
Zhang Sanfeng took a sip of tea.

He looked at Xie Xiaofeng in front of him.

Seeing that he didn't know when to put on makeup and hair.

He has become the martial arts kendo genius he once was, and his temperament is no longer as quiet as before.

There are some guesses in my heart.

With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he nodded to indicate that he should accept Xie Xiaofeng's apology.

"This is Daoist Zhang Junbao, and these two are his apprentices!"

The purple girl saw Xie Xiaofeng suddenly turn around.

Seeing Xie Xiaofeng's hopeful eyes again, he took the initiative to introduce Zhang Sanfeng and his party to Xie Xiaofeng.

"That girl, I apologized and apologized, and you are willing to take me as a teacher."

"do not want!"

Gao Yue simply refused, with a proud look on his face.

"Gao Yue, this is a recognized kendo genius in the martial arts. Xie Xiaofeng, Xie Jianshen, haven't you heard of it? With his instructions, you can walk sideways when you go out."

Purple Girl is a friend of Xie Xiaofeng, and naturally she spared no effort to help Xie Xiaofeng make this happen.

And in her opinion, no matter how bad Xie Xiaofeng is, the status and status are there, and others can't ask for it.

"With him as a master, with your qualifications, you can go further."

The purple girl added another sentence.

She saw Gao Yue 17 make a move just now. Considering her age, that kind of skill is very good.

Moreover, the purple girl can also see that Gao Yue's ability is only a small part of it.

This little girl's talent for martial arts is truly extraordinary.

But the more so, the more Zi Nu felt that Gao Yue should worship Xie Xiaofeng as her teacher.

In this way, her amazing talent will not be wasted.

Moreover, although Zhang Sanfeng was very impressed by the purple girl, Xie Xiaofeng said this step. As a friend, she still has to say good things instead.

"I will follow the big brother, and I will not worship anyone."

Seeing this beautiful big sister, Gao Yue started to persuade her, and hugged Zhang Sanfeng's left hand angrily, as if she planned to give up if someone came to grab her.

Zhang Sanfeng looked so angry and funny, he was here.Why should he be afraid of other people's actions? He also understands what the purple girl means. It seems that she did not want to do much trouble before, which she misinterpreted into timidity.

However, his xinxing is close to that of heaven and man, so naturally he won't care about these little things.

However, in the previous imagination, there seemed to be some omissions. Gao Yue was not happy when he thought about it, but he did not show that expression because he was afraid of causing trouble to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng felt a little distressed about this girl, touched Gao Yue's head, and said indifferently.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't want to, no one can take you away."

"Well, big brother is the best."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, Gao Yue loosened his hand a little, but he still refused to let go.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care, he looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said.

"Since Gao Yue doesn't want to, then you can go."

"Your Excellency, do you know what kind of constitution the girl beside you has."

"Natural Sword Heart!"

"As long as you practice kendo, the realm is not delusional, and even the sword breaks the void, it is not an extravagant hope."

"I don't think you have a sword on your body, and you must not be a kendo person. If you put this kind of kendo talent by your side, wouldn't it delay a good time."

Xie Xiaofeng spoke with sincerity, and his heartfelt words were spit out like a cannonball, which made the audience feel that Gao Yue was really underpowered by Zhang Sanfeng.

Only Duanmu Rong smiled without saying a word on the surface, and slandered inwardly.

In her opinion, this Xie Xiaofeng is completely unaware that the sky is high and the earth is thick.

After all, her master is a true immortal, and if there is a true immortal who does not worship him, worshipping a rotten alcoholic might be blind.

However, Duanmurong thought about it, if she didn't know Zhang Sanfeng and heard that a genius like Xie Xiaofeng was going to accept an apprentice, or that the apprenticeship was successful, I'm afraid she would also be moved, or rather envious.

"She, I can teach her too."

Zhang Sanfeng put down the teacup after drinking the tea, Gao Yue winked, raised the teapot on the wooden table, filled Zhang Sanfeng's teacup, and then continued to hug Zhang Sanfeng's arm and refused to let go.

"You don't even wear a sword, and you are just a mortal. Even if you have the money, I'm afraid you won't be able to hire a teacher like me."

Xie Xiaofeng was a little angry in his heart, but he still kept that anger from bursting out in his words. After all, it was not good to scare Gao Yue, and if he did it now, it would be difficult for Gao Yue to hate him.

Now all his hopes of washing away his shame are placed on Gao Yue, and every move of Gao Yue is very important to Xie Xiaofeng.

After all, this is the best kendo genius he has seen so far, and he said that the kendo of the Xie family cannot be improved to a higher level.

It's a pity that I don't have a son, otherwise. . .

After speaking, Xie Xiaofeng began to think about it again, while Zhang Sanfeng still looked at the man in front of him lightly, suddenly thought of something, and said something.

"Don't you have no sword, what can you teach her?"

