Of course, she had heard of the legend of the Temple of War.

According to legend, what is recorded in it is the supreme supernatural power far beyond the mundane martial arts.

Anyone who learns the above martial arts will be invincible in the world.


To be precise, the martial arts recorded above can enable a person to become an immortal, shatter the void, and go to another world.

Unexpectedly, the origin of the treasure map is so big.

(bhag) The mind of the purple girl couldn't help shaking.

Immediately, she returned to normal.

Such a treasure is not something she can contaminate.

The purple girl has an extraordinary heart, and she soon understood.

"In fact, to find the location of the Temple of War, you must gather seven treasure maps, and this is just one of them."

Zhang Sanfeng said again.

The purple girl couldn't help but sighed softly.

"I thought I could find the Temple of War with this picture, that's too precious."

"If you need to gather seven pictures to find it, it will be troublesome."

She picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip.

"The Temple of War is of great importance. For those who practice martial arts in the world, who doesn't covet the martial arts in the Temple of War?"

"That is said to be the supreme secret in the legend, which can make the broken void go away."

"If you keep this treasure map in your hands, I'm afraid it will turn out to be a disaster."

While speaking, she gave Zhang Sanfeng a deep look.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

"As long as the purple girl doesn't tell the story, what's the harm?"

No one knew that the treasure map was in his hands, and naturally no one would come to grab it.

But the purple girl shook her head.

"Otherwise, even if we don't say it, there are countless strange people in the world."

"Maybe someone will calculate the whereabouts of this picture."

"By that time, the son will only be in danger."

Zhang Sanfeng was startled when he heard the words, and then gave a wry smile.

"So, I got into trouble?"

He paused and glanced at the purple girl.

"It's okay, why don't I stay at Zilan Xuan first."

"The wooden box has been in Zilan Xuan for so long, and no one has bothered it. There must be something special about this place."

The meaning of teasing in this sentence is very obvious.

Both are testing each other.

The purple girl's eyes turned around on Duanmu Rong and Gao Yue beside Zhang Sanfeng, and her eyes flashed mischievously.

"Zilan Xuan is the land of Fengyue."

"As long as the son can pay the price, Zilan Xuan has the best guest room and the most beautiful girl to entertain the son."


"Young master with two women by his side, I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient, right?"

Duanmurong snorted coldly.

"What's the inconvenience?"

"I think it's very convenient here."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes suddenly flashed a strange look.

In his perception, he clearly sensed a very huge aura, walking into Zilan Xuan.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is getting more and more interesting.

Downstairs, a drunk man walked into Zilan Xuan.

"Is Lady Purple here? Lady Purple is coming out to accompany me."

A thunderous sound suddenly exploded.

In an instant, in Zilan Xuan, everyone's color changed slightly.

Ziyu also flicked the ground and stood up. .

Chapter 331

"Looks like someone's making trouble."

Zhang Sanfeng had a playful look on his face.

Zilan Xuan's ability to stand in Yangzhai City has its own uniqueness.

Wouldn't it be better to say that the purple girl in front of her is young, and her general internal strength is already very impressive~.

It's just that Nongyu, who plays the piano, has the ability to intimidate a small child.

What's more, Zilanxuan, a land of wind and moon, has more friendships and exchanges with powerful people in the city.

Everyone will sell one-third of face, and usually no one will make trouble.

But I don't know what happened today. First Yan Nan came to make trouble, only to be settled by Nong Yu, and then another drunk man came.

The purple girl's face couldn't help but look a little bad.

When did Zi Lan Xuan become a place where anyone could make trouble?

However, Zhang Sanfeng's thoughts were completely different.

After all, he is a true immortal, but he can clearly feel that it is not easy to come.

The purple girl smiled slightly.

"Zhang Daochang, accuse me, Zi Nu may need to deal with common affairs."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to go see the excitement."

He was a little worried that the purple girl would suffer.

Violet Girl's eyes flashed with shock, she bowed slightly, and walked out.

Zhang Sanfeng followed closely behind.

In the Zilanxuan Hall, the banquet hall on the first floor that was full of guests is no longer in shape. A drunken man with loose hair is sitting on the central wooden table downstairs drinking wine.

Wine and vegetables are scattered everywhere, a mess.

This is the first impression of the purple girl, and the nameless fire in her heart. It was already unlucky enough today, and now she is slammed by a drunk man. It is impossible to think that she is a Bodhisattva!

However, just when Zi Nu wanted to punish the drunken man with loose hair, she suddenly found that the drunk man in front of her looked familiar.

This figure, this posture, and the sight of the drunken man's face from under the messy bun, made the purple girl shocked!

Thanks Xiaofeng!How did he become like this.

You must know that he is a recognized swordsman in the world, and his kendo cultivation is an insurmountable moat in the minds of martial arts people.

Now, not only has the Xie Family Divine Sword, the precious sword that never left his hand, disappeared, but his image has also changed from a handsome, suave, and the dream lover of countless girls in all corners of the world to a sloppy, sloppy, ordinary drunk. .

If it wasn't for the purple girl who had dealt with Xie Xiaofeng several times and kept him in her heart, she would have almost beaten him.

Now that it was confirmed that the drunk man in front of him was Xie Xiaofeng, the anger in Zi Nu's heart disappeared.

"Xie Xiaofeng! How did you become like this!"

The purple girl's voice was cold, just like before, but her hands were not slow, she made a gesture to the surrounding subordinates, and then took a pot of wine to herself, twisting her waist and walking towards Xie Xiaofeng.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally saw this scene from behind, and a little curiosity arose in his heart, because with his cultivation of the true immortal stage, it was completely clear that the handsome man in front of him was undergoing a transformation.

The transformation of the mind, if it can be successfully transformed, then if you want to come to the arena, you will have to have another peerless master.

This kind of transformation can be said to be a life-and-death situation, or it can be said to be without danger. The degree of difficulty depends on the state of mind of the transformed person. If you can see through eating and drinking, the transformation will be successful.

Zilanxuan Hall.

Xie Xiaofeng opened the corners of his drunken and hazy eyes, and glanced at the purple girl who was sitting beside him.

He grinned, revealing slightly yellowed teeth. Obviously, this appearance was not achieved in one day, but accumulated over time. I think Xie Xiaofeng has spent many days like this.

"Purple girl! You are here!"

Saying that, he rushed forward, and with both hands, he would embrace this graceful purple girl into his arms.

The purple girl naturally refused, and she fluttered back to another seat when she dodged, and her eyes were full of puzzlement at this time.

She could never have imagined that Xie Xiaofeng, who used to be the best swordsman in the martial arts, is now like a country man in the streets, with a graceful demeanor and no gentleman's manners.

As soon as I come up, I will hug her!

"Wake up! Xie Xiaofeng!"

The purple girl let out a coquettish drink, which shocked everyone present, and their eyes changed when they looked at the drunkard. When the purple girl was whispering, only the maids around her and Zhang Sanfeng behind her could hear those three words. .

Now that the purple girl called out Xie Xiaofeng's name in public, she was a little angry after thinking about it.

However, the guests couldn't help thinking too much, and several maids who smiled and smiled came over to explain to the guests one by one.

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