The direction he was facing was the mountain temple outside Yuhang Town.

Li Xiaoyao remembered the sloppy Taoist who carried the sword on his back, saying that he wanted to teach himself swordsmanship, and the location was at Shilipo.

Just as Li Xiaoyao walked out of the town step by step, he didn't feel a ray of spiritual consciousness on his body at all.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, looked at Li Xiaoyao in his divine sense and observed slowly.

As the name suggests, Shilipo is a full ten miles away from Yuhang Town. Halfway there, Li Xiaoyao's steamy brain had already calmed down.

Shilipo has a mass grave, and today's night is especially treacherous, making Li Xiaoyao's heart agitated.

However, he had already walked halfway, and it was unrealistic to go back, so he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

The murmur of the wind and the gloomy and gloomy mass graves looked extremely mysterious under the night light, especially when the moonlight shone on the bright white bones.

After Li Xiaoyao met, he even hated that his father and mother gave him two less legs and ran fast.

However, the distance of ten miles is only five kilometers. It has to be said that Li Xiaoyao's luck is good. The spirit of Shilipo seems to be absorbing Yuehua, and he has no intention to seek his troubles.

Of course, to a certain extent, it is still related to the sloppy Taoist in the mountain temple. Under his nose, these ghosts can only eat vegetarian food for a few days.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

When Li Xiaoyao finally arrived at the mountain temple, the moon had risen to the very center, and the moonlight was spreading on the ground.

If it wasn't for the smell of wine inside, Li Xiaoyao wouldn't believe that there was a sloppy Taoist here anyway.

The Jiujianxian inside had been waiting for Li Xiaoyao for a long time. He took a sip of wine and directly inhaled Li Xiaoyao who was still outside the door.

...... 0

Li Xiaoyao, who was sucked into the mountain temple by an inexplicable force, was even more stunned, and he was so scared that he almost lost his soul.

Could it be that he came from a sheep into a tiger's mouth, or sent meat a thousand miles away.

Fortunately, Jiujianxian didn't make fun of the [-]-year-old boy in front of him. He took Zhang Sanfeng directly to the temple.


"What do you want to learn? You can mention the conditions of the gift of a drink."

"Anyway, if I can do it, I will do it. If I can't do it, it means that we have no luck."

Li Xiaoyao was dumbfounded by these words, what else is there to do?

However, he still reacted and hurriedly whispered.

"Master, I want to learn martial arts that are more handsome." Six.

Chapter 555

In the mountain temple, Jiujianxian looked at the boy who walked in with the moonlight, and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

However, his surprise didn't last long, and he was very indifferent to Li Xiaoyao.

"You came."

"I beg an expert to teach me swordsmanship~!"

When Li Xiaoyao saw this sloppy Taoist with an odd form, he immediately knelt down on his knees and wanted to apprentice.

However, he was dragged up by Jiujianxian with a soft force. He just wanted to repay the kindness of five, six and one wine, and he would definitely not accept the apprentice.

And looking at the young man's heart, after he succeeds in his studies, he will definitely cause a lot of trouble. Although he has the heart of a child, but now Jiujianxian doesn't like Li Xiaoyao very much.

"You don't need to kneel down, I'll teach you three or two tricks. How much you can learn depends on your own ability, don't thank me."

Jiujianxian pulled out the gourd stopper and poured another sip of wine into his mouth.

Li Xiaoyao stood beside him, waiting for Jiujianxian to pass on his art.

And Zhang Sanfeng's consciousness hung on him, so he could clearly see and feel the scene at that time.

However, after he watched Jiujianxian teach Li Xiaoyao a few sword moves, he was a little disappointed.

At most, it is a little more clever than ordinary swordsmanship, and it is more perfunctory.

But think about it, the current Jiujianxian only wants to repay the kindness of the wine for the time being, how could he easily teach Li Xiaoyao the unique skill of Shushan.

If you really want to teach, you should marry Zhao Linger on Xianling Island, and then be planted with Forgetfulness Gu. This is the normal route. It is still too early.

Seeing that it was an ordinary swordsmanship, not even the second-rate swordsmanship of the previous life, Zhang Sanfeng calmed down and began to digest the power in "The God of War" wholeheartedly.

He had a hunch that it would not be too long before the forty-nine reliefs in "The Catalog of the God of War" were completely digested.

Now in this world of immortals, although his ability is already great in the world, he can go anywhere, even if it is the Suoyao Pagoda in Shushan and the worship of the moon in Nanman, he can't stop him.

But what he wants to achieve is by no means a simple number one in the world. He wants to go back to Wudang, and then ascend the school, which is the right way.

