"We are all committed to peace between the two countries."

"The Liusheng family brought their martial arts to Hulong Villa."

"We Hulong Villa also open our martial arts to the Liusheng family."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

Although I don't know what trick Zhu Ignore wants to play, on the surface, everyone is still in harmony.

Zhu ignored it and introduced it to Yukini Yagyu again.

"This is the number one person in the world, Wudang Zhenren Zhang."

As soon as these words came out, Liusheng Xueji's body suddenly trembled.

Her expression was very excited.

"So you are the legendary Zhang Zhenren."

In Liu Yuxueji's eyes, there are small stars full of worship.

"Little girl Liusheng Xueji, see Zhang Zhenren."

At this moment, another woman ran over from another stone room.

Her appearance is almost exactly the same as Liu Sheng Xue Ji.

"Are you Zhang Zhenren?"

The woman blinked her big eyes.

"My name is Liu Sheng Piaoxu. I have heard your name for a long time. You are younger and handsome than the legend."

Liu Sheng Piaoxu was obviously crazy, looking at Zhang Sanfeng and writing the girl's thoughts on her face.

Liu Sheng Xue Ji took Liu Sheng Piao Xu's hand.

"This is my sister. We are a compatriot. We were born on the same day and the same hour in the same year. I was a cup of tea earlier than her."

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly surprised.

It seems that in the TV series of the previous life, Liu Sheng Xue Ji was much older than Liu Sheng Piao Xu.

However, this is also normal.

After all, this world is a mixture of many martial arts worlds, but they are somewhat different.

I don't know if they have met Duan Tianya?

However, looking at their age, it seems unlikely that they have already met.

They are too young.

Zhu ignored and smiled slightly.

"Their sisters are not very old, and they are all young girls with clear water, but not only are they beautiful, but they also have a superb kung fu."

Zhang Sanfeng surrendered.

"Pindao Zhang Sanfeng, I have met two people."

Liu Sheng Piao Xu and Liu Sheng Xue Ji both smiled like flowers.

"Zhang Zhenren is the number one person in the world, just to give some pointers to our sisters."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled.

Liusheng Xueji took a book from the shelf and handed it to Zhang Sanfeng.

"This is the killing god of our Liusheng family, how about Zhang Zhenren?"

Zhang Sanfeng took over the secret book and flipped through it.

In an instant, a heavy snow appeared in front of his eyes.

In the snowflakes dancing, a figure was practicing.

What he has practiced is naturally to kill the god with a knife.

The knife is sharp, and the style is like frost.

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Middle-earth martial arts, broad and profound.

But now Zhang Sanfeng has practiced too many martial arts.

His martial arts are profound and can be called an encyclopedia of Chinese martial arts.

The path taken by the Eastern Ying martial arts is completely different from that of the Middle Earth.

Zhang Sanfeng was quickly fascinated.

Middle-earth martial arts, after all, influence each other, although there are some differences in the martial arts of each school.

But they always come from the same source, and they learn from each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses, and there are similarities.

It's like Eastern and Western architectural styles.

Martial arts that grow up in different cultures are very different.

For a master of Zhang Sanfeng's level, ordinary martial arts can no longer arouse him.

But Dongying martial arts, this completely different martial arts, really brought a new shock to his...  

This does not mean that the martial arts of Dongying are higher than those of the Middle Earth.

In a serious comparison, Dongying martial arts is definitely far from being on a par with the Chinese martial arts.

However, Dongying martial arts has its own characteristics, and it is this completely different characteristic that gives Zhang Sanfeng a refreshing feeling.

It also made his martial arts and Taoism quickly sublimate at this moment.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

Killing the gods with one knife is the unique skill of the Liusheng family, and the last style of the snow drifting into the world is even more mysterious.

Zhang Sanfeng was also fascinated and intoxicated, completely forgetting things.

The Iron God Hou Zhu ignored and left quietly, and Liu Sheng Piao Xu also returned to another room.

Liu Shengxueji looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and a blush suddenly rose on her face.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng had already forgotten everything about the outside world. In his eyes, there were only snowflakes and swords and swords in the sky.

Suddenly, Zhang Sanfeng pulled out the Dragon Saber behind him.

The figure danced, and the light of the knife was like snow.

In the iron room, the temperature seemed to drop by dozens of degrees at once.

Snow drifts.

Liu Sheng Xue Ji stayed there.

Their sisters' martial arts talents are extremely high, and they are proud of Dongying, known as the pride of the Liusheng family.

But this slaying god is a slash, she has studied since she was a child, and she has not yet practiced to the realm of mastery.

This style of snow drifting into the world is even more difficult to comprehend.

However, seeing Zhang Sanfeng's sword, Liusheng Xueji knew that he had completely mastered this martial skill.

Not great success, but consummation.

The snow drifting in the world that Zhang Sanfeng displayed, even his father Tajima Yagyu couldn't display it.

Has completely won the essence of this style, directly to the supreme realm.

"How is this possible?"

Liusheng Xueji muttered to herself, in disbelief.

Zhang Sanfeng just flipped through the books!

After a long while, she took a deep breath and calmed her inner excitement.

He is Zhang Sanfeng.

The first person in the world.

Zhang Zhenren, who is admired by all martial arts in the world!

Is this his strength?

Liu Shengxueji's eyes were filled with admiration and excitement.

Her face also became more and more red, as if she was drunk.

"Hey, what's going on, how do I feel my body has a fever?"

Liusheng Xueji suddenly felt that her body was very hot.

The temperature in the iron room was obviously very low, but she felt a fire burning on her body.

I don't know when, the door of the iron room has been closed.

In the corner of the iron room, in an inconspicuous little hole the size of a little finger, there is a subtle breath that floats in from the small hole.


Colorless and odorless.

It was just this breath that soon filled the entire iron room.

After a while, Liu Sheng Xue Ji's eyes became blurred.

She began to take off her clothes one by one. .

Chapter 203

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was still comprehending martial arts.

Suddenly, he felt someone hug him tightly.

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