Hearing the two talking, the majestic Xiahoudun sat aside and said nothing.

After Wei Zi pondered for a while, he said sincerely to Cao Cao: "General Zhang Xiu has a god, and it is really difficult to deal with. But among the princes of Kanto, there are also brave and capable people. Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, has always been kind and righteous, leading the troops well, and often crusading against the Yellow Turbans, and his subordinates are all soldiers who can recruit good soldiers.

"The people of Hanoi are flamboyant, but they are the old department of Dinh Yuan, brave and good at fighting. "

I heard that Yuan Shao is in Bohai County and recruits a lot of generals. Yan Liang and Wen Chou bravely crowned the three armies.

"Once our princes meet the alliance, the army of hundreds of thousands will move to Henan. Inevitably, the world will be shaken, if those generals under Dong Zhuo's command are not dissenting, and the internal collapse will naturally collapse, and they may be able to kill Dong Zhuo without spending a single soldier.

"I hope so. After Cao Cao listened to Wei Zi's words, his spirits suddenly perked up, and he nodded and said.

The book of soldiers says well, there are not many soldiers, but elite. It will not be wide, but in the transfer of people.

But now we are not talking about two countries at war, but about a civil war. They were all against the east of the country, hundreds of thousands of people and horses, and the tiger walked to Henan County, and Chen Bing was outside the tiger prison pass.

Bound to shake the world.

Aren't the generals under Dong Zhuo afraid? If it's an internal rebellion, hehehehe.

"And. Weiz smiled slightly at this time and said.

"And what?" Cao Cao's mind was drawn over, and he raised his eyes to Wei Zi.

"And among the princes of the world, there is a general who can really rely on it. Wei Zi picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of mutton and put it in his mouth to chew and swallow, and looked at Cao Cao Dao with a smile.

Cao Cao frowned at first, then remembered someone and said, "Changsha Sun Jian?"

"Exactly." Weiz nodded happily.

Cao Cao thought for a moment, his brows calmed down, and he nodded: "Sun Taishou is really a general." "

Sun Jian is the Taishou of Changsha, not the prince of Kwantung. But Sun Jian also had correspondence with them. And this man is really a general.

It is also to start with the Yellow Turban, invincible, and there are four fierce generals under his command, Huang Gai, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, and Zu Mao. With 20,000 elite soldiers, it is definitely a reliable partner.

After exhaling a breath, Cao Cao raised his glass and drank a bowl of wine with Xiahoudun and Wei Zi before putting it down, and said, "All in all, the army is in the near future. Xiahoudun. "

The end will be there. Xiahoudun immediately straightened his back, and his tiger eyes shone brightly.

"Order the whole army to step up their training and not slack off. Cao Cao's eyes are also shining, although his appearance is not good, but he has a heroic momentum.

"No. Xiahoudun suddenly agreed, stood up and went out of the tent to give the order.

"Zixu. Let's watch the heroes beg Dong and cut off the head of the old thief. Cao Cao's chest was full of pride, and he looked up at Wei Zidao.

"Good. Weiz nodded heavily, and then the two of them laughed out loud with pride in their chests.


Hebei, Bohai County.

Cao Cao raised troops in the Central Plains, and in a short period of time the number of men and horses has expanded to 20,000, not to mention Yuan Shao, whose troops and horses have increased to 40,000 or 50,000.

And there is a steady stream of money and food for soldiers.

Jizhou Assassin Han Fu is Yuan's protégé, although the official position is now above Yuan Shao, but he has to provide Yuan Shao with money and food.

This morning, Yuan Shao's mansion, in the study.

Yuan Shao was reading a book, and some time ago, he was busy receiving ministers and strong men who came from all over the world every day, and his busy feet did not touch the ground.

Now that his power is almost on the right track, it is rare to have time to look at the books.

"Da-da-da-da. There was a sound of footsteps, and soon after Xu You walked in from outside, handed over a rolled white cloth to Yuan Shao with a happy face, and bent down and said, "Lord." Han Tingshi escorted another 100,000 stone of grain over. This is his epistle.

"Okay. Hangeun Festival (Han Fu table) is really a benevolent and righteous person. Yuan Shao was very satisfied, stretched out his hand to take the white cloth and looked at it, and then said with a happy brow: "The princes have exchanged letters, and they have almost been contacted. Han Wenjie proposed that I be the leader of the alliance and lead troops to fight with Dong Zhuo.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. Xu You was even more overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed and saluted.

The leader of this alliance is not the leader of the alliance, and the real power is not important. Important fame. This will bring Yuan Shao a huge reputation, if he succeeds in killing Dong Zhuo, and then marches into Luoyang, Yuan Shao can leap to the throne of the Three Princes, a very popular minister, and of course these people will ascend to heaven.

Even if he can't succeed in the crusade against Dong Zhuo, relying on the reputation of this alliance leader, Yuan Shao can also become bigger, and he will be stationed in Jizhou to assassinate Shi Han Fu and possess Hebei.

All in all, you can't lose left and right.

"Hahahaha. It's time to drink a cup, it's time to drink a cup. Yuan Shao laughed loudly, and then found a small official first, and instructed this person, "The whole army should step up drills, and there must be no mistakes."

Then he raised his head again and said to Xu You, "Ziyuan." The other day, I got a barrel of wine from the Western Regions. Let's have a drink. "

No. Xu Yu naturally wouldn't miss the opportunity to be alone with Yuan Shao, so he suddenly agreed.

