To be able to learn [-]% to [-]% is enough to see the horror of Zhang Sanfeng.

Moreover, as a true immortal, Zhang Sanfeng has his own power.

But it is not something that Ye Kai can match.

"Huh! This is..."

Sure enough, Shangguan Xian'er, who was watching the battle and eating melons, was shocked when she saw Zhang Sanfeng's posture.

This is Xiao Li Feidao who looks like Ye Kai. You know, Ye Kai and Zhang Sanfeng have only played against each other once.

There is no more connection, but now seeing Ye Kai's shadow on Zhang Sanfeng, how can Shangguan Xian'er not be surprised or surprised!

"Zhang Zhenren really is extremely talented. Just one glance and one move, he has learned Li's flying knife stunt nine times out of ten. Li Mou is ashamed!"

The voice came from the deep valley, the sky, the dense forest, or the ancient temple, and it was impossible to distinguish the direction, and it seemed that there were Li Xunhuan in all directions.

However, with such a number of sound transmissions, how could they deceive Zhang Sanfeng's keen sense of hearing, even after Li Xunhuan made his move just now.

He had already turned hundreds of meters and changed four or five positions, but he still got his bearings.

Without further ado, the flying knife galloped out under the urging of spiritual power and the skill of the wrist.

Just listening to the sound of "咻", the three-inch and seven-point Xiao Li Feidao faintly carried the sound of wind and thunder, heading to the back of Shangguan Xian'er.

Even though Shangguan Xian'er was daring and careful, she was directly pointed at by Zhang Sanfeng's knife.

She couldn't help but feel chills down her spine, if it wasn't for the fact that Zhang Sanfeng's behavior was definitely not the type of wanton killing, her face would have changed.

Sure enough, it flew past Shangguan Xian'er's body until the giant tree behind her disappeared.

Even though Li Xunhuan's position changed several times, he still couldn't escape Zhang Sanfeng's discernment.

However, this knife, after all, returned without success, did not enter the jungle, and there was no news.

It's not because Zhang Sanfeng's Xiao Li Fei Dao is too bad...  

It was Li Xunhuan, who had now become a true immortal. His flying knife was no longer what it used to be, and it could be said that it was even better.

Even if Shangguan Jin Hong was resurrected from the dead, seeing such a flying knife, I am afraid that he would not ask Li Fei Dao to forcefully accept it again.

The flying knife is smart, Zhang Sanfeng naturally understands this, but this knife is just an appetizer.

The battle has only just begun.

"Xiao Li Tanhua, since you have all got the flying knife, why haven't you shown up yet?"

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently to the deserted forest.

"Since Zhang Zhenren invited him so graciously, Li Mou is also disrespectful."

I just heard a hearty laughter, which came from the depths of the jungle where the flying knife sank just now.A figure neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin slowly walked out.

It was only when he walked to the moonlight that his face was fully revealed.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, dressed in white.

Hair curled slightly.

It was Xiao Li Feidao who had been missing for a long time.

Li Xunhuan.

However, his appearance at this time was only about twenty-three or four years old, not as haggard and sick as middle-aged.

Rather, it is as if the spirit and spirit are cohesive.

It is unique to the realm of immortals, rejuvenation. .

Chapter 447

Throughout the original work, whether it is the title of the book "Affectionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword", or "Little Li Feidao, the world is unparalleled".

Or prefixes like "Little Li Tanhua", "Liu Ru Gongzi", etc., the comments are a kind of compliment to Li Xunhuan.

Even Xiao Li, the word is a kind of boast, after all, there is a seven-scholar in a school, and a father and a son are ranked three.

Li Xun Huan's character is also like a prefix, like a son.

Addicted to alcohol like life, hated evil like hatred, spends money like soil, loves friends like oneself, sees death like home, and takes action like flying.

However, Zhang Sanfeng only played against him for one round, and it is a bit too much to talk about his character, but it is certain that he has been friends for a long time.

And, after seeing Li Xun Huan's first face.

Zhang Sanfeng has determined this person, even if he has cultivated to a true immortal, his personality is still the same as in the past, 17 has not changed at all.

Li Xun Huan said with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Zhang Zhenren, just now, you really have a good eye. I moved around several times, but you still found it. It really is a boy from a hero since ancient times!"

"Where, Li Xunhuan's little Li Feidao, no one in the world knows, no one knows."