Now set the first small goal in this world, collect five spirit beads, and then make plans to see if it can be broken again.

By the way, to see if his own practice can be integrated into the cultivation method, he is still very interested in the swordsmanship...  

After all, who doesn't have the dream of beheading with a flying sword and riding a sword thousands of miles away.

However, although he can force Jiujianxian to teach him, but because of Jiujianxian's strong temperament, I am afraid... will cut himself off.

And Zhang Sanfeng is not such a person, he still respects Jiujianxian.

An Xin waits for him to teach Li Xiaoyao, just take a look.

After all, Li Xiaoyao can learn it, but it makes no sense that he can't learn it by himself.

Silent all night.

When Li Xiaoyao took the morning dew and the dark circles back to Yun Laiyun to go to the inn to catch up on sleep, Zhang Sanfeng had already come out of the state of meditation.

Before he could get up, he heard Aunt Li's unique voice calling Li Xiaoyao to get up.

Li Xiaoyao, who was excited to learn Night Sword, had no time to scrub the table.

Aunt Li saw Li Xiaoyao's sleepy and confused eyes, but she still didn't force him to work.

Just scolded him a few more words, and went down to work alone.

Listen to the sound of footsteps going downstairs and the hustle and bustle of the street full of market atmosphere.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled, opened the door and walked downstairs. .

Chapter 556

Just as Zhang Sanfeng stepped out of the room door, the three familiar Miao people also walked out of the room one after another, planning to go down to eat the breakfast prepared by Aunt Li.

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the three and didn't say much. According to the context of the plot, it should take them a lot of time to find the location of Xianling Island.

That is, after Aunt Li was seriously ill and asked for medicine, she would find Xianling Island.

It will take a long time~, or speed up the plot yourself?

While eating Xiao Long Bao, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the three Miao people, thinking boredly.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea. Since he knew that this was the world of Xianjia, he didn't care much about this time.

Since the Wulingzhu can reverse the time and space, there is no reason why he can't go back to before leaving Wudang~, so his mentality at 17 is more relaxed now.

Especially looking at the bustling market, the world is full of all kinds, there is always an indescribable feeling.

Call ~

He exhaled softly, stuffed the last bun into his mouth, then got up and left.

It's another day of wandering. Yesterday, he went to Xianling Island before Yuhang Town had time to wander.

Today, you can take a good look at this small town.

Just after Zhang Sanfeng went out, the three Miao people also went out one after another, and Yun Lai Yun went to the inn to resume the rhythm of the past.

It is now in the off-season, and not many foreign tourists come to settle here in Yuhang Town.

Probably only in July and August, some aristocratic family sons, scholars and literati will come here to escape the summer.

At that time, it was the time when Yun Lai Yun Go Inn was the most profitable.

Aunt Li put her head on one hand and guarded the door of the inn.

I don't know if it was dazzling or what, the innkeeper seemed to see a dark shadow entering the inn.

But when I opened my eyes again, there were still sparse pedestrians wandering outside, empty tables and chairs, and the chirping of insects and birds outside the window.


Aunt Li rubbed her eyes, and then continued to look at the inn. The stinky boy became less and less concerned, thinking about going to the world all day.

He didn't listen to her words at all, and it seemed that he was going to follow in the footsteps of his parents. Thinking of this, Aunt Li frowned, obviously very worried.

Time passed minute by minute, and Li Xiaoyao, who had made up his sleep, finally woke up after noon, that is, before the inn was busy for a long time.

When he came down, his expression was full of worry and fear, but an aunt who was lazy would yell at him. It seemed that he was not in a good mood today, so he simply nodded when he saw him coming down.

I didn't say much, just let him go to the back kitchen to prepare.

How could Li Xiaoyao, who was granted amnesty, dare to refuse? He originally thought he would be scolded, but he did not expect that it would be so easy to get away with it today.

I can't be happy, plus the few sword techniques I learned yesterday, even the corners of my mouth are smiling.

I didn't notice the strangeness of Aunt Li.

After a busy day, Yunlai Luck Inn closed before eight o'clock in the evening.

Li Xiaoyao usually went to the mountain temple to find Jiujian Xian to learn the sword, and Zhang Sanfeng also glanced at Aunt Li's door.

He has seen something wrong with her, and it seems that tomorrow is the time when it all starts.

Sure enough, the next day, when Zhang Sanfeng pushed open the door, he could already hear Li Xiaoyao's wailing.

"Auntie, what's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Li Xiaoyao put down the life he had just bought from the market, and looked at Aunt Li lying on the bed with a weak face, and his tears could hardly be held back.

He never imagined that after going out for a short while, his aunt became seriously ill. .

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