Then his own soldiers held the wine from outside and brought the wine and food. Yuan Shao and Xu Yu drank happily in this study.

The future is really great and the future is bright.


Jingzhou, Changsha County.

In this day and age, Jingnan is not a good place.

There are many mountains and few fields here, and the people are fierce. In the mountains, there is also a large number of barbarians, known as Wuxi barbarians, who often kill people and capture cities.

In the former Han Dynasty, Liu Fa, the son of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty and the remote prince of Changsha who was not favored, was sealed here, and it was called Changsha at that time.

By the time of the present Han Dynasty, the 28th general of Yuntai, General Fubo, Ma Yuan, also conquered Wuxi Man and died of illness in Jingnan.

In history, although Liu Bei occupied Changsha, Guiyang, Lingling, Wuling and other four counties, they were actually barren land.

Sun Quan lent it to Liu Beinanjun, which gave him the foundation for Guan Yu's Northern Expedition and the Megatron of China.

The area in Nanjun is the Jianghan Plain, with fertile farmland.

Changsha guards Sun Jian, with a majestic appearance and a majestic personality, and is the tiger minister of the world. He started with the crusade against the Yellow Turban, and later crusaded against the rebellion one after another, and once followed Dong Zhuo, Zhang Wen and others to crusade against the Liangzhou rebels as a general, and fought more than 100 battles.

After arriving in Changsha County, Sun Jian also fought against the Wuxi barbarians, dispatching the four fierce generals to defend various important cities, and occasionally crossing the border to fight rebellions.

For example, the Zhou Dynasty, Guo Shi and others launched rebellions in Lingling and Guiyang, and Sun Jian quickly marched into Linjun and quickly eliminated the traitors.

All in all, since the Yellow Turban, this person and his four fierce generals, as well as 20,000 elite soldiers, have either been fighting or on the road.

Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and others who have only recently raised troops, Sun Jian is the real king.

If the princes of the world raise an army to defeat Dong Zhuo, the combat power will be classified. The combat power of the princes' soldiers and horses is only sixty percent at most, and the combat power of Sun Jian, who is too guarded by Changsha, may be as much as forty percent.

The princes exchanged letters and messages constantly. While Sun Jian kept in touch with the princes, he was still fighting.

Recent. Sun Jian led more than 2,000 elite soldiers, with the general Zu Mao as the vanguard, to crusade against Liang Shuai, one of the Wuxi barbarians.

After the easy victory, Sun Jian's class returned to Linxiang City, Changsha County. On the way, he received a letter from the later general Yuan Shu.

It was a sunny morning.

In the north, it is already freezing and the grass and trees are withering. However, although the weather in the south is also cold, the trees are evergreen all year round.

A small barracks in the valley, inside the big tent. Sun Jian wore a thick winter coat and read Yuan Shu's letters. There is another person in the tent, who is the founding father of Soochow in history, Zhu Zhi, a famous family in Jiangdong.

Zhu Zhi was promoted as "filial piety" in his early years, not a fierce general, but he commanded elite troops and handled logistics as his forte.

"Wentai (Sun Jian's expression), what does Yuan Shu say in his letter?" Zhu Zhi asked when he saw Sun Jian put down the letter.

"Yuan Highway (Yuan Shu table character), the letter says. After I raised my army, I went all the way north and joined him in Wancheng. He took me as the vanguard general and went directly north to Henan to capture Luoyang.

Sun Jian put down the letter, looked up and said to Zhu Zhi.

"That's okay too. The hundreds of thousands of troops of the Kwantung princes could attack Dong Zhuo from Hanoi in the north, Hedong County, the Central Plains in the east, and Wancheng in the south. Zhu Zhi nodded and said.

The two of them had no objection to being subordinate to Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu is the fourth and third duke, and his background is better than Yuan Shao, and he is the son-in-law. Yuan Shao is a concubine.

Yuan Shuguan worshiped the queen general, and he was the highest martial artist among the princes. Changsha guards Sun Jian too much, and it is subordinate to Yuan Shu, isn't it normal?"

"Wentai, we are the elite of the world, and I have nothing to worry about. But Changsha County is barren, and I'm afraid there is not enough money and food. Zhu Zhi manages logistics and is very worried about this.

"It's fine. I crusade against Dong Zhuo for the world, how can I not supply my army with food along the county?" Sun Jian sat down with a golden sword, righteous and colorful, and then said: "Ordered Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zu Mao, and Huang Gai to gather soldiers and horses in various cities, and when the news came, we went north along the Xiangshui, passed through Jiangling City and Xiangyang, and finally arrived at Wancheng to join Yuan Shu. "


Zhu Zhi thought about it, too, the princes of the world are begging for Dong, in order to stabilize the world, the county guards and assassins along the way, do they dare not to provide military rations?

He promised and immediately sent people to inform the four fierce generals who were guarding the cities.

After Zhu Zhi left, Sun Jian suddenly sighed.

"Hey. Unfortunately for the Han family, I followed the cavalry general Zhang Wen and Dong Zhuo and others to crusade against the Liangzhou traitors, Dong Zhuo did not listen to orders and was arrogant. I said that this person was a jackal and persuaded Zhang Wen to kill Dong Zhuo. It's a pity that Zhang Wen didn't listen to me, which led to the end of the Han family now.

Speaking of this, Sun Jian was a dignified man, and suddenly burst into tears. Then he got up from his seat, bowed to the north, and said, "The Han family is