Li Shimin couldn't help but have this idea in his heart, but seeing Li Xiuning's appearance, he knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore.

He could only watch the movement outside the window to see how Zhang Sanfeng manifested himself.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng didn't know what to say. He was originally in the underground cave of the God of War, and he spent every day digesting the "Book of God of War" in his body while swimming with the beauty in the lake of Noda.

If you're in a good mood, I'll have a skewer of roasted dragon meat~, if I'm in a bad mood, I'll try the dragon liver~, but recently I've eaten a lot of dragon kidney.

But in less than three months after such a day, Zhang Sanfeng felt the repulsive force of heaven and earth suddenly hit like a tsunami.

It made him not ready at all. Originally, he wanted to go back to Wudang Mountain and talk to the girls in person. Now that he thinks about it, I am afraid that he can only use the method that is not the way to go.

Located under the starry sky, Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual sense directly enveloped the surrounding earth~, with the blessing of heaven and earth, the radius is thousands of miles, not thousands of miles away.

He can also clearly perceive the appearance of the king in the Daqin Palace, he can see it clearly.

It's that look again, and I don't know how to change it.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled, and then gathered his spiritual sense at Wudang Mountain.

Then, in the hearts of tens of thousands of people in Wudang Mountain, different voices sounded at the same time.

His spiritual thoughts turned into thousands, and he had different rhetoric for his disciples, disciples, relatives, and dependents.

If it weren't for the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, I am afraid that even if he is a true immortal, he would not be able to achieve such a level. .

Chapter 547

As time passed, the stars in the sky did not dim because of the passage of time, but became brighter.

The roar of thunder is also slowly like the roar of a dragon, echoing in the vast world.

The only constant is the true immortal who is like an ancient god.

The number one person in the world, Zhang Sanfeng.

Countless people were watching, and some even knelt down and shouted for the gods to appear, begging the gods to bless or something~.

After all, such a big battle, I am afraid that even those Bodhisattvas who worship temples and gyms all day long, the most devout believers of immortals.

It's about to change his face, and he might become Zhang Sanfeng's most loyal believer.

The difference between the manifestation and the non-manifestation is naturally self-evident.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Sanfeng stepping on the starry sky. As the rejection of the power of the world becomes more and more serious, Zhang Sanfeng's thinking consciousness is also surging wildly at the same time.

He is communicating with those who have been deceased and relatives, thousands of spiritual senses, and the multi-line operation is true, even if it is a true immortal, it is a bit difficult.

Therefore, he only left a few words in the minds of most people.

"This world can't hold me, go to a higher place, don't worry' ˇ!"

These words that were suspected of ascending had greatly stimulated those peerless masters in Wudang Mountain. After all, Zhang Sanfeng had only debuted for a few years.

They have already touched the realm that they may not be able to touch in their extremely poor life, the broken void.

And it's not the kind of tribulation, but the rejection of the world's will, so he had to leave.

The two are completely different.

For others who had a deep friendship with Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Sanfeng spent a few more words, but the general meaning is to let them not worry.

His martial arts have improved again, and now he is just going to a higher place. He will take a look for them, what is the peak of martial arts.

Maybe when he returns again, he will be able to fly up with Jupai, maybe.

Of course, he was the one who talked to Guo Xiang the most. On the other side of consciousness, the woman in red was almost crying.

But she still squeezed out a smile and whispered softly to Zhang Sanfeng above the void.

"Little Taoist priest, go ahead, Wudang I will take good care of you~"

"May we be the same as before when you return."

Naturally, she didn't plan to stop Zhang Sanfeng's ascension, she was just happy for him, but she just thought of Mount Emei for a while, and it was a farewell.

This made her a little hard to accept.

Zhang Sanfeng's words were also a little helpless. After all, the repulsion of the power of this world came too suddenly, as if a power had been accumulated, and suddenly one day it suddenly erupted.

If you insist on a metaphor, it's probably the kind of flush toilet, which directly excludes Zhang Sanfeng at a rapid pace.

If it weren't for Zhang Sanfeng's true immortal already reaching the peak and touching the threshold of the upper realm, I can't say, he might not even have time to communicate.

He was kicked out of the world by Fang Tiandi.

So seeing Guo Xiang crying, Zhang Sanfeng didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

However, his whim still gave him enough confidence (Li Li Zhao) that he would come back to this world, and this time would not be too long to act.

Combining "River Map" and "Luo Shu", he naturally speculates on the secrets in the dark, and it is not particularly difficult to predict.

Of course, a short separation is inevitable, and none of them can reach the realm of crossing the void.

