And Zhang Sanfeng, whose identity cannot be seen from the side, but should be his own faction.

...... 0

But what my grandmother wants to do most now is her last words. He didn't even ask about Zhang Sanfeng's origin, as long as he has an ID card and no criminal record.

So, she tore apart her chapped lips, pursed her lips, and then began to explain the funeral to Zhao Linger.

While handing over, Zhao Linger's cry became more and more low, apparently the comfort of her grandmother played a role.

But just when Zhao Linger thought that today was the difference between life and death, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Girl from the Zhao family, if you don't give treatment, I'm afraid we will meet in the underworld!"


Zhao Linger heard the familiar tone of voice behind her, she turned her head to look, but found that she didn't know when.

Zhang Sanfeng had already stood side by side with her, stepped forward, looked at Zhao Linger and smiled.six.

Chapter 565


Zhao Linger looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a look of surprise, and a light called hope overflowed from her water-like eyes.

She stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Sanfeng's Tsing Yi sleeves.

"what did you just say?"

"You said grandma was saved?"

"is not it!"

Her appearance is enough to subvert the image of those who have seen her before, and the heart-piercing pear blossoms and jade make the [-] people can't help swaying.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's face was still light, he said.

"I said, if you continue to cry, you may really have to collect her body."

"I don't have that great ability to save the dead. Even if I could, the cost would be far greater than it is now."

His voice was as indifferent as still water, but in Zhao Linger's ears, it was like the sound of heaven. Her smile bloomed like a short-lived flower, and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Then go and save grandma, little Taoist priest, I beg you!"

"Then get out of the way!"

Zhang Sanfeng reprimanded, Zhao Linger immediately gave up an act when she heard the words, and let Zhang Sanfeng sit on the dying old man.

Zhao Linger's grandmother saw that a handsome young man stepped forward, and looked at Zhao Linger with curious eyes, as if asking her how she knew such a person, but she still knew the proportions.

Knowing that the immortal person in front of her was here to save her, she said to Zhang Sanfeng in a hoarse voice.

"Thank you, young man!"

"It's okay, but I just can't get used to it~"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled. He still respected the old man in front of him. After all, he was able to protect Zhao Linger for ten years. This professional ethics made Zhang Sanfeng look at him.

Although she was destined to die in the original plot, Zhang Sanfeng didn't care. As long as he could do it, he would be saved. As for worrying about the subsequent plot changes, it was even more nonsense.

After all, the biggest encounter has been changed to nothing by him. Unless fate helps them meet again, otherwise, they basically have no intersection.

Therefore, the world line has already begun to be disordered, so why not make him even more disordered!

He put his hand on the old man's wrinkled wrist, and slowly injected spiritual power. At the first moment when the spiritual power was injected, this person who used to know the descendants of Nuwa best in Nanzhao Kingdom was surprised. , looking at Zhang Sanfeng is wrong...  

This spiritual power was something she had never understood before, and it was similar to Nuwa's spiritual power, and had a healing effect.

At the first moment when the spiritual power entered, my grandmother knew that she would not die, and the wounds in her body healed frantically with the integration of spiritual power.

Ten minutes later, under Zhao Linger's nervous gaze, Zhang Sanfeng withdrew his hand from his grandmother's wrist. The old man who was dying just now was just like Aunt Li, who was healed by Zhang Sanfeng earlier. His face was rosy and he was no longer tired. .


Before Zhao Linger could thank Zhang Sanfeng, she saw that her grandmother looked at her lovingly as usual, she couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself on it.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, looked at how the two of them were crying and hugged each other.

When Zhang Sanfeng used his spiritual power to place their objects on the stone table beside them.

Zhao Linger's face had faint traces of tears, and she came towards Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 566

"Zhang Zhenren, thank you for saving my grandma!"

Zhao Linger stepped forward and smiled, her words were obviously corrected by her grandmother, and she knew that he might be an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, so she used the honorific title directly.

"Grandma has already gone to prepare the banquet. I hope that Zhenren Zhang must live in Xianling Island for a few days, so that we can enjoy the friendship of the landlords."

Her voice continued to linger in her ears, Zhang Sanfeng didn't say much, just said.

"There is still something to do at noon, so it's not convenient to stay overnight."

He was still thinking about Jiujianxian's sword-fighting skills. Naturally, it was impossible to waste time on this Immortal Spirit Island. If people were saved, there would be no danger.

"How could this be!"

Zhao Linger heard that 17 Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave and wanted to keep it, but when he saw his calm eyes and unquestionable voice, he immediately swallowed it back.

"That noon meal, we always have to treat it well! Can Zhenren Zhang stay?"

she asked tentatively.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded and indicated that Professor Li Xiaoyao of Jiujianxian was in the evening anyway, so it doesn't matter if he had two meals on Xianling Island, but he didn't say this, so he would eat a meal first to see if it tasted good or not.

"That's good! I'll tell my grandma now!"

Zhao Linger immediately smiled happily, and went to the back kitchen to find her grandma.

