Yan Lu was amazed again.

"It turns out that Zhenren Zhang has really arrived in the real fairyland. It's ridiculous that Bai Xiaosheng has listed him as a martial arts master."

Since Bai Xiaosheng listed Zhang Sanfeng as the number one master in the world, Zhang Sanfeng's status as number one in the world has also been recognized by martial arts practitioners.

In a sense, this greatly improved Zhang Sanfeng's status and fame.

But considering Zhang Sanfeng's current cultivation base, it is inappropriate to list him on the ranking of martial arts masters.

Even if it is ranked first, it is also inappropriate.

True immortals cannot be ranked by martial arts masters.

Fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care at all, and seemed to be very happy.

In Zhang Liang's heart, a storm surged.

Before that, he had already suspected that Zhang Sanfeng had entered the real fairyland.

But it is only a suspicion, there is no evidence, it is impossible to be sure.

You know, true immortals have always existed only in legends.

Even the terrestrial immortals have only heard rumors and have never seen them before.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanfeng actually arrived in the real fairyland.

What does a true fairy mean?

Zhang Liang's heart was slightly excited.

In one's lifetime, being able to witness a true immortal take action is definitely something worth celebrating.

Not to mention, he also had close contact with this true immortal.

Zhang Liang's eyes flickered, and he seemed to be calculating something in his heart.

On the carriage, Fusu's expression was very complicated.

After a long time, he sighed softly.

Zhang Sanfeng is so good that he can calm the tide with manpower, which is beyond his imagination.

This matter must be reported to the emperor as soon as possible.

Fusu's mind turned a thousand times, and suddenly he felt a lot more calm in his heart.

Zhang Sanfeng's strength is strong, so it was undoubtedly a very wise choice for him not to take a shot at him just now.

The father will never blame himself.


In midair, Zhang Sanfeng's figure slowly fell.

The tide has receded.

Everything is at peace.

In Xue Nu's eyes, there were sparkling stars.

Xiaoyu shouted.

"Master is amazing" 〃."

She was as excited as a three-year-old.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for calming the [-]-year tide of Songhai City, saving countless lives, the chance rewards are being distributed..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 10 million experience points and 10 million skill points."

Zhang Sanfeng was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, you can still get system rewards.

A lot of enlightenment suddenly rose in his heart.

The power of heaven and earth was mobilized just now, which greatly touched his martial arts.

As if caught something.

It seems to be the power of rules, and it seems to be nothing.

Zhang Sanfeng took a deep breath.

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately used the opportunity of epiphany.

Previously, the system rewarded Zhang Sanfeng for two epiphany opportunities, but he only used it once.

The machine of epiphany, people immediately fall into the epiphany.

"What's the matter, Master?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help being a little curious when he saw Zhang Sanfeng standing there with his eyes closed suddenly, motionless.

In Xiaomeng's eyes, Jingmang flashed.

"Master should have entered into an epiphany."

"An epiphany?"

Xiao Yu was taken aback.

Today's Zhang Sanfeng has reached a very high level of cultivation.

If we could go further...

In front of Zhang Sanfeng, there are countless martial arts flying by vaguely, and countless people are practicing martial arts in front of him.

At this moment, his eyes on martial arts also became completely different.

Martial arts are techniques used in martial arts.

The usual technique is to master the moves.

Most of these moves are the summary of previous experience.

Only by standing on the shoulders of the predecessors can we continuously improve our martial arts.

And the most brilliant technique is undoubtedly directed at the rules of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

However, ordinary martial arts are far from reaching this level.

Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts flew around, and countless martial arts whizzed past in his heart.

His understanding of martial arts immediately became different.

Using the rules of heaven and earth and incorporating martial arts into it, even if you use simple martial arts, you can naturally mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

It may not be the power of the earth-shattering power like before the tide.

By mobilizing the power of heaven and earth in a small area, and using the power of heaven and earth, you can use the most ordinary moves to exert incredible power.

Knowing this, Zhang Sanfeng finally made a new breakthrough in his martial arts and Taoism.


It was as if lightning had shattered the original Dao Heart.

His martial skill and Taoism finally reached a new level.

Zhang Sanfeng opened his personal panel.

Name: Zhang Sanfeng

Gong method: Hunyuan nine-turn Xuan Gong level: twelfth turn ninth level

Martial Arts: Martial Arts Dao Xin (Fairyland Elementary)

Martial Arts: Tai Chi Martial Arts (Ninth Rank of Immortal Rank)

Flesh: Vajra body (seventh grade)

XP: 100000

Skill Points: 100000

Elementary Wonderland?

Seeing this, Zhang Sanfeng was slightly stunned.

Immediately understood.

Today, he can inadvertently mobilize the power of heaven and earth in ordinary moves, which is no longer something ordinary martial arts can compete with.

This is the fairyland martial arts.

Between every gesture, there is an understanding and application of the rules.

Once the martial skill has reached this level, any martial skill in the future can be mastered effortlessly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth.

With a thought, he added 100000 skill points and 100000 experience points to the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan exercise.

Soon, the aura in Zhang Sanfeng's body changed again.

His Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Cultivation Technique finally moved from the ninth floor to the tenth floor.

Until the ninth turn of (Nuo Nuo Zhao), the level was still not high, and it took a lot of effort to raise the level.

Let the first nine rounds be completed.

This time, Zhang Sanfeng decided to lay a solid foundation step by step.

". "Okay, let's go to the beach and see."

Zhang Sanfeng finally paid off.

He looked at Xue Nu, Xiao Yu and the others next to him, and spoke slowly.

Zhang Sanfeng's current strength has improved a lot, and his mood is also very comfortable.

The carriage ticked, heading towards the sea.

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