Although Liusheng Piaoxu is young, as a martial arts genius of the Liusheng family, her internal strength is extremely strong.

In Liu Sheng Piao Xu's view, brute force is not worth mentioning at all.

The power of internal energy is not comparable to external brute force.

This is the concept that she has been deeply rooted in since she was a child.

But as soon as he touched Zhang Sanfeng's hand, Liu Sheng Piao Xu felt as if he had caught a mountain.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make Zhang Sanfeng's hand move at all.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu clearly felt that the other party really had no luck and did not use internal strength.

"how can that be?"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu can't imagine that a person can do this by brute force alone.

Possesses such terrifying physical power.

However, the facts lay before us.

In a short period of time, Liu Sheng Piao Xu not only used [-]% of her internal strength, but also used several secret techniques, but everything was in vain.

With a flick of Zhang Sanfeng's hand, she was unable to fight back.

"What a monster!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes at Zhang Sanfeng.

"What kind of kung fu is this, can you teach me?"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

"Only by cultivating the inner strength to a very high level and cultivating the body with inner strength, can you cultivate such strength. You are still too far behind."

"Okay, I got it!"

Liu Sheng Piaoxu said angrily, but suddenly took Zhang Sanfeng's hand intimately and put his head on his shoulder.

"Anyway, I'll be yours in the future. You have to teach me martial arts."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help showing a helpless smile.

Although he was immersed in the practice just now, he was not ignorant of the outside world.

On the contrary, Zhang Sanfeng heard the words of their sisters clearly.

Liu Sheng Piao Xu is beautiful and beautiful, but it is a little weird, like a child who has not grown up.

"Come on, let's go up."

Now that all the martial arts here have been practiced, Zhang Sanfeng decided to leave.

"But my father told us, don't leave here without his order. We are here with a special mission."

Liu Shengxueji had a hesitant look on her face.

Zhang Sanfeng laughed.

"If my guess is not bad, your special mission has been completed and you can go up."

As soon as these words came out, a blush suddenly rose on Liusheng Xueji's face.

Of course she knew the meaning of Zhang Sanfeng's words.

But is this true?

Could it be that the father let their sisters stay here just to wait for Zhang Sanfeng's arrival?

Think it's possible.

When my father came to Middle-earth, he wanted to find allies here, and with the help of allies, help him sit on the throne of the Eastern Ying Wulin Alliance Lord.

In this world, what ally is stronger than Zhang Sanfeng and more worthy of winning?

In Liushan Xueji's mind, this thought flashed by.

She nodded slightly.

At the moment, Zhang Sanfeng took the two of them and walked outside.


Great Qin.

In a huge cave, the sun, moon and stars are arranged.

Great formation on Sunday.

Run slowly.

A man wearing a black mask and a black robe was standing in front of the star formation.

There is a mysterious and unpredictable power all around him.

Star Soul and Luna were standing next to each other.

At the back, Da Siming, Yun Zhongjun, Xiangjun, Mrs. Xiang, and the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, four people gathered here.

Only the figure of Shao Siming was not seen.

Needless to say, the man standing at the forefront, with his face covered and looking mysterious, was the supreme leader of the Yin Yang family.

East Emperor Taiyi.

"Is the chance to eradicate Zhang Sanfeng finally coming?".

Chapter 206

Xinghun's face showed excitement.

For Zhang Sanfeng, he has been afraid for too long.

This person has brought too much shadow to his young mind.

Xinghun is always thinking of eradicating Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is too powerful.

Star Soul is not Zhang Sanfeng's opponent at all.

Therefore, all thoughts can only be suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

But now, His Excellency Donghuang personally took action.

Zhang Sanfeng~ Can you dance for too long?

"Zhang Sanfeng is very powerful, don't underestimate him."

Donghuang Taiyi's voice sounded.

The tone seemed very solemn.

They are all people who have followed Donghuang Taiyi for many years, and they have never seen His Excellency Donghuang's tone with such an emphasis on a person.

"Okay, let's all take action together and stimulate the power of the star array."

Xinghun, Yuehun, Yunzhongjun, Da Siming, Xiangjun, and Mrs. Xiang all took their places and were arranged around the star formation.

"Why not let Shao Siming participate?"

Donghuang Taiyi shook his head slightly.

"I can feel that she seems to have an unusual emotion towards Zhang Sanfeng."

"Don't let her come."

After speaking, Donghuang Taiyi took the lead.

A mysterious power was output from his hand and entered the star formation.

In an instant, the star array shines brightly.

Xinghun, Luna, Jun Yunzhong, Da Siming, Jun Xiang, and Madam Xiang all took action.

Within the star formation, a mysterious and strange aura floated around.

The stars in the sky, dazzling and shining, all found splendid rays of light.

The star array is running faster and faster.

The positions of the stars are changing rapidly.

There is a boundless power.

As if being under the real stars, the power of the stars swept all around.


Zhang Sanfeng took Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu and was walking out of the tunnel.

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt a very subtle feeling.

"This tunnel seems to have undergone some changes."

Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly.

He quickly grabbed the hands of Liu Sheng Xue Ji and Liu Sheng Piao Xu, and ran out very quickly.


Hulong Villa.

It was late at night.

In the sky, the stars twinkled.

Suddenly, someone pointed at the stars in the world in surprise.

"Look, meteors, many, many meteors."

The others heard the words and quickly looked up to the sky.

I saw countless stars above the sky, flying rapidly.

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