"Now that you are trying to usurp the throne, don't expect me to join forces with you."

As soon as her voice fell, another voice sounded.

"Yes, foster father, if you are obsessed, the children can only exterminate the imperial court."

The figure of Duan Tianya came out of the hall.

He's been inside, but he's always reluctant to face this reality.

At this moment, she burst into tears.

Zhu ignores the grace of raising him.

Duan Tianya really didn't want to be his enemy.

But if Zhu ignores his insistence, then Duan Tianya can only kill his relatives righteously.

Cheng Zheng also ran over.

"Zhu ignores it, if you dare to rebel, I will never agree to it."

Gui Hai flew in from the outside with a knife, staring coldly at Zhu and ignoring it.

"."Uncle Guo, you sent someone to kill him? Then framed it for me, right?"

After he was transformed by Zhang Sanfeng into a demon, he also figured out a lot of things at once.

Zhu ignored and nodded slightly, without denying it.


On Gui Hai Yi Dao's body, murderous aura immediately shot up into the sky.

Shangguan Haitang, Cheng Zhengfei, Duan Tianya, Gui Hai Yi Dao, the four stood in a row, ignoring Zhu.

"Okay, I didn't expect to stop me in the end, it turned out to be the four secret agents of my Hulong Villa."

Zhu ignored a sneer.

"Come on! Let me teach you your tricks."

Duan Tianya took the lead with his sword.

Zhu ignored it and knocked it back.

It became right and wrong, Gui Hai took a knife, Shangguan Haitang, and the three also shot one after another, ignoring the battle with Zhu.

In an instant, the sword energy spreads across the sky, and the sword light fills the sky.

The Forbidden City became a battlefield, and houses and palaces were all destroyed.

The inner guard quickly pulled Emperor Zhengde back.

The battle in front of them, none of them have the ability to participate, can only avoid it.

Zhu ignored the madness.

He absorbed the internal strength and spirit of the famous masters and obtained their martial arts.

Now he has absorbed the internal strength of Cao Zhengchun, Liusheng Dan Ma Shou and others, and gained their martial arts skills, as well as the master of Dongchang (Nuo Zhao Zhao), all of which have also been absorbed by him.

The combined cultivation of these people is close to 5000 years.

Such a majestic internal force, concentrated in him, what a terrible power.

Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya, right and wrong, Gui Hai with a knife, soon began to lose, falling into the disadvantage, can only support hard.

Zhu ignored it and laughed.

"How dare you betray me, Zhu Ignore, today, I will kill all of you and drain your internal strength."

He was disheveled, like a madman.

Suddenly, he burst out laughing wildly, and began to run the Qigong Dafa.

"In this world, I, Zhu, ignore it after all, suck!"

In an instant, Shangguan Haitang and the four only felt that the internal force in their bodies was like a flood that burst a dyke.

run out.

At this moment, the faces of Shangguan Haitang and others showed despair.

They have tried their best, but unfortunately, they are not opponents that Zhu ignores after all.

Even the indestructible magic of King Kong, which was right and wrong, was also broken by Zhu's disregard.

"I will ignore it, I will eventually become the number one person in the world, hahaha..."

"is it?"

A faint voice sounded from the sky, and it seemed to be in the ear.


Zhu ignored the body, and suddenly froze there.Clothes.

Chapter 210

A leaf fell from the sky.

After Zhu ignored and Shangguan Haitang, it was right and wrong, Gui Hai made a knife, and Duan Tianya, in an instant, the great practice of absorbing power was cut off.

With just a single leaf, this level can be achieved, and there is no second-person assumption in this world.

Zhang Sanfeng's figure appeared above the sky, and his left and right hands were holding Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu respectively.

Fall from the sky.

Zhu's ignoring expression suddenly turned into panic.

"You... how did you come out?"

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"Zhu ignores it, do you think that you can be trapped in the poor road if you move just a little bit?"

He fell gently to the ground, standing in front of Zhu Ignoring.

Shangguan Haitang was overjoyed and jumped into Zhang Sanfeng's arms.

"You'll be fine!"

At this moment, she burst into tears.

Been through so much today.

Shangguan Haitang's favorite adoptive father showed his true face.

Even now, she still can't accept it.

And the news of Zhang Sanfeng's murder reverberated in her mind over and over again.

Shangguan Haitang knew that Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan, Yilin and others had already rushed over.

The martial arts of any of them are far superior to their own.

The most important thing right now is to stop Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage, from ignoring it.

But how can we not worry about Zhang Sanfeng?

At this moment, seeing Zhang Sanfeng returning, how could Shangguan Haitang not be ecstatic?

Zhu ignored the expression on his face, but it changed again and again.

"Zhang Zhenren returned safe and sound, I'm really overjoyed."

"I haven't seen Zhang Zhenren before, and I am ordering the people in Hulong Villa to do their best to search and rescue."

"Now that Zhenren Zhang has returned safely, it can be regarded as reassuring."

As soon as his voice fell, he heard Guo Xiang's voice, which sounded coldly.

"It's this time, don't you admit that you designed to frame my husband?"

She, Wang Yuyan, Yilin, and Meilan, Zhuju and Four Swords have returned hand in hand.

It turned out that before they arrived at Hulong Villa, they saw Zhang Sanfeng taking Liusheng Piaoxu and Liusheng Xueji from Hulong Villa to the Forbidden City.

Everyone knew that Zhang Sanfeng was safe and sound, and returned together immediately.

Zhu ignored a wry smile.

"Where do you start? Although I want to sit on the throne of the emperor, I never dare to do anything to Zhang Zhenren?"

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were like electricity, staring at Zhu and ignoring it.

In the previous killing game, Zhu ignored the arrangement very cleverly.

The first is to use Zhang Sanfeng's mentality of wanting to learn Kaigong and lead him to a stone room hundreds of meters underground.

In order to relax Zhang Sanfeng's vigilance, Zhu ignored and did not arrange any organs in the tunnel.

Liusheng Xueji and Liusheng Piaoxu had been arranged in the tunnel a long time ago.

On the one hand, it is convenient to use the beauty trick, on the other hand, it is also to reduce Zhang Sanfeng's vigilance.

He colluded with the Yinyang family of Daqin and made a special arrangement on the underground dragon veins of Hulong Villa.

When the Yin-Yang family headed by Donghuang Taiyi used the great formation of stars to change the power of the stars, it naturally also affected the power of the earth veins.

Thus, the tunnel will be changed.

At this point, if you change to an ordinary master, you will inevitably be trapped underground.

Impossible to get out.

But Zhu ignored this and was still worried, and placed Hua Gong San Bu San in the earth veins.

Once the earth's veins change, the earth's air is exposed, and the passage is sealed, the three steps of Huagong will leak out at the same time, filling the tunnel and dissipating Zhang Sanfeng's internal power.

You know, the inside of the tunnel is a closed space.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng's internal strength is superb, and he can use his internal strength to resist the three-step walk of Huagong, it is impossible for him to last forever.

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