"The strongest swordsmanship in the world, the strongest swordsmanship, I will find her the top ten magic soldiers in the world as swords, and then entrust the Divine Sword Villa to her."

Xie Xiaofeng said all the cards he didn't keep in one breath.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but glance at Xie Xiaofeng, he really deserved to be Xie Xiaofeng in the name of Sword God.

Moreover, just as Xie Xiaofeng's voice was behind, Zhang Sanfeng's fairy eyes could see that the layer of film in Xie Xiaofeng's heart that bound him actually began to ripple.

It seems that if Gao Yue followed him to learn the sword.

In less than five years, Divine Sword Villa will probably have one less sword god-level powerhouse, and two more sword gods, one master and one apprentice, and they will be able to traverse the martial arts.

Unfortunately, Zhang Sanfeng sighed in his heart, but still shook his head.

said lightly.

"not enough."

This time, after shaking her head and letting the purple girl see it, she couldn't help stomping her feet.

"Zhang Junbao, do you know that you are ruining the future of little girl Gao Yue, the man in front of you is the sword god, the sword god."

Zi Nu's face was unsatisfactory, and she seemed to want to agree for Zhang Sanfeng.

"If you are worried that Gao Yue will follow me in the future and has nothing to do with you, then I can use my reputation to guarantee that if you ask Gao Yue to worship me as a teacher, I will promise you to do three things that do not violate the interests of Sword God Villa. Anything, whatever it is.”

The sword god Yinuo weighs as much as a thousand catties.

As soon as these words came out, the heavy eyes of Zi Lanxuan's hall converged on Zhang Sanfeng again, and he couldn't help but breathe quickly.

However, Zhang Sanfeng remained indifferent, and even split his mouth, revealing neat and clean teeth.

"It's still not enough, and I didn't say enough, not this, but you didn't teach enough."

Seeing that Xie Xiaofeng seemed to have some misunderstanding, Zhang Sanfeng corrected him.

"No, you are not qualified!"

As soon as Zhang Sanfeng's words fell, the whole hall was silent. In their eyes, there was a famous sword god on the one hand, and a mortal person with no name and no inner strength on the other.

But this situation was something they could never have imagined.

A mortal was actually speaking to the Sword God.

You are too weak to teach her! .

Chapter 334

For a while, Xie Xiaofeng didn't know whether to laugh or be angry. It was the first time he saw someone dare to question his swordsmanship, no, the second time.

All of a sudden, the haze that had settled in Xie Xiaofeng's heart reappeared, making him look a little deep.

However, as a Sword God, his ability to control his emotions has recovered a little. The content in the next section will be more exciting>*168_; Yes, when he realized that this girl holding the boy's arms can complete his old grudge, his sanity has been restored, Even more so.

"I don't know which sect the person invited by the young master is a teacher, let's see if I know him."

Xie Xiaofeng suppressed the desire to snatch it, but at this time there was already some impatience in his voice, and anyone could hear the indifference.

After listening to the purple girl beside him, she wanted to tell him not to act rashly. After all, the man named Zhang Junbao was not an ordinary person. If he really regarded him as an ordinary person, he would be almost three feet tall.

But after she tugged at the corner of Xie Xiaofeng's clothes, Xie Xiaofeng didn't realize it, or in his heart, he just wanted to get a reply from Zhang Sanfeng. That's all.

Even though Xie Xiaofeng is now defeated by his sword, he will not disregard the law and forcibly snatch a young girl to become an apprentice. If you say this, let the world and martial arts people think of his Divine Sword Villa. Divine Sword Villa can decay. , but not in his hands.

Xie Xiaofeng was very nervous at this time, and his mind was flying. In his mind, one by one, the swordsmanship that was as famous as the Excalibur Villa was filtered, whether it was the sword pavilion of Shushan, or the Qi sword of Huashan, or... .

Just when Xie Xiaofeng and the others were holding their breaths and waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to give an answer, they didn't want the indifferent young man to say words that they couldn't understand.

"Why do you want others to teach it, I can teach it."

"Zhang Junbao, stop talking big..."

Zi Nu looked at Xie Xiaofeng's state from the side, saw that his eyebrows were already wrinkled, and said angrily.

In fact, what she said in her heart was to tell this kid to stop provoking Xie Xiaofeng. He was already provoked. If he became mad, she didn't think that by virtue of her friendship with Xie Xiaofeng, she could save others and protect Zi Lanxuan from being attacked. The damage was so bad, thank goodness.

When Zhang Sanfeng's voice just fell, everyone was in an uproar, but Xie Xiaofeng didn't react for a while, and then he reacted and asked with a look of disbelief.

"That son, what school did you learn from?"

"No way."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally couldn't say his real name, otherwise everyone would think of the number one expert in the world, Zhang Sanfeng.

So he can only use no door and no place to cover himself, but he doesn't want to talk like this to completely arouse Xie Xiaofeng's anger.

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