"If she seeks her own death, then I can't do it?"

There was already a three-point fierceness in the words, which made the whole body feel cold and could not speak.

Indeed, if Zhu Yuyan was really determined to fight Zhang Sanfeng to the death, she could only watch from the sidelines.

On the one hand is the person he loves, and on the other is the master who has raised him for many years and taught martial arts.

It's hard to make a choice.

However, she still made a choice. She stepped forward and blocked the two black veils to stop Zhu Yuyan's attack.

Seeing that she was unstoppable, Zhu Yuyan was so frightened that she quickly withdrew the veil and said.

"Come on, do you still have your heart? How can you embarrass me for a man, do you still have a master like me in your eyes?"

The voice was soft, but it was already full of anger.

"It's the master who has a master in her heart, so she does this. If not, the master may end up like Ning Daoqi."

She pointed to the sky and said to Zhu Yuyan who was not far away.

Zhu Yuyan looked back and felt that the gray clouds in the sky had condensed together at some point, and a huge cloud sword with several people's thickness appeared out of thin air.

Like the means of the immortal, the sword intent is even more sturdy and mighty, with an invincible momentum.

However, the sword intent was silent, and if it wasn't for the reminder, Zhu Yuyan didn't even know that there was a cloud of swords behind her, which made her feel a little cold...  

What was even more frightening was that from the cloud sword, she actually felt the sword intent of Cihang Jingzhai, and several other sword intents that were not weaker than it were entangled in it.

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that the Cihang Sword Canon was really taken by this Sanfeng?"

Zhu Yuyan was in shock, but she soon saw the evidence in the hands of Wei, it was a simple and ordinary tablet, which can only be seen in the enshrined temples.

There are three big characters, Bi Xiu Xin, and a few lines of small characters in block letters.

It was on the Emperor's Stepping Peak that Pian Pian picked it up from the ruins of the Ancestral Master's Palace, intending to give the master a wooden plaque of surprise, but it was unexpected that it would become the most powerful evidence.

"You really went to Emperor Stepping Peak?"

Zhu Yuyan asked aloud, and the raised right hand was also put down unconsciously.She had already believed half of what she said.

"Yes, Wei'er really followed Zhang Zhenren all the way up the mountain and saw it with his own eyes."

"So, Master, if the "Tianmo Policy" is handed over to Zhang Zhenren, I will keep you safe and sound."

Chapter 531

She looked at her master and opened her mouth eagerly.

"Bastard! "Tianmo Policy" is the supreme classic of the Demon Sect, how can it be given to an outsider."

Zhu Yuyan frowned and shouted angrily.


Unwilling to give up, she jumped up and jumped to Zhu Yuyan's side, and started whispering.

Zhu Yuyan also followed the whispers, her face became more and more pale, until at the end, sweat dripped from her forehead, and she looked like she had lingering fears.

Although Zhang Sanfeng could hear him, he kept silent and waited for Zhu Yuyan to come.

 17 Zhu Yuyan walked to Zhang Sanfeng, accompanied by Wei.

In his hand, he also held a volume of books that came from nowhere. The book was written with the three characters of "Tian Mo Jue". The Yingui School's unfamiliar method was also one of the ten volumes of the Demon Gate.

"Tian Mo Ting needs to collect ten volumes to be considered complete. I still have a few volumes, but they are all engraved copies, not the original ones. If you want, I will give them to you later."

"But the piece of residual picture you want, I also have it here, but I have a request, I must enter the Temple of War together."

Zhang Sanfeng received the "Tian Mo Jue" and glanced at Zhu Yuyan's expression, and knew that she was not lying.

As for the engraved version, it doesn't matter to him, after all, he doesn't have to be able to practice it originally, as long as there are no mistakes.

It was the Temple of War, he thought about it for a while, and then nodded.

"I can take you in the Temple of War, but after entering, you have to listen to me and don't move, otherwise I can't guarantee that I won't shoot at you."

Zhang Sanfeng did not shy away from his attitude, which made Zhu Yuyan stunned.

"Okay, as long as it doesn't endanger my life, whatever you say, I will do it."

Zhang Sanfeng was able to collect six residual pictures, so he naturally knew more about the Temple of War than Zhu Yuyan, so Zhu Yuyan didn't care too much about this.

After all, it's really a matter of life and death, and she is not a pedantic person. She entered the Temple of War just to find a stronger way.

Let's see if I can make the Heavenly Demon Dafa go a step further, or make up for her own leaks, so that her seventeenth-level Heavenly Demon Dafa can be advanced to the eighteenth level.

After the two people made a verbal agreement, they walked together to Shan Meixian's residence, which was the largest and most luxurious building of the Dongming School.

Leaving a shattered crowd.