Even though Zhang Sanfeng could protect them for a while, if something went wrong, it would be forever.

Such mistakes, Zhang Sanfeng is determined not to make. .

Chapter 548

After Zhang Sanfeng, Guo Xiang, and the other women told the current situation, they said goodbye reluctantly.

He finally broke off the conscious link with them, Wudang Mountain, and began to fight against the repulsive force of heaven.

Before the confrontation, he still did not forget to use his great magical powers to bring out Shan Wanjing and Wei Wei who were still in the Temple of War.

Then I reminded me a little, that in addition to eating and sleeping in the three months, the two women's skill levels also increased greatly.

Even Shan Wanjing with the lowest strength has reached the realm of a master. It can be said that in the Great Sui Wulin, the proud side is enough to convince the public.

There is credit for the God of War catalogue, and Zhang Sanfeng's credit for exuding the rhythm of Qi and Dao when digesting the forty-nine relief sculptures.

And the progress of 婠婠 is even more rapid, and the eighteenth floor of the Heavenly Demon Dafa is directly consummated. In the martial arts, even the evil king Shi Zhixuan has come.

I am afraid it is helpless.

She is the strongest in the Demon Sect.

However, the two new masters looked at Zhang Sanfeng with tears in their eyes, a little reluctant.

The time of three months is too short and too short~, and it is time to separate now. They feel more deeply than those who are thousands of miles away.

Originally, Shan Wanjing and the others also thought about being able to ascend together with Zhang Sanfeng, but their strength is too low, and Zhang Sanfeng doesn't have much grasp of another world~.

Therefore, he did not intend to leave this world with him.

"Zhang Sanfeng, don't lie to me~, I promised to come back to see it! I will wait for you."

Even if it's Wei who seldom shows her true feelings at ordinary times, she can't help but express her heart at this time.

"That's natural."

Zhang Sanfeng should not be too skilled in answering this. Almost everyone will ask him if he has a chance to return to this world, and he answers like this.

"Okay, if I haven't waited for you to come back in a hundred years, then I will hate you for the rest of my life."


Zhang Sanfeng wanted to say something, but he didn't seem to feel that anything was wrong, so he could only smile and look at the saintess with the most outstanding talent in the Demon Sect.

"If you are in trouble, you can go to Wudang Mountain, or look for the rudder of the Great Sui Wudang, and they will help."

Zhang Sanfeng said the last sentence to the two women, and without waiting for the two of them to reply, his figure suddenly rose (bhag) three thousand feet, turning into a black spot.

Disappeared in the bright galaxy.

Only on the mainland, there are countless stunned thousands of people, as well as heroes from all walks of life, nobles and nobles, and princes and nobles.

This day is destined to be engraved with history~.

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng was enshrined by the emperors of various countries as Dao Fa Tianzun. He learned Taoism less than [-] years ago. In the eyes of hundreds of millions of people, he shattered the void and ascended to the fairyland.

Since then, Wudang incense has flourished, and every year, they will travel thousands of miles to Wudang Mountain to pray for Zhang Tianzun's blessing.

Especially three years after Zhang Sanfeng, he went to the lower realm again. The sensational scene at that time made Wudang thousands of miles around and in the mountains and forests, there were dense crowds of people.

A piece of black is pressed down, and a single stone can hit several people.

However, that is a later story, not for the time being.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng only felt that he was like a balloon with a broken rope, floating higher and higher until he reached the top of the starry sky, at the entrance of a Xumi crack.

Just stopped.

There is more than one Xumi crack in the surrounding area, some large and some small, the big one is a thousand feet long and a hundred feet wide.

The small one can only accommodate one person.

Zhang Sanfeng found a crack that had the most attractive aura and was also pointed to by the heart of Taoism, and plunged into it. .

Chapter 549

After Zhang Sanfeng entered the fissure, he only felt that the voids on both sides were rapidly retreating.

It only took three seconds to go from the starry sky to nothingness.

After that, it was the eternal darkness, and only the wind on his face told Zhang Sanfeng that he was indeed moving forward.

After an unknown amount of time, a bright light appeared in the corner of the eternal dark scene, a dim blue light, ~ like night.

But it was enough to let Zhang Sanfeng know that it's coming, it's coming to the end.

Then, in an instant, Zhang Sanfeng felt a suction force emerge from the exit of the blue light, and saw that he was not huge - the body was sucked over.

The scenery suddenly became brighter. There was an ancient town [-] meters away. The moon and stars were scarce in the sky, and the bluestone floor was still a little damp.

It seems to be the same as the previous world, but Zhang Sanfeng's consciousness did not feel weakened after his ascension, so he swept it slightly.

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