Seeing the yellow figure gradually disappearing from his field of vision, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head speechlessly, and continued to focus his vision on the items on the table.

These are all he got from these dead meow swordsmen, tokens, maps, fire books, and a lot of them.

Even in a jar with worms in it, the worms are colorful and look very difficult to mess with, but for Zhang Sanfeng, it was just a gesture, and he would grind it into powder.

For him, who has always been dignified and upright, this kind of item is not needed, and he is too lazy to use it.

The token is the token of the Moon Worship Cult, and it must be used to verify his identity. Zhang Sanfeng took a brief look at the remaining map and other accessories. After finding that there was no secret of the Five Spirit Orbs, he could only reluctantly withdraw his vision.

But it is normal. Although Baiyue is also collecting the five spirit beads that destroy the world, but the plot has not yet started, presumably the spirit beads will not appear so early.

Except for the Shui Lingzhu, which had already arrived at Li Xiaoyao, after being exchanged by Li Xiaoyao in another time and space, the rest were in the hands of the Red Ghost King, the Spider Spirit, the Qilin Old Man, and the Golden Winged Phoenix.

It's still extremely difficult to find it in the vast crowd~, so Zhang Sanfeng is very casual, and plans to follow Li Xiaoyao in this life, and then pick up the leaks from behind.

After all, the protagonist's luck is not enough for him to tamper with one or two.

It didn't take long for the gorgeous and exquisite seafood dishes to be served by Zhao Linger, and the speed was very fast. After the two arrived, Zhang Sanfeng moved his chopsticks under their gaze.

Put a piece of fish meat in your mouth, it melts in your mouth, soft and glutinous and sweet, with a slight salty taste of sea water, which is moderate.

The taste is good, Zhang Sanfeng nodded and took another piece.

When Zhao Linger and her grandmother saw Zhang Sanfeng, they nodded their heads in approval, and they were relieved, for fear that the dishes made by mortals like themselves would be difficult to handle if they did not meet the wishes of the immortals.

The two people in the back kitchen had a conversation just now, and they were almost certain that Zhang Sanfeng was an immortal.

After all, in this world, he was able to defeat three masters who were infuriating with a single gesture, and he was still so young.

Except for immortals like Li Xiaoyao, they couldn't think of the second situation. .

Chapter 567

Satisfied, Zhang Sanfeng declined the request to let him stay overnight, and left Xianling Island directly on the flat boat they gave him.

But before leaving, grandma also specially handed Xianling Island's token to him to prevent him from being unable to find Xianling Island because of the existence of the fog.

With it, you can find Xianling Island in the vast sea at any time.

Although Zhang Sanfeng's consciousness is enough to cover the entire sea area, as long as Xianling Island is still active near the sea, he only needs to spend a little more time to find it. It doesn't matter if he has this token or not.

But refusal is always bad, and it is also a lot more convenient, Zhang Sanfeng also smiled rudely.

The token is a wooden sign, but it seems to have a spell attached to it. As long as you sail in the direction of Xianling Island, the wooden sign will vibrate slightly, which can be described as an island-seeking weapon.

Moreover, in addition to looking for islands, the wooden card can also avoid the maze~, just carry it on the body, and a safe passage will be automatically opened inside the array, allowing the licensee to pass safely.

All in all, a nice handy treasure.

After returning to Yuhang Town, Zhang Sanfeng was greeted warmly by the recovered Aunt Li when he entered the door, but Li Xiaoyao disappeared, as if he had something to do.

After Zhang Sanfeng repeatedly refused Aunt Li's request to return his money, he returned to his room.

The room was still the same room, spotless, tidy and clean, and the beam of light from the window reflected in the room without seeing a single speck of dust.

Zhang Sanfeng immediately closed his eyes and rested his mind, and began to search for Li Xiaoyao's figure in Yuhang Town with his divine sense.

In less than an hour and a quarter, Zhang Sanfeng found the sloppy young man. What surprised him was that there was a sloppy Taoist by his side.

It was the Wine Sword Immortal he had seen before.

Has the plot collapsed? Zhang Sanfeng fell into contemplation as he looked at the two who had become friends with each other.

Obviously, he took the initiative to change the time and space trajectory and context, so that the small town boy who should have developed step by step began to guide him.

I don't know why, the original plot was to rescue Li Xiaoyao's Jiujianxian under the three Miao people, but at this time, he had a close relationship with Li Xiaoyao early.

In one morning, the relationship between the two developed by leaps and bounds. Even Jiujianxian was telling Li Xiaoyao about several sects in the Central Plains, including his own Shushan Mountain. Obviously, he wanted to lead the young man in front of him into Shushan Mountain.

Qualifications revealed?Zhang Sanfeng suddenly thought of something, and his doubts suddenly became clear. Originally, Jiujianxian was planning to deal with Li Xiaoyao, so he taught him a sword-fighting technique.

But he didn't want Li Xiaoyao's aptitude to improve by leaps and bounds with the passage of time.

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