"Although I defeated your disciple Ye Kai last time, I wanted to know your whereabouts from his mouth, but I didn't want him to have no news. At that time, I felt that it was a regret in my life."

"However, fortunately, I finally saw you, Li Tanhua, at the top of Wanfo Peak in Mount Emei."

Zhang Sanfeng also laughed, and the two complimented each other. After all, they are both true immortals, and there is still a certain atmosphere.

"Zhang Zhenren's flying knife skills are not inferior to me. If I were in your grade, I would be far inferior to you, Zhang Zhenren."

Li Xunhuan couldn't help sighing when he looked at Zhang Sanfeng, who was only twenty years old, but really young.

Zhang Sanfeng was noncommittal, nodded slightly, and continued to smile.

"Then Li Tanhua, why did you invite me to Jindingyi, Mount Emei, through the mouth of Shangguan Xiaoxian?"

He asked this question, after all, when he was in Xiangyang.

He really didn't want to understand that Shangguan Xian'er, who had a relationship with him, left him a letter.

And made an appointment on August [-]th next year, at the top of Emei Mountain for a while.

"Oh~ Xiaoxian did tell me, but she complimented you, saying that you are better than my disciple, Ye Kai, and you are an outstanding hero. I am also a little interested, just want to see you.

First, I want to see which teenager can beat my disciple.

The second is to take care of her.... "

After Li Xunhuan said that, Shangguan Xiaoxian pulled her robe, preventing her from continuing to speak.

"Oh, but what I really didn't expect is that at such a young age, Zhang Zhenren has already reached a level that many people can't reach in their entire lives."

"You mean..."

Before she could react, Shangguan Xian'er, who was already different from what she used to be, covered her mouth, her small eyes widened slightly, and she looked at Zhang Sanfeng incredulously.

"how come......"

she murmured.

"Yes, Zhang Zhenren is already in the realm of immortals, the same level as me."

Li Xun Huan sighed, "I didn't want to show up at all. After all, at my age, in front of you, I'm humiliating myself.

It's like living your life on a dog.

"I thought......"

Shangguan Xiaoxian stopped these words, then shut up, her beautiful eyes flickered, she didn't know what she was looking at, and occasionally glanced at Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang, who was silent on the side, could not help chilling down her spine, feeling that she had bad intentions.

"It's just a little luckier here."

Zhang Sanfeng was neither surprised nor delighted, very euphemistically and modestly, with the chance system, he was just a little bit lucky.

If you want to say how much a little bit is, it is probably the distance of the universe at your fingertips.

"Hahaha~Zhang Zhenzhen just loves to joke."

Li Xun Huan's face twitched when he saw Zhang Sanfeng with a calm face. .

Chapter 448

"Li Tanhua, since today's beautiful day is beautiful, if you don't have a fight, you can't justify it. The warm-up just now doesn't count."

Zhang Sanfeng finally met a true immortal master, so naturally he couldn't let it go easily. After all, this was all a chance.

If Li Xunhuan could be included in Wudang, wouldn't Wudang's strength be even better.

However, the true immortal master is not a gangster on the side of the road, and he will worship if he says goodbye. As for whether he enters Wudang or not, he can only say that it is a matter of fate.

But the fight is definitely not to be missed. Xiao Li Feidao didn't learn much from Ye Kai, but from Li Xun Huan.

He has to study hard, if he can give him Taiji martial arts, or Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, and add another unique skill, it will not be in vain for him to travel thousands of miles to come to the appointment.

"Since it's all for the sake of it, if Li Mou refuses again, I'm afraid he won't be able to watch it any longer."

A person who can become a true immortal is naturally not a cowardly person.

What's more, Li Xun Huan was not that kind of person at all.

Zhang Sanfeng's challenge made him shudder for a long time without a good shot.

The knife just now used only one point of his strength, if he was fully motivated by the strength of a true immortal.

Who will kill the deer is still unknown.

Of course, this is what Li Xunhuan thought. After all, among true immortals, it is difficult to judge whether he is strong or weak if he doesn't do it.

Anyone who can reach the stage of being a true immortal is a fool, not all of them have one or two hands, or even three or four trump cards.

However, if Li Xunhuan knew that when Zhang Sanfeng returned his knife just now, he didn't even use one-tenth of the power of Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

You may have to change your mind and doubt your life.

Guo Xiang and Shangguan Xiaoxian also left together and went to a relatively remote place to watch the battle.

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xunhuan were still standing there.

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