Zhang Sanfeng gave him a deep look.

"Xue Nu has extraordinary talent and is out of the ordinary, and has a fate with me in Wudang."

"Pin Dao has brought her into the Wudang sect, and since then, she has been a member of the Dao sect."

"All kinds of things in the past have become clouds, so let's go away."

"I would like to help Young Master Su to inform His Majesty Qin Huang, and said Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, I hope His Majesty the First Emperor can cancel the wanted for Xue Nu."

Fusu's face changed drastically.

Emperor Qin swallowed mountains and rivers with anger, and the world surrendered, why did he bow his head to others?

Zhang Sanfeng's request would only anger his father.

Thinking of this, Fusu broke out in a cold sweat.

He found it very difficult.

But at this moment, in front of Zhang Sanfeng, he still agreed to talk.

How to deal with it later will be decided by the emperor.

"Fu Su must tell the father to the emperor."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly.

He still has a bit of a favorable impression of this Fusu.

At least this person is polite and knows how to move forward.

Snow Maiden's face also had a happy smile.

She really hid for too long and was too tired to escape.

Now, have you finally turned this one over?

Lying in Zhang Sanfeng's arms, Snow Maiden felt very happy.

Just then, someone shouted suddenly.

"Not good, the tide is rising, run away!" Five.

Chapter 237

Songhai City is naturally by the sea.

East facing the sea.

On the first and fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there will be a big tide.

However, the usual spring tide, the wave height is only more than ten meters.

The sea defense levee of Songhai City is enough to block the tide of this level.

Not only are people not afraid, but they go to the Haiphong levee to watch the tides.

That was also the prosperous day for the merchants of Songhai City.

People from all over the world come to Songhai City to watch the tide, which will naturally bring a lot of business.

When the merchants take the opportunity to get on the beach, they can reap a lot.

Today is fifteen.

When the moon is full, the tide is at its greatest.

In Songhai City, as usual, countless people went to watch the tide.

It's just that none of them thought that today's tides are very different from those of the past.

On weekdays, the tide is only more than ten meters high, although it looks very surging and scary, that's all.

With the sea defense levee that took countless manpower and material resources to cast, a tide of that magnitude would not cause any disaster in [-].

It will only become a beautiful landscape.

But today's tide is not seen anywhere in hundreds of years.

The tide is rough.

In an instant, it reached a height of more than [-] meters, far exceeding the height of the Haiphong levee.

This is not a tide to watch, but a catastrophe.

In the history of Songhai City, there has been such a catastrophe.

That time, Songhai City was almost razed to the ground.

According to the statistics after the event, more than [-]% of the people of Songhai City died in the tide of the disaster.

The bodies of countless people were swept away by the tide and buried in the mouth of the fish.

In between, Songhai City was quiet for hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, today, disaster strikes again.

"Run away!"

The people in the city have already seen the surging tide.

Although still far away.

But with the advancing speed of the tide, it only takes a moment to rush over.

There is not much time left for them.

The tide is like a water dragon, ferocious and terrifying.

The high water head, like a line of white clouds, is connected to the sky and presses on people's heads.

Like a big mountain, it is pressing towards Songhai City.

"Escape to the mountains."

People in the city shouted and screamed.

The adults picked up the child, and the old man rushed out of the house.

There was chaos in the city.

"Sir, hurry up!"

The face of the city lord of Songhai City was extremely ugly.

As the city owner, he knew the history of Songhai City very well.

For the great tide disaster recorded in the classics, the impression in my heart is particularly profound.

It's just that such disasters have been dormant for too long in the long river of history.

Unexpectedly, let him meet.

Fusu's face also changed drastically.

In the face of the power of heaven and earth, his identity as the son of Qin is not worth mentioning.

The tide doesn't care about that.

Fusu panicked and ran into the carriage and drove away.

The soldiers, armored and soldiers, surrounded by carriages, ran towards the mountains behind.

Xiao Yu's face was also extremely ugly.

"Master, let's evacuate."

She climbed into the car and was about to drive away.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

"Xiao Yu, calm down."

Xiao Yu responded.

"The disciple knows."

She secretly said in her heart: Master is really a master, in front of the power of heaven and earth, he is so calm.

Isn't the master afraid?

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the tide with a very calm expression.

"Mount Tai collapsed in the front without changing its color, and the elk flourished in the left without blinking."

"Xiao Yu, you also need to cultivate your mind and nature."

Xiao Yu was a little dumbfounded.

At all times, why is Master not panicking at all?

She turned her head to look, and found that Xue Nu was still buried in Zhang Sanfeng's arms, with a happy expression on her face.

She didn't seem to see the rushing tide.

A woman who is intoxicated in love can't handle it with common sense.

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart.

His eyes turned to Xiaomeng.

But she saw that she was calm and calm, as if nothing had happened.

"Junior Sister Xiaomeng, are you not afraid at all?"

Xiaomeng was calm.

"The dead, the beginning of life, the living, the root of death."

"Life and death depend on each other, there is life and there is death."

"Since the day I practiced Dao, I have seen through life and death."

"If you put your life and death aside, you will naturally not be afraid of such tides."

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