That inconspicuous little Taoist priest was able to call out the cloud sword with a single move, just like a land sword fairy, and even make the famous Yin Queen shriveled.

It is really chilling, just now they dared to ridicule such characters in their hearts for eating soft rice.

I am afraid that if he eats soft rice, all the men will not be able to eat that day, so they can just drink porridge.

The four walked into Shan Meixian's residence, which was the base camp of the Dongming faction.

She went to a remote small building with Zhu Yuyan, the Queen of Yin, and she didn't know what to say.

Only Song Yuzhi and Zhang Sanfeng were left, but Zhang Sanfeng did not forget the plump woman in He's jade.

After asking someone for a while, I found Shan Meixian's residence, a small building with a classical Jiangnan style, a bit like a small building in the brothel Chu Pavilion dedicated to raising thin horses.

There was movement inside, Zhang Sanfeng heard a little, and heard two voices mixed together.

One voice was immature with the childish voice of a girl, and the other voice was mature and full of charm.

Zhang Sanfeng swept his consciousness and saw the two figures talking in the small building.

One big and one small, the two look similar, but one is mature and decent, and the other is beautiful and pure.

It was Shan Meixian and Shan Wanjing's mother and daughter.

The point where the two of them quarreled was also very interesting. It was actually Shan Wanjing who wanted to leave Dongming and go to kill her biological father. .

Chapter 532

"If my mother doesn't let me find that scum, then my daughter will also look for scum in the future."

Shan Wanjing said angrily, obviously she already knew something, at least she was more aware of her own background.

"But he's still your father after all."

Shan Meixian frowned and looked at the rebellious daughter in front of her. She felt hatred in her heart, and she didn't know who had disclosed the news, so she told her that it was her father.

If she knew, she would definitely hang the man on the mast and expose him to the sun for ten days before he would die.

But she is her own daughter after all, there are some words and some things that she can't do at all, and, in fact, she still has a good impression on the other side.

If he is willing to abandon the Yingui School and settle in Dongming, it is impossible for the two to reconcile.

"I don't have such a father!"

"Mother, I've already said this, and you can't stop me! Anyway, I can't bear this scum. Mother is reluctant to kill, so I'll kill it."

Some young and vigorous Shan Wanjing rushed out the door after speaking, making Shan Meixian unable to react.

She also gave her red pills to Bianbufei when she was sixteen or seventeen years old, which made her celestial magic powerless.

So much so that her daughter's current martial arts are almost catching up with her, but Shan Meixian spared no expense in the cultivation of resources, so that Shan Wanjing is not far from the master, and of course it is also related to Shan Wanjing's own qualifications.

"Oh' ˇ~"

For her daughter, Shan Meixian can only helplessly sigh, it's all wrong.

But Shan Wanjing, who rushed out the door, didn't see the way out, and bumped into Zhang Sanfeng's arms, making her feel aggrieved for a while, thinking that a servant was in charge.

Just as he was about to see which servant without long eyes, he looked up and found that it was a handsome little Taoist priest, followed by a group of beautiful girls.

It made Shan Wanjing speechless for a while, so she could only murmur.

"So handsome..."

That's right, Shan Wanjing, like her mother Shan Meixian, is a member of the Beauty and Appearance Association. Whether it's Bian Bubao or Zhang Sanfeng, they both have faces that ordinary people can't match.

Otherwise, even if Bian did not pay to please Shan Meixian again, Shan Meixian would not dare to risk his mother's anger by giving his red pill to Bian.

"Is the girl alright?"

Zhang Sanfeng smoothed the folds in front of him and frowned at the girl. He naturally knew that this person was Shan Wanjing, but he came to find Shan Meixian.

So this is also a polite question, and then I have to walk straight towards the door of the small building.

Shan Wanjing looked at Zhang Sanfeng who was passing by her side, and suddenly woke up, hurriedly chased back, and asked.

"."This son, but from Da Sui? I am familiar with Dongming, and it seems that he is a stranger?"

With that said, Shan Wanjing blinked her eyes and looked at Zhang Sanfeng, as if waiting for his answer.

"I'm here to find Shan Meixian."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't speak much, and Song Yuzhi behind him didn't talk too much.

Instead, he leaned tightly to Zhang Sanfeng's left side, as if he was afraid that the sister-in-law (Li Mazhao) in front of him would snatch Zhang Sanfeng away.

"Shan Meixian is my mother, let me take you in."

When Shan Wanting saw Zhang Sanfeng's face, half of her anger disappeared, and she hurried forward to show her hospitality.

Although it was not the first time that Zhang Sanfeng met such a woman, he was still a little bored. If it wasn't for Shan Wanjing's appearance, there was some merit to it, and there was still a bit of Zhu Yuyan's shadow.

Unexpectedly, he threw the girl out, saving the eyesight in front of him. .

Chapter 533

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