She slapped Zhang Sanfeng with a slap.

Zhang Sanfeng's figure suddenly leaned back and flew out.

His body fluttered and fell, his eyes closed, as if he had lost his life.


Shao Siming was shocked.

The figure rushed forward, hugged Zhang Sanfeng's body, and two lines of tears rolled down.

"Why don't you hide?"

"You are the number one expert in the world, it is impossible to avoid it."

"No, you'll be fine."

In Shao Siming's hand, a ray of infuriating energy entered Zhang Sanfeng's body.

Thinking that he actually killed him, Shao Siming only felt ashes.

"If you can't wake up, I won't be alive anymore. Let's go with you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly opened her eyes when she saw Zhang Sanfeng, who was already dead in her arms.


Before Shao Siming could react, she realized that the veil on her face was gone.

And her lips have been kissed by Zhang Sanfeng.

Shao Siming's body froze at first, then softened.


Wudang Ziqi Peak.

The peak is like its life, and the purple air is filled, like a fairyland.

Shao Siming rested his head on Zhang Sanfeng's shoulder, and the two sat side by side, watching the sunset.

"I should go back, otherwise, His Excellency Donghuang will not let me go."

Shao Siming had a worried look on his face.

Even now, she still maintains respect for Dong Huang Taiyi.

Zhang Sanfeng touched her hair with his hand.

"What about the East Emperor Taiyi, I, Zhang Sanfeng, are the number one person in the world, not his East Emperor Taiyi."

Zhang Sanfeng's voice was very light, but his tone was full of strong confidence.

Shao Siming raised his head and looked at Zhang Sanfeng's face.

"He was really scary."

"The Great Dao is Yin and Yang, Wuji Taiyi. He can see into the mysteries of heaven and earth. I feel that he has exceeded the limit of human beings, but is a god walking in the world."

Shao Siming's face was full of worry.

"You're also very strong, but I'm always worried..."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed heartily.

"Don't worry, I won't lose to him."


Shao Si Ming complied, and was worried again.

"You don't understand the Yin Yang technique of the Yin Yang family, and it is difficult for you to guard against his methods."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"There are thousands of Taos, but the principles are the same. No matter what method is used, in the end, all skills will return to the Tao."

"All skills, intrigues, in the face of absolute strength, are not worth mentioning."

Shao Siming looked at Zhang Sanfeng and suddenly laughed.

"Maybe I'm overthinking it."

She paused.

"I am now passing on the wood technique I have mastered to you. Although you can't practice it, you can get a glimpse of it. It may be helpful for you to decipher the Yin Yang technique."

As Shao Siming said that, he read out a formula, and then began to make various demonstrations, passing onmyoji to Zhang Sanfeng.

Only Wuling Xuantong, whose aptitude is higher than that of ordinary disciples, can practice the wood technique.

From Shao Siming's point of view, Zhang Sanfeng is not a disciple of the Yin-Yang family, so naturally it is impossible for him to cultivate.

She told Zhang Sanfeng the essence of the mystery in order to let him understand the secret and come up with a way to solve it.

Zhang Sanfeng listened to her again, and his mind moved.

"Wan Ye Fei Hua Liu."

In an instant, thousands of leaves flew together, each piece was amazing...  

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Sanfeng performed the floating technique again.

All the techniques passed down by Shao Siming were performed in Zhang Sanfeng's hands.

In terms of its subtlety, it is still above Shao Siming.


"This is impossible!"

Shao Siming lost his voice in surprise, his mouth opened into an "O".

"It took me a long time to practice these techniques."

It was really hard for her to understand, how could Zhang Sanfeng learn the techniques of the Yin-Yang family?And also learn so fast.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

It turned out that the so-called onmyoji was actually using a special method to display a kind of true qi similar to "spiritual power".

Zhang Sanfeng has now embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, and his body is originally spiritual power.

If it is ordinary internal strength, it is naturally impossible to use the Yin Yang technique.

However, based on spiritual power, performing these yin and yang techniques is like a duck to water and effortless.

"Your talent is too terrifying."

Shaoxing stuck out his tongue.

She was always cold and stern, but since entrusting her to Zhang Sanfeng, her temperament has become much more lively.

She was originally a girl, the most lively and cheerful age.

The so-called coldness is nothing but suppressing the fluctuations in his heart.

In the short period of time today, the words she and Zhang Sanfeng have said have exceeded the sum of her past few months.

"I already know Donghuang Taiyi's methods."

In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, a bright light flashed.

If he guessed correctly, Dong Huang Taiyi should also be an immortal cultivator.

Moreover, he is more direct than Zhang Sanfeng, and has been cultivating spiritual power from the very beginning.

The yin and yang family is indeed no trivial matter.

However, the spiritual power cultivated by Donghuang Taiyi should be far from the quality of the spiritual power cultivated by Zhang Sanfeng using the source of spiritual power to run Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

Although this kind of pseudo-spiritual power can barely be called spiritual power, it cannot be compared with the spiritual power in Zhang Sanfeng's body.

Of course, Donghuang Taiyi's cultivation is much higher than that of Shao Siming.

His spiritual power may be different.

A smile like the sunset appeared on Shao Siming's face.

The eyebrows are raised, and the eyes are full of bright little stars, very cute.

"That way, I don't have to worry about you."

Shao Siming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

Zhang Sanfeng stretched out his hand and hugged Shao Si Ming tightly.

"The two of us, do we still need to be so polite?"

Shao Si Ming lowered his head shyly.

Zhang Sanfeng pressed his face against hers and whispered in her ear.

"Okay, then I'm welcome.".

Chapter 218

The red sun is rising.

Zhang Sanfeng sat on the top of the mountain, facing the red sun in the east.

On his body, the ray of light penetrated into the body.

Since all the internal power has been transformed into spiritual power, Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation has reached a new stage.

Before that, although the cultivation of inner strength had some relationship with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the relationship was not very big.

Absorbing the dew of the morning glow like this is only required for spiritual power cultivation.

After a while of breathing, a burst of rays of light appeared on Zhang Sanfeng's body.

He stood up again and slowly cast his fists.

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