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the thirteen thousand in front of him, only to feel that he saw a God of Wealth in his eyes.

With Zhang Sanfeng's current status in the arena, he himself is naturally not short of money.

But the Wudang faction is lacking.

Wudang was a start-up and built Taoist houses on the mountain, which was an astronomical expense.

Before Feng Qingyang built it a little bit, the money used was all provided by the Sun Moon God Cult.

Later, both the Vulture Palace and the Ming Cult became affiliated forces of Wudang to some extent, and they both gave out a lot of money.

But even so, it's still far from enough.

On the seventy-two peaks of Wudang, a small Taoist temple is built on each peak, and the cost is already staggering.

After all, if you want to build a Taoist temple, you have to build a road.

The road up the mountain is not so easy to repair.

Not to mention, to build a house on the mountain, there are many materials that have to be transported up from the mountain.

There is no machinery in this era, and it is all transported by human beings.

The difficulty is great and the cost is high, one can imagine.

Thirteen thousand of this person's gold and silver treasures are too numerous to count.

If you can get his sponsorship, then the Wudang faction will build houses and open mountain roads, so you won't have to worry about running out of money.

Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts were spinning, and he was thinking about finding a way to make Wansanqian pay, but he heard Wansanqian speak.

"Zhang Zhenren, although Wansanqian is over thirty years old, he is still alone' 〃."

"I've heard for a long time that Zhenren Zhang is the number one person in the world, and he can help Wansanqian calculate his marriage."

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Wan Sanqian is the richest man in Daming, but he can't find the woman he likes. How is this possible?

However, Zhang Sanfeng knew that what Wansanqian said was true.

The reason is that Wansanqian doesn't want a woman to fall in love with him because of his money.

This is actually nothing.

As long as [-] showed their identities, it was guaranteed that there would be [-] beautiful women who could swear by the sky and swear that they would never love money, rushing to be his woman.

The problem is that Wansanqian is often wandering around alone, dressed in ordinary clothes, and no one can see that he is rich.

I don't even know that he is the richest man in the world.

As a result, the advantage of [-] mate selection will be gone.

He was already quite old, and his appearance was ordinary and unremarkable.

He is neither willing to reveal his identity, nor willing to let go of his body and hunt women like a hunter.

The appearance is mediocre, and then pretending to be poor, but also a woman's eyes and pearls, this is difficult...

Although Wansanqian is the richest in the world, on this issue, his mind is undoubtedly a little abnormal.

Could you show your strengths anyway?

Otherwise, you want money without money, and you want appearance without appearance.

Nothing but old age and ugly looks.

Which woman sees you, isn't she blind?

However, this is the obsession of [-], and Zhang Sanfeng will of course not point it out.

"You don't have a marriage, and Gein has been planted with a rootless sorcery."

"Those who practice this technique are destined to be lonely and widowed, with no children and no grandchildren."

Wansanqian was suddenly shocked.

"Please ask Zhenren Zhang to save me."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"Since you have hit the poor road, how can the poor road not save you."

After he finished speaking, a hand was placed on Wansanqian's body, and an internal force entered his body.

Thirteen thousand only felt that their muscles and bones were forcibly changed by this internal force.

In an instant, it felt like ten thousand ants gnawing at it, and the pain was incomparable.

Fortunately, the pain didn't last long.

Soon, his whole body felt a sense of coolness, and he felt that all the [-] pores in his body were very comfortable.

Beside them, everyone opened their eyes one by one.

"What happen to you guys?"

Wan Sanqian realized that the way everyone looked at him was a bit wrong.

He took out a bronze mirror from his luggage.

Under this photo, he was immediately stunned.

I saw the person in the mirror, suave, handsome, and extraordinary in appearance.

Unlike the original thirteen thousand, it is like two different people.

"Zhang Zhenren, my face?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

With his great supernatural powers, he infiltrated the muscles of the thirteen thousand bones with internal force, completely changing his appearance.

Today's thirteen thousand is equivalent to having undergone cosmetic surgery.

Majesty is definitely not better than Pan An.

But compared to his original ordinary, even a little ugly appearance, it is not the same.

"This is your original appearance. The previous appearance was all because of sorcery."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

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