Xiao Yu was amazed.

Shao Siming's beautiful eyes flickered slightly.

What Zhang Sanfeng used seemed to be an extremely clever Onmyo Technique, but it seemed to be beyond the Onmyo Technique.

Duanmurong was a little excited.

"Wow, Master, can you pass on this kung fu to me, so that I can go to the restaurant to eat every day."

Zhang Sanfeng was suddenly dumbfounded.

This Duanmu Rong has nothing in his mind except to eat.

He ignored Duanmu Rong, but quickened his pace and walked forward.

There are many gates in front, and guards are standing on both sides, all holding swords and axes, and they are unusually mighty.

Both Duanmurong and Xiaoyu stopped talking.

In this place, even with the blessing of Zhang Sanfeng's Tai Chi Yin-Yang Fish, they couldn't help but worry about being discovered.

Passing through several gates in a row, what appeared in front of several people were two huge stone statues.

The stone statues are dozens of feet high.

The two idols stood opposite each other, but in the middle of the idols was a stone lotus.

Above the stone lotus, there are several figures standing.

Everything here is so huge.

In comparison, the human body is as small as an ant.

A mysterious and subtle feeling suddenly rose in Zhang Sanfeng's heart.

It was as if something had caught a glimpse of his existence.

Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly.

Shao Siming's bright eyes froze for a moment, and the aura on her body also condensed.

"what happened?"

Zhang Sanfeng noticed that she was wrong.

Shaoxing took a deep breath.

"I feel the breath of His Excellency Donghuang, he must have come to the mirage."

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng raised his brows, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a smile floated on his face.

It's really a coincidence.

What he was most worried about was that Dong Huang Taiyi was hiding in the dark and using Yang Yang technique to plot against him.

As the so-called "clear guns are easy to hide, dark arrows are hard to guard".

If that's the case, it's a little trickier.

The power of Donghuang Taiyi is not as powerful as that of the First Emperor, and his power is far inferior.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even look at the First Emperor, so how could he be afraid of him?

But Donghuang Taiyi's identity is mysterious. If he hides in a place where Zhang Sanfeng can't find it, it will become very troublesome.

If Donghuang Taiyi really came to the mirage, Zhang Sanfeng would take action without hesitation.

Problems that can be solved with strength are not necessary at all.

Shao Siming had been living in the shadow of Donghuang Taiyi until now.

For Dong Huang Taiyi, she has fear and fear from the bottom of her heart.

Just as Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts were spinning, a magnificent voice sounded in the hall.

"Today, I used the power of a mirage to set off such terrifying and stormy waves. I thought I could kill Zhang Sanfeng, but I didn't expect that he would be so good."

"Zhang Sanfeng's strength is indeed too terrifying."

"Today's tsunami almost killed Young Master Fusu. If His Majesty the First Emperor is to blame, the people on the mirage will all be executed."

"In this way, it's not a bad thing to be turned into a tsunami by Zhang Sanfeng."

The voice came from Shilian.

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth raised slightly.

He has always felt that today's tsunami came a bit inexplicably.

When it was resolved later, I felt that there was some strange force behind it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that this power came from the mirage.

But what exactly is on the mirage?

Can set off a tsunami of that magnitude

They walked along a suspension bridge to the stone lotus.

As you get closer, you can see the figures

One of them, wearing a black robe covering his face, stood there with a mysterious and gloomy aura.

"He is the East Emperor Taiyi."

Shao Siming's voice trembled slightly.

"is it him?"

Zhang Sanfeng was immediately overjoyed.

This is really nowhere to go after stepping through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

As soon as Emperor Donghuang is here, he can save a lot of his effort.

Zhang Sanfeng immediately locked Donghuang Taiyi's qi.

Just then, a sneer sounded.

"You guys are too daring to come here like this."

"Do you think that this level of blindness can fool me?"

Found out?

Zhang Sanfeng was slightly surprised.

Immediately came back to his senses.

Dong Huangtai is the head of the Yin-Yang family of Great Qin, and it is normal for him to have such abilities.

Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts moved, and he appeared.

"East Emperor Taiyi is well-deserved."

"People say that Zhang Sanfeng is young and handsome. When I saw him today, he was really extraordinary. No wonder my young master of the Yin-Yang family fell in love with you at first sight, but he didn't hesitate to betray his sect."

The East Huangtai sounded like a bell, and his words were sharp.

Beside him, a man in gray and white clothes.

He is Yun Zhongjun, one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, in charge of the Jin Department.

Yun Zhongjun is also the captain of Mirage.

"Shao Siming, Your Excellency Donghuang treats you well, and promoted you to be one of the five elders of the Yin-Yang family, in charge of the wood department. You actually colluded with Zhang Sanfeng?"

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"You are just looking at her extraordinary aptitude."

"In the promotion test of the female disciples of the Mube, countless people lost their lives."

"If she loses to someone else, she will be killed."

"You don't even ask."

"She stood out in the test, and Emperor Taichi appointed her as Elder Mu."

"." To put it bluntly, I just saw her strength and wanted her to work for your yin and yang family."

"Why do you have the face to say it so grandly?"

The East Emperor laughed loudly.

"Everyone said that Zhang Zhenren was the number one person in the world. He was young and handsome, like a jade tree in the wind, like a real fairy in the world, out of the world and refined. I didn't expect to be so articulate."

"Zhang Sanfeng, I have been here to respect you for a long time."

He flicked his hands lightly, and saw a man and a woman, two figures, flying to the left and right sides of Zhang Sanfeng a few meters away.

These two people are Mr. Xiang and Mrs. Xiang, the five elders of the Yin Yang family.

"I expected that you would definitely come to the mirage."

"The previous tsunami was just a bait to lure you in."

"You really fell for it."

"If you don't come to the mirage, it's really hard to deal with."

"But since you came to the mirage, then I can borrow the power of the mirage to deal with you."

"Zhang Sanfeng, today next year will be your death day."

In the voice of Donghuang Taiyi, he seemed very proud.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Duanmu Rong and Xiao Yu suddenly became extremely ugly.

Shao Si Mingmu's light flickered slightly, and even his breathing became a little short.

Zhang Sanfeng's expression was still very calm.

"Pin Dao also has this intention."

"East Emperor Taiyi, if you hide, Pindao will have to bother to find you."

"But you dare to show up publicly in front of the poor road, this is self-destruction."

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