At the foot of Wudang Mountain, a large town with a population of nearly [-] appeared.

People from all walks of life have come here especially to gather like this.

Wudang is the largest sect in the world, and it is also a holy place for cultivating immortals and seeking Taoism.

People in martial arts, believers who cultivate immortals and seek Taoism, came to Wudang from all over the world.

The carriage of Zhang Sanfeng and others passed through the town and returned to Wudang, which immediately caused a sensation.

"."Zhang Zhenren has returned to the mountain!"

"Ah, is this true?"

"Oh my God, that's great, when Zhenren Zhang returns to the mountain, will he be able to preach at the altar?"

"Do we have a chance to hear Zhenren Zhang preach?"

"This (the promise of money) is still uncertain. Although Zhenren Zhang returns to the mountain, he may not necessarily be able to preach."

"I still hope that Zhenren Zhang can speak at the forum, so that my martial arts cultivation will break through again."


People were talking a lot, and they were all looking forward to Zhang Sanfeng being able to give a sermon after returning to the mountain this time.

And in a corner of the town, a girl with light gauze appeared from the street.

She was graceful and slender, with sparkling eyes.

Although the light veil covered her face, but just by looking at the pair of eyes and the mountain-like dark eyebrows, she knew that the girl must have a shocking face.

The girl's eyes turned to the highest point of Wudang Mountain.


If Zhang Sanfeng was here, he would naturally recognize it.

The girl in front of her is none other than the Yin-Yang family Shao Siming who once saved a life.

She sensed that the protective seal she had left on Zhang Sanfeng had disappeared, and was worried about what happened to Zhang Sanfeng, but she came to the foot of Wudang Mountain.

"I wonder if he's all right?"

There was a hint of unease and doubt in Shao Siming's eyes.

She hesitated for a long time, and finally quietly sneaked into Wudang Mountain. .

Chapter 215

After returning to Wudang Mountain, Zhang Sanfeng immediately went to visit Huang Yaoshi.

Today's Wudang Mountain, there are countless experts.

But if you say that you can understand astronomy, geography, and gossip, all of which are excellent, of course, Huang Yaoshi is the first.

Zhang Sanfeng did not hide it, and told him the murderous intentions he encountered in the capital of Daming.

"What a terrifying method."

Huang Yaoshi was also amazed.

"Among the hundred schools of thought, the Yin-Yang family has always been known for its unpredictable means."

"Donghuang Taiyi is the head of the Yin and Yang family. Just from this name, you can tell that this person is absolutely extraordinary."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

In the original Warring States Land, a hundred schools of thought contend, and there are countless talents and countless masters.

The Yin-Yang family peers into the changing opportunities of heaven and earth, and observes the way of yin and yang.

Donghuang Taiyi is a legendary god.

The leader of the Yin-Yang family, to be able to claim this name, also shows his arrogance.

The left and right guardians of the Yin-Yang family, the Xinghun and the Moon God, the five elders, Xiangjun, Mrs.

These people all listened to him a hundred times, which showed the extraordinaryness of Dong Huang Taiyi.

"This is the most magical power in Qimen Xunjia."

Huang Yaoshi's expression was very solemn.

"With the power of astrology, it affects the changes of the earth's veins, and this means to seize the power of good fortune, the old man has only heard of it in rumors."

"I never imagined that someone in the world could actually do it."

"As for the murderous intention that followed, it should be the forbidden technique of the Yin-Yang family, the Yin-Yang Curse Seal."

"The Yin-Yang Curse Seal is a very profound forbidden technique, and there are probably no more than ten fingers in the world who know this kind of forbidden technique."

"The old man has only heard of his name and has never seen it before."

"Furthermore, it is even more unheard of to use it out of thin air and come suddenly."

"This is no longer an ordinary spell, but more like a legendary magic."

Zhang Sanfeng's face changed slightly.

The attack at the back was resolved by the life-saving talisman sent by Shao Siming.

The other party did not continue to perform.

There are two kinds. One is that the other party wants to use that kind of forbidden technique, which is very expensive and difficult to perform easily.

The second is that the other party believes that even if it is performed again, it will be futile.

If it's the first, it's fine, if it's the second...

Zhang Sanfeng's skills have now advanced greatly, and his internal power has been transformed into spiritual power. He is no longer the body of a mortal, but the body of an immortal.

He was not afraid of that attack.

But the people on Wudang Mountain, other than him, who can resist it?

However, Zhang Sanfeng immediately shook his head.

It's too much to worry about myself.

If such a forbidden technique is so easy to perform, Gai Nie may not be able to escape at all. (bhaf)

However, the Yin-Yang family's methods are so unpredictable, it still makes people worry.

Huang Yaoshi stroked his beard.

"Zhang Zhenren can rest assured that the seventy-two peaks of Wudang will form a group of their own."

"When building the Taoist palace on the mountain, the old man made a special arrangement."

"By borrowing the dragon energy of the Wudang Mountains, the seventy-two peaks are connected into one."

"In this way, as long as you are within the range of the seventy-two peaks of Wudang, you will never be attacked by such forbidden techniques."

Huang Yaoshi said with great confidence.

He once built Peach Blossom Island, and based on peach blossom trees, he set up a Qimen Bagua array on the island.

But it seems like the construction of Wudang Mountain is the first time for Huang Yaoshi.

He has learned a lot in his heart, but he has never had the opportunity to show his skills.

The construction of Wudang Mountain was presided over by Feng Qingyang at first, but Huang Yaoshi finally couldn't help it and got involved.

A special and ingenious arrangement has been carried out on the buildings of Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"So, thank you very much."

"Zhang Zhenren doesn't have to be so polite."

Huang Yaoshi's attitude towards Zhang Sanfeng gradually became more respectful.

Today's Zhang Sanfeng is famous all over the world. Even if he is an emperor of a country, he will post Wu's messages and treat Zhang Sanfeng with the courtesy of his master.

Moreover, Huang Yaoshi also knew very well that Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation was truly earth-shattering, far exceeding the limit of human power.

The strong are always admired.

Especially a powerhouse like Zhang Sanfeng who is almost godlike.

Even the proudest, Huang Yaoshi had to admit that he was far from Zhang Sanfeng.

In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, a bright light flashed by.

"Since Donghuang Taiyi dares to plot against me, he must bear my anger."

There was a chill on his body.

Huang Yaoshi only felt a chill in his heart.

Piff was furious and blood spattered five steps.

When the emperor was angry, he buried a million corpses.

So, what about Zhang Sanfeng's anger?

Pharmacist Huang took a breath.

He had a hunch that the once mighty Daqin Yinyang family was about to hit an iron plate this time.

Zhang Sanfeng came out of Huang Yaoshi and went to see Gai Nie again.

"I have to leave."

This was the first sentence Gai Nie said after seeing Zhang Sanfeng.

He has been on Wudang Mountain for too long.

Today, Gai Nie, who has practiced Jiuyang Divine Art, has made great progress in martial arts, which is far from what he used to be.

If possible, Gai Nie would be happy to practise Taoism and practice in Wudang Mountain all his life.

But he still has his own business to do.

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