When Zhang Sanfeng saw the inn's plaque at the Happy Inn that day, he saw the true meaning of the words.

And the book he opened this time, he didn't know any of the words on it.

There is just a rhyme that comes out of the words.

Words are like martial arts. Every move and style of martial arts has momentum, and so is the text.

Many of the books in the library of Xiaoshengxianzhuang are originals written by sages.

The person who wrote the book, his own cultivation, is earth-shattering.

When they wrote a book and made a statement, they concentrated their whole body on the tip of their pen.

Put what you have learned in the book.

Their own Tao and the external Tao blend with each other.

The words seem to have life, infused with the rhythm of heaven and earth.

Although it has been through thousands of years, it is still condensed and not scattered.

When Zhang Sanfeng opened the book, he saw the scene when they wrote the book and made a statement, and he felt sad or excited, happy or joyful.

Don't be surprised, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court;

Going or staying is unintentional, wandering around the sky with ninety-nine thousand clouds.

The heart of the sages is clear.

Zhang Sanfeng's way of Tai Chi collided violently with the way of the author of the book, and they chimed in with each other, which made him quite rewarding.

Indistinctly, Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi martial arts showed signs of breaking through again.

You must know that his current Tai Chi martial arts is already the first rank.

Going forward, there must be a qualitative leap.

However, this hurdle is not easy to overcome.

In the library building, the invisible breath drifted away and echoed in the building.

Fu Nian praised.

"Zhang Zhenzhen is a scholar of heaven and man, observes the creation of heaven and earth, knows the infinity of the universe, and has profound blessings. Only in the book of sages can he get this opportunity."

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up even more.

"The people I have seen in my life have never existed like Zhenren Zhang."

Xiao Yu gave him a white look.

"Joke, my master is the number one person in the world. How can people you see usually be compared with my master?"

Xiaomeng's eyes flickered.

"The way of the master has gone a long way, and the disciples can only follow closely."


Zhang Sanfeng finished reading one book, put it down gently, and picked up another.

In an instant, the situation in the building changed again.

"This is impossible!"

Xun Kuang lost his voice in surprise.

The aura on Zhang Sanfeng's body changed, and the books in his hand were also releasing the light that had been sleeping for thousands of years.

That is to say, Zhang Sanfeng once again blends with the Tao of the book.

Xun Kuang's eyes were staring at Zhang Sanfeng, and his eyes almost fell out of shock.

He once had a predestined relationship and blended with the Tao of one of the books of sages, and only then did he achieve today's achievements.

It is precisely because of this that Xun Kuang knows better than anyone else that the Tao in the book is different from one another.

Three thousand avenues, the same destination by different paths.

But people in the world can only get one of the Taos in their practice.

It's like walking, you can only go one way.

The original sages of the Xiaoshengxianzhuang library, even if they have the true meaning of the sages, but even the people with the most profound blessings can only resonate with one of the books.

Because only the same mind can resonate.

And everyone's way is different.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's current situation seems to have broken this restriction.

For Xun Kuang, this was like overturning the most basic common sense, making it difficult for him to accept.

But the facts are in sight.

Zhang Sanfeng clearly blends with the Tao in the book and resonates intensely.

And the breath that it exudes is different from just now.

This is undoubtedly another way.

Fu Nian sighed softly.

"Zhang Zhenzhen is really incredible!"

Yan Lu and Zhang Liang were also stunned.

"I never imagined that there would be people like Zhang Zhenren in the world. I really sat and watched the sky before."

In Xiaomeng's eyes, a bright light flickered, and a smile appeared on her face, which had never been happy or sad.

To take Zhang Sanfeng as her teacher was probably the wisest choice she made.

After a while, Zhang Sanfeng put down the book in his hand again.

Picked up another one.

In fact, he could not read the text in the book.

However, Zhang Sanfeng knew exactly what was recorded in the book.

This is because the Tao of the sages, through words, directly blends, collides, and resonates with his Tao.

It is equivalent to passing his Tao into the hands of Zhang Sanfeng.

It's like one person pouring internal energy into another person's body.

Compared with understanding the content of the text, and then figuring out the way of the sages, it is more direct to the original meaning, and it is much faster.

Reading the books of the sages and understanding the way of the sages often takes decades, or even longer.

But blending with the Tao left by the sages can achieve the true meaning of the Tao in an instant.

When the third book was opened, Zhang Sanfeng once again exuded a different aura.

The surprise in Xun Kuang's eyes had turned into sincere admiration.

He bowed his hands and bowed to Zhang Sanfeng.

This time, he worshipped the true immortals, worshipped the gods, and worshiped the Dao.

Being able to comprehend different Taos only shows that Zhang Sanfeng's understanding of Tao has reached an unimaginable level.

That was a realm that he was far from reaching.

The real fairyland in the legend...  

In this regard, Xun Kuang had nothing but admiration.

Soon, Zhang Sanfeng picked up the fourth book, the fifth book, the sixth book...

The shock of everyone has gradually turned into numbness.

The light in Xiaomeng's eyes grew stronger and stronger.

Being able to use the power of one person to merge the ways of a hundred schools has always been just a legend.

An imagined legend.

No one has ever done it.

The road leads the same way.

This point, no one who cultivates the Tao knows, no one does not know.

But when practicing Taoism, it is impossible to traverse all roads.

This is also common sense in monasticism.

However, Zhang Sanfeng broke this common sense today.

Everyone's worldview is being subverted.

But then, a scene that was even more difficult for Xun Kuang and others to accept appeared.

Zhang Sanfeng opened the books of Confucian sages.

On his body, purple energy rose again.

"Zhang Zhenren was reading Confucian classics?"

Yan Lu's eyes were wide open.

As the second master of the Little Sages, he has read these Confucian classics countless times, but he can only figure out the true meaning of the sages through the content recorded in the text.

However, Zhang Sanfeng, who is clearly a Taoist, was reading the Confucian classics in the library for the first time, and he was able to blend with the Tao of the sages and resonate with the meaning of the sages.

Is there any reason for this?

At this moment, Yan Lu only felt that he had been cultivating Confucianism for so long, as if he was wasting his time.

Zhang Liang was shocked and lost his words.

"Why does the real Zhang resonate with the meaning of the Confucian sages?"

He was puzzled.

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