Her entire face was like a sunset glow, as red as a burning cloud.

"Doctor Duanmu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Duanmurong blinked.

"I'm not talking nonsense, you see my master is so handsome (bhaf), and he is the number one person in the world."

"Sister Xuenu, you are beautiful, unparalleled and unparalleled."

"The two of you are together, talented and beautiful, and you are a natural match."

"Qin Emperor's old toad wants to eat swan meat. It's shameless."

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Duanmurong to become a matchmaker.

And to put it so bluntly, what is she thinking about?

With a complicated expression on her face, Xue Nu suddenly turned her head to look out the door and sighed lightly.

"Zhang Zhenren is the number one person in the world. I'm just a weak girl. How can I be worthy of Zhang Zhenren?"

Duanmurong turned to look at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Master, you're not stupid in your cultivation, aren't you not interested in a stunning woman like Sister Xue Nv?"

Next to her, Xiaomeng whispered softly.

"The love and love in the world is nothing compared to the case of the Dao. Doctor Duanmu, you are not a Taoist, you don't understand the Dao."

As soon as she said this, Xue Nu burst into tears and ran out desperately.

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly startled, and glared at Xiaomeng angrily.

This apprentice of him is about to go into the devil's way when he cultivates the Tao.

Now is not the time to scold her, Zhang Sanfeng flashed and chased out.

Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, looking at Duanmu Rong.

"Why do you want to match Master and Sister Xuenu? What kind of thoughts do you have?"

She is sensitive and always feels that Duanmurong's intentions are not simple.

Duanmurong smiled lightly.

"On the question of love? Only a fool would do such a thing."

"Life should be free like a wild geese in the sky, unfettered, roaming nine days."

"If you are concerned about love, you will not be able to feel comfortable."

Xiao Yu snorted coldly.

"What do you know? Master is the number one person in the world. No one can match Taoism and supernatural powers."

"He didn't cut off his love. You have never even practiced Taoism, and you dare to speak falsely?"

After she said this, she suddenly remembered.

Since Duanmurong has such a view on love, she should not match Xue Nu and Master.

Is she uneasy?

Xiao Yu stared at Duanmu Rong, as if there was a disagreement, he was about to take action.

"Master is a god in the sky, and mortals like me can only look up."

"I have heard the words of a Buddhist master who has attained the Tao: wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains in the heart. If the world learns from me, it is like entering the devil's way."

"We don't have the master's realm, so we shouldn't act like the master."

"There are countless women around Master, and I don't care about the Snowy Sister."

"But for Sister Snow, it's her life."

"Whether it's the old man who left Sister Xue Nu's body with spiritual power, or the old devil like Emperor Qin, none of the elder sister Xue Nu can resist."

"Her fate will be very tragic."

"But if she becomes the master's woman, then all the troubles and difficulties will be solved."

"Master is the number one person in the world. Who would dare to move his woman?"

"In this way, Sister Xue Nv can not only get rid of her original miserable fate, but also have a happy destination."

It turned out to be such an abacus.

Xiao Yu's face did not improve at all.

"You only think about your sister Xue Nu, have you thought about it for Master?"

"Don't forget, you are the master's disciple? Do you want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?"

Duanmurong smiled like a crescent moon.

"It's not bad for Master. I can see that Master still likes Sister Xue Nu."

"Who in the world doesn't like a beautiful woman like Sister Xuenu?"


in the forest.

"Snow Girl."

Zhang Sanfeng took her hand.

"The girl is full of heart, and the poor road has already felt it."

"Zhang Sanfeng is not a person of wood and stone, how can he be indifferent?"

"To be honest with the girl, the first time a poor man saw the girl, he was amazed at the girl's appearance."

"Girl Snow Girl is so stunning, which man in the world would not be tempted?"

"I'm just afraid of the sudden beauty, so I don't dare to speak falsely."

Xue Nu turned her head and looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

"You're right, is it true?"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly.

"The dignified head of Wudang, how can I lie to you?"

Snow Maiden bowed her head slightly, and a smile filled the corners of her eyes.

She didn't know the reason, but when she saw Zhang Sanfeng for the first time, she felt that she had fallen in love.

In fact, this was because Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual power was injected into her body.

Her body was soaked with the aura of spiritual power.

It's not the same as the old man's poisonous spirit.

Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual power is the closest to nature.

This spiritual power infiltrated Xue Nu's body, which naturally made her have an inexplicable affection for Zhang Sanfeng, and wanted to get close to him.

Similarly, Zhang Sanfeng also felt the same way about Snow Maiden.

Her body was washed by Zhang Sanfeng with spiritual power.

It also made him have a different love for Snow Maiden.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was very understanding and quickly understood what was going on.

But the way he cultivates is about going with the flow and doing whatever the heart desires.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng will not deliberately change this.

Even if Duanmu Rong is not a matchmaker today, he will still try to make Xue Nv his woman.

Zhang Sanfeng also knew that this would free Xue Xin from the old man who had planted the poison of spiritual power in her body.

For him, it can also make the Dao heart perfect.

Seeing Xue Nu shy and happy, Zhang Sanfeng reached out and embraced her and kissed her.


In the forest, the magpie croaked happily and spread its wings. .

Chapter 236

"I'll take you out."

After resting in the hut in the forest for the night, Zhang Sanfeng took Xue Nu's hand.

"Is it really possible?"

Snow Maiden hesitated.

In order to avoid ubiquitous arrest, she has been afraid to meet people.

Can only take refuge in this forest.

But human beings are group animals after all, and everyone yearns to communicate with others.

There is no internet in this day and age.

Solitary living is true solitary living.

Except for Duanmurong who often comes to see her, she has no contact with the outside world.

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Xue Nu's expression suddenly became a little excited.

She really wanted to go out.

However, Da Qin's wanted order made her very hesitant.

"It's okay, now you go out with me, I really want to see how the Daqin official will react?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth.

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