"Is it the basic law of the martial art? Oh, yes, you mean the Bodhi Seal, right?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded...  

The mission boy continued to answer: "The Bodhi Seal is the foundation of all our Fangcun Mountain's seals. Basically, every qualified Fangcun disciple needs to practice. It's not bad for you to choose this one. With it, you can go down the mountain to do sect tasks. It will be a lot easier.”

The little Taoist boy of the sect said that this Bodhi Seal is indeed worth exchanging.

Zhang Sanfeng asked again: "Then what does this seal of law mean? What kind of seal?"

The mission Xiaodaotong continued to explain: "Our sect's confinement spells have many effects, the most common ones such as immobilization and forbidden spells are the effects of confinement spells. If you use confinement spells to successfully immobilize your body, A certain opponent can make the opponent unable to act for a period of time.”

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this, his eyes were about to fall out.

"So strong? Isn't that invincible?"

Can the enemy be immobilized and unable to act, isn't that invincible enough?

The mission Xiaodao boy smiled mysteriously, and didn't say much, just said: "If the seal spell is used well, the hit rate is high, and it is indeed invincible, you will understand if you try it.".

Chapter 995

Zhang Sanfeng is now very interested in this Bodhi Seal, so he simply spends [-] points of sect contribution to exchange the Bodhi Seal.

Anyway, according to the mission Xiaodaotong, since this Bodhi Seal is a fundamental method of sealing that all Fangcunshan disciples need to practice, it is the same to change it sooner or later.

And he really needs such a means of control to enhance his strength now.

After Zhang Sanfeng and the mission Xiaodaotong clearly exchanged a Bodhi Seal, they got a book.


According to the previous experience, Zhang Sanfeng directly opened the book, and the book turned into a piece of light and flew to Zhang Sanfeng's mind, turning into a small pattern in his mind.

For this, Zhang Sanfeng already knows how to use it. He only needs to recite this icon silently when using it to complete the use. It does not require complicated formulas and handprints as in the real world.

However, according to the mission Xiaodaotong, when using the Bodhi Seal, if you follow the matching handprints in the book, you can greatly improve the success rate of the seal.

After getting the Bodhi Seal, Zhang Sanfeng naturally wanted to try how to use the Bodhi Seal, and see how it works.

So he took over the next sect mission. Just as Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave, the little sect boy seemed to remember something and forgot to hand it to Zhang Sanfeng, so he stopped.

"Wait, the quest reward is not over yet."

Zhang Sanfeng has a black line on his face, obviously you forgot to give it, why do you still rely on me.

However, Zhang Sanfeng did not say these words, but silently came to the task boy.

"Little Daoist brother, what other rewards have not been received yet?"

The mission boy took out a money bag from the cabinet and handed it to Zhang Sanfeng, saying.

"There are [-] pennies in it. It's the reward for your last sect mission. Originally, it was only [-] pennies, but because of the five-fold reward, I'll give you [-] pennies now. This copper coin has many uses, remember. Don't spend it indiscriminately, and spend it on the edge of the knife if you want it."

Hearing the mission boy talking about the use of copper coins, Zhang Sanfeng became interested and hurriedly asked for advice.

"Little Daoist brother, with my current cultivation realm, what should the copper coins be spent on the most appropriate?"

The mission boy said: "That is naturally spent on upgrading sect skills. In the future, if you want to buy materials, magic weapons, medicine pills, etc. with other Fangcunshan disciples, you need to use copper coins to trade, and the same is true for cultivators from other sects. So copper coins are very precious."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded when he heard the words, indicating that he was taught, so he then asked: "Little Daoist brother, where is the place to upgrade the sect skills, I want to upgrade the skills."

This was the first time Zhang Sanfeng heard that money was needed to upgrade skills, and it was also the first time that he heard that skills could be upgraded with money alone.

The mission boy answered: "It's just a few hundred meters away from the mission hall. The skill level of the sect is low, so it is not necessary to use the contribution of the sect to upgrade the skills of the sect. When the skill level of the sect is high, it will be used. Contributed to the sect."

Zhang Sanfeng thanked the mission Xiaodaotong for his answer, and then headed to the Gongfa Hall in the direction of the sect Xiaodaotong, preparing to upgrade the sect skills.

Although the mission boy did not say what the benefits of upgrading the sect skills are, Zhang Sanfeng can also think that upgrading the sect skills can naturally improve the power of his own skills. .

Chapter 996

The benefit of improving skill power can be said to be a means of directly improving strength.

Zhang Sanfeng can guess this without asking.

If there are two Fangcunshan disciples in the same realm, and neither of them have particularly powerful magic weapons and equipment, but one of them has a high sect skill level, then they must be able to suppress the other.

So there are many benefits of upgrading martial arts skills.

Zhang Sanfeng came to the martial arts hall of the sect. At this time, compared with the task hall, it can be called a sect. After all, not everyone now likes Zhang Sanfeng to complete the second sect task and get a certain amount of copper coins. Upgrade sect skills.

Most of the people who come to the Gongfa Hall are just the descendants who are not in a hurry to accept sect missions and come here for sightseeing.

In the Gongfa Hall, in addition to seven or eight descendants strolling around, there are only a few Gongfa Hall trails chatting boringly, and it seems that they are discussing the recent acceptance of a lot of disciples in the mountain gate and so on.

