"Enter the palace!".

Chapter 208

Zhu Ignore took Liusheng Danma Shou, Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang, and a group of cronies to the Forbidden City.


"In the palace, you cannot enter without authorization."

When the guards saw this group of people approaching aggressively, and they all had swords in their hands, they were shocked and quickly stopped them.

Zhu ignored and snorted coldly.

"Why, don't you know Uncle Ben?"

The guards hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Younger see Uncle Uncle."

Zhu ignored the cold words.

"Now that you know who I am, why don't you just get out of the way?"

The guard froze for a moment.

"In the palace, it is an extraordinary place. Even if the uncle wants to enter, he must get an order from the emperor."

"Idle people, etc., and you can't break in without authorization."

As soon as his words fell, he saw Zhu ignore and raise his hand.

The guard's head, like a watermelon, was split into several pieces.

"Brush... brush... brush!"

The other guards around, and the other guards around, drew their knives one after another.

Zhu ignored and snorted coldly.

"This king has an emergency military situation, and I have to meet the emperor immediately."

"Anyone who dares to block and delay the military aircraft will be killed without mercy."

After speaking, he took out a military order document from his arms.

"This is a joint issue of the top ten generals. It involves almost all the soldiers and horses of Daming. Are you sure you want to fight?"

The guards suddenly looked at each other in dismay, one by one in shock.

Zhu disregarded his status as extraordinary, and they did not dare to make their own decisions.

Soon, a guard quietly went to report to the emperor.

Emperor Zhengde met with the Qin Tianjian last night and was summoning Master Fu for a discussion.

At this time, Zhu ignored the impatient wait and rushed over all the way.

The guards who blocked were all killed by Zhu Ignore and his cronies.

And more guards, surrounded by knives, did not dare to go forward.

It turned out that after Cao Zhengchun's death, both Dongchang and Jinyiwei were seriously injured.

Zhu ignored the opportunity to clear Cao Zhengchun's remnants, and almost wiped out the masters of Dongchang and Jinyiwei.

Dongchang and Jinyiwei themselves assumed the responsibility of guarding the imperial palace.

Now that Dongchang and Jinyiwei are all masters, naturally they can't stop Zhu Ignoring and others.

Soon, Zhu ignored and rushed to the front of the palace of Emperor Zhengde.

Emperor Zhengde came out.

"Uncle, why did you bring someone into the palace?"

Zhu ignored and did not pay homage to the emperor, and smiled coldly.

He took out a memorial from his pocket.

"Your Majesty, this minister has an urgent memorial, which is of great importance. Please take a look at it."

After speaking, Zhu ignored the memorial and threw it towards Emperor Zhengde.

When the memorial just left his hand, the speed was fast, like a hidden weapon of darts.

Seeing that the surrounding guards were all shocked, they thought that Zhu Ignoring was going to kill the emperor.

But just when they were about to make a move, they saw the memorial suddenly suspended in front of Emperor Zhengde.

This kind of kung fu seems simple, but in fact it requires extremely deep internal strength to display it.

The guards around were also shocked.

No one can match such brilliant martial arts.

If Zhu ignored the rebellion, no one would be able to resist it today.

However, even if he succeeds in rebelling, how can he fight against all the diligent kings in the world?

Emperor Zhengde took a look at the memorial, and his complexion suddenly changed.

"Presumptuous, they are too bold!"

This memorial is the joint name of the top ten generals of the Ming Dynasty.

These ten generals control all the soldiers and horses of Ming Dynasty.

But now, ten people have jointly signed a letter, saying that Hou Zhu, the God of Iron Courage, ignores his high morality and respect, and that he will inherit the throne.

Emperor Zhengde couldn't believe that such a memorial came from the hands of the top ten generals.

They are going to rebel!

Zhu ignored a sneer.

"Your Majesty can think clearly, this is the joint name of the top ten generals."

In his words, the meaning of threat was faintly revealed.

Emperor Zhengde broke out in a cold sweat.


The top ten generals control almost all of Ming's troops.

They jointly signed a letter, asking the emperor to abdicate.

In other words, Emperor Zhengde, almost overnight, lost all military power and became a bare commander.

What ability is there to stop Zhu's ignoring conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhengde's lips trembled.

At this moment, next to Emperor Zhengde, Master Fu stepped forward and scolded him angrily.

"Zhu ignored, don't think that you have a chance to win, Zhang Zhenren is in the capital right now, he didn't speak, you dare to make your own decisions?"

"Even if you have thousands of troops, if Zhang Zhenren wants to kill you, you only need one sword."

Zhu ignored it and laughed.

"Zhang Zhenren? Hehe, Your Majesty thinks, why did I take him to Hulong Villa?"

The bodies of Emperor Zhengde and Scholar Fu both trembled at the same time.

"Are you saying that Zhenren Zhang also supports your actions today?"

He felt like the sky was falling apart.

If Zhang Zhenzhen really supports Zhu Ignoring, then, as an emperor, what else can he do other than accept it?

Although Zhang Zhenren does not have a thousand troops in his hands.

But he wants to rush into the thousands of troops, and it is really easy to kill the emperor from within the palace.

Zhu ignored Yangtian and laughed.

"Zhang Zhenren is probably still in the gentle village at the moment, but people are dying under flowers, and it is also romantic to be a ghost."

"Since then, there is no real Zhang Zhen in this world."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard Guo Xiang's voice, which sounded coldly.

"Zhu ignore, what are you talking about?"

Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan, Yilin, Meilan, Zhuju and the four swords all appeared.

Zhu ignored the pupils in his eyes and shrank slightly.

"Last night, the astrology changed greatly, the ley lines changed, and Zhang Zhenren just entered the underground collection room of Hulong Villa."

"After the incident, I deliberately went to check and found that all the passages were blocked due to changes in the leylines."

"Zhang Zhenren may have unfortunately died. I also ask everyone in Wudang to mourn and change."

He was a little afraid of Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan and the others, and did not dare to offend the Wudang faction casually, so his tone softened again.

Guo Xiang did not buy it.

"What do you mean when you said Wenrou Township, Huaxia died?"

"My husband just went to Hulong Villa, how could it be such a coincidence that the astrological changes happened?"

"Do you think I can't see that the changes in the stars last night and the changes in the earth were all caused by someone?"

Guo Xiang likes to learn some strange gossip since she was a child, and her grandfather is the owner of Taohua Island, who is familiar with astronomy and geography.

For the astrology, he is well aware of it.

The expression on Zhu's ignorant face also changed slightly.

I never thought that this Guo Xiang would be so difficult to deal with.

"Zhang Zhenren is still in the passage of Hulong Villa. If you want to save him, you can go by yourself."

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