Zhang Sanfeng said a few words casually.

"The avenue of heaven and earth, in the arms and in the arms. The ancestor of Xuanxuan, the ancestor of Miaomiao... The fate is complete, pure yang is rushing. The magic of the gods, the Taoism has no end."

This is the technique of inner alchemy that he realized by himself.

The queen mother, the emperor, and the queen all listened very seriously.

As for whether you understand it or not, I'm afraid I have to say two things.

However, the more they didn't understand, the more the Empress Dowager and the Emperor felt that Zhang Sanfeng was inscrutable, and they respected him more and more.

In fact, what Zhang Sanfeng is talking about now is really his own understanding of Taoism.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Zhang Sanfeng clearly felt that the end of martial arts was cultivation.

He is currently trapped in the ninth level of the ninth level of the ninth level of Xuanyuan's nine-turn Xuangong. In order to break through, he must be successful in cultivation.

However, although you can refer to the Taoist classics, there is no record of the real Jindan Avenue in the book.

He can only rely on his own slowly groping.

Traveling around the world is to find the path of Taoism.

Preaching to others will also deepen his own understanding.

Moreover, the Ming emperor and the empress dowager have extraordinary identities after all.

Preaching to them will also be of great help in propagating Wudang Taoism and raising Wudang's prestige.

An imperial decree spread to the world can make Wudang's prestige go to a higher level.

This kind of official endorsement is naturally more prestige than folk rumors.

After the sermon, Zhang Sanfeng picked up the wine and took a sip.

The Queen Mother could not help but ask.

"Isn't Zhang Zhenren also abstaining from drinking and muddying?"

She was surprised that the Taoist monks and monks she had met before would always advise people to abstain from this and that, but Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be completely disobedient.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"The way that the poor Dao cultivates is about letting nature take its course and following your original heart. If you abstain from this and that, you will lose the true meaning of the Dao."

After he finished speaking, he read another remark.

"The rootless tree, the flower is green, and the immortals of wine and wine are from ancient times to the present.

Fireworks Village, wine and meat forest, wine and meat wear the intestines in the heart.

Open the door and say to you, you can't do it without flowers and wine. "

Emperor Zhengde and the Empress Dowager listened to it and savoured it carefully.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"I have long admired Zhang Zhenren's martial arts skills, I wonder if I can show one or two?"

Zhang Sanfeng gave Cao Zhengchun a deep look.

This guy still wants to test the level of his martial arts.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't answer, but stretched out his hand.

In an instant, an invisible inner strength, like a flying sword, shot out from between his fingers.

Five hundred paces away, a flagpole was cut in two by "Flying Sword".

"Flying Sword" immediately turned into an air dragon, and rolled back the severed banner.

Everyone just felt that the flagpole was in Zhang Sanfeng's hands.

"What a powerful fairy!"

The queen mother and the emperor praised each other.

On weekdays, I have seen masters demonstrating martial arts, such as Cao Zhengchun, Hou Zhu Ignore, Yu Huatian, and others are all top masters.

But such methods are unheard of.

Cao Zhengchun was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

As a top expert, he naturally knew what Zhang Sanfeng's hand meant.

That was a realm he couldn't reach at all.

When he was in the town at the foot of Guangmingding Mountain, Cao Zhengchun could still have a head-to-head with Zhang Sanfeng...  

Although he was seriously injured because of this, it took a long time to recover.

But at least it shows that Cao Zhengchun is qualified to compete with Zhang Sanfeng on the same stage.

However, the current Zhang Sanfeng...

Cao Zhengchun had no doubt that the other party could crush him to death with just one finger.

Thinking of this, Cao Zhengchun stretched out his hand and took out a book from his arms.

"I heard that Zhang Zhenren is a martial arts idiot who likes to collect martial arts from all over the world. This Tiangang Boy's Technique is a peerless divine technique passed down from generation to generation by my Ming Dynasty supervisors."

"Originally, only eunuchs like this old slave can practice this skill, but since Zhang Zhenren is so powerful, there may be other ways."

"Even if you can't practice, you can still check it out for Zhenren Zhang in his spare time."

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Cao Zhengchun would take the initiative to offer this exercise.

Although Zhang Sanfeng's current practice is a hundred times better than that of the Tiangang boy, but the stones of other mountains can attack jade.

Tiangang Boy's Art is also a peerless magic art, and it must have its merits.

What's more, his Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong and martial arts Dao Xin need to constantly integrate various martial arts.

For others, Tiangang Boys Gong may require castration to practice.

But for Zhang Sanfeng, there is no such concern at all.

After all, he even practiced the Sunflower Collection.

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and put away the secret book of Tiangang Boy Gong in Cao Zhengchun's hand.

"If that's the case, then the poor road is disrespectful."

Cao Zhengchun was overjoyed immediately.

If Zhang Sanfeng could accept the gift, it meant that he would probably not disregard Zhu.

In this way, Cao Zhengchun finally felt relieved.

Emperor Zhengde also nodded lightly.

"Zhang Zhenren, I have decided to name you the Qingxu Yuanmiao Zhenjun, and I hope that Zhang Zhenren will not refuse."

"Pindao, thank you Emperor Daming."

Zhengde waved his hand and signaled that the maids and eunuchs around him should all retreat.

The empress dowager and others also said goodbye and left.

This is the opening.

   "Zhang Zhenren is here today, but is there anything else to advise?"

Shangguan Haitang interjected.

"Your Majesty, my adoptive father, Marquis Tiedan Shen, is loyal to Daming and His Majesty, but he is imprisoned for unknown reasons. I hope His Majesty will investigate."

Emperor Zhengde's heart tightened.

"Is this what Zhang Zhenren meant?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and shook his head.

"The poor way is to become a middle-aged man, no matter such an idle business, it's just a strange matter, the emperor still needs to learn from it."

Emperor Zhengde breathed a sigh of relief.

"To tell the truth from Zhenren Zhang, the Marquis of Iron Courage is the pillar of my Ming Dynasty. If something happened to him, I am more saddened than anyone else."

"But Dongchang found the secret correspondence between him and the Ten Great Generals from the residence of the Marquis of Tiedan, intending to rebel."

"The evidence is solid, and I have to believe it."

"Furthermore, the return to the sea of ​​Hulong Villa's sword practiced and went into the devil's way, and the Lord of the Gods assured him that this matter cannot escape his responsibility."

Shangguan Haitang was shocked when she heard this.

"What happened to the knife?"

Emperor Zhengde sighed.

"He's gone crazy. Now I'm ordering the East and West factories to do everything I can to bring him to justice.".

Chapter 198

Shangguan Haitang was furious.

"Yi Dao's nature is not bad. It must be because he practiced magic that he couldn't control himself. We have to save him."

Emperor Zhengde smiled bitterly.

"I know that he is not bad in nature, but in his current state, I have to take action to eradicate him. Moreover, his tyrannical swordsmanship has reached its peak, and no one can capture him."

Having said that, Emperor Zhengde suddenly found himself slipping.

Zhang Zhenren is beside him, others may not be able to take Guihai down with one knife, but if Zhang Zhenren makes a move, there is no way he can't take it.

Shangguan Haitang looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Master, I beg you to save me a knife."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed softly.

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