Even Zhang Sanfeng walked in and just glanced at it and ignored it.

After all, no one really can afford copper coins to upgrade their sect skills, so they are very leisurely now, and naturally they don't think that Zhang Sanfeng, who just came in, is here to upgrade his skills. Visited for ten.

Until Zhang Sanfeng approached and said, "Hello, is this a kung fu hall? I'll upgrade the sect skills'".

The few kung fu trails stared at Zhang Sanfeng in shock, as if they had seen a ghost. One of them said, "You completed the second sect mission so quickly and got a thousand-literal mission reward?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, but did not say that what he had won was not only [-] coins, but [-] coins.

"Yes, so I will upgrade the skill level as soon as possible."

And the few descendant disciples who were visiting the Gongfa Hall gathered around to watch, and someone said aloud.

"I just heard it right? It can't be true, right? He has already completed the second sect mission before we left the mountain gate. Didn't they say that the second sect mission was difficult? Even if it was a group of five people. The team may not be able to succeed, so it seems that the members of his fixed team must be very strong, but why is he the only one to upgrade the practice?"

Another person speculated: "I guess they have negotiated and each used copper coins to do some things, some people upgrade the level of the exercises, and some people buy some necessary items for the team, which can improve the comprehensive ability of the team in all aspects. ."

"."Oh I got it."

Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng also heard the conversation of the onlookers behind him, but he didn't have the time to correct his mistakes, let them guess.

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, a gong method said.

"In this case, you come with me. You need to know how to upgrade the exercises. Now you need at least one thousand copper coins (the king's Zhao) to upgrade to one rank. Are you sure you want to use it?"

Zhang Sanfeng said.

"One thousand pennies per level? Is it that expensive?"

The sect Xiaodao had an expression that I heard right, and then said: "Is it expensive? It's not expensive anymore, and each subsequent level is twice as high as the previous level. One level will cost two thousand pennies to raise one level, and then the next level is four thousand pennies per level.”.

Chapter 997

"Further down is [-], followed by [-], [-], [-], [-], and so on."

"And after each martial art is upgraded to level ten, it still needs to consume the contribution of the martial arts to improve, so a thousand pen money is really not expensive."

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng was immediately stunned.

Although it sounds like this, a thousand pennies are indeed not expensive, but for a trusted disciple who is only in the Qi refining period, they need to take a sect mission to get it.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng can get five times the task reward for completing a task, he still thinks the price is a bit expensive.

But it is expensive, and the improvement still has to be improved, which can enhance his strength when he does the next task.

Zhang Sanfeng took out the purse with five thousand coins and handed it to the cultivator, and then said.

"I want to raise the level of Fangcunshan's Entry-level Mind Method and Bodhi Seal. Both should be raised by two levels."

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it for a while, and it is better to improve these two for the time being. After all, the other Fangcunshan exercises he has learned now are all basic fist and foot exercises, and the increased strength is limited. Late.

However, this move by Zhang Sanfeng shocked the practice path.

"You are five thousand dollars? That is to say, in such a short period of time, in addition to the first extremely simple sect mission, you have already completed five sect missions?"

Zhang Sanfeng just nodded casually, without telling the truth.

Because compared with the saying of the gongfa trail, it is even more incredible for him to complete this task alone.

In order to avoid him making a fuss, it is better not to say this.

Lest some people overdo their abilities and want five times the reward, they choose to go to the one-on-one sect mission.

It should be known that the main reason why Zhang Sanfeng can now complete the sect mission alone is because of the relationship between the third-order magic weapon Zhenleizhu.

Otherwise, he really doesn't have the ability to defeat the enemy with one move, and winning is so easy. Even if there is no Thunder Orb, Zhang Sanfeng may not come to the martial arts hall to upgrade the martial arts, but has just been resurrected at the martial arts resurrection point. .

It is no exaggeration to say that, after all, the strength of the old ghost is not weak at all for the cultivator at the first level of body refining.

There is absolutely no descendant who can suppress it alone without relying on a powerful magic weapon.

Although the mission location of each person after receiving the martial mission is different, the general difficulty of these missions should be the same.

The Gongfa Xiaodao took out [-] copper coins from the purse, and handed it over to Zhang Sanfeng with four fragments of a book.

"These four remnants are the remnants of Fangcun Mountain's Enlightenment Mind Dharma and Bodhi Seal. You only need to read them, and they will automatically enter your mind, but don't show them to others, or they will still disappear. It's just getting into someone else's mind."

Zhang Sanfeng took the four residual pages, and then put away the purse containing one thousand pennies. Only then did he begin to study the four residual pages.

Sure enough, as the gong-fa dao said, every time he read a fragmentary page, a fragment of the page turned into light and entered his mind, and the corresponding skills and mental methods would also become stronger.

After studying the residual pages, Zhang Sanfeng could clearly feel that his strength was much stronger.

In particular, the mana capacity of Dantian has also expanded a lot.

It seems that there are many benefits to upgrading the martial arts. .

Chapter 998

It's just that with the current strength, the speed of copper coins consumption is too fast.

The five thousand coins were still warm in his hands, and now there were only one thousand coins left.

Since it would cost [-] wen to upgrade Fangcunshan's Entry-level Mind Method and Bodhi Seal to the fourth level, there was no way to upgrade.

As for those basic fist and foot exercises, Zhang Sanfeng is now reluctant to invest this precious thousand wen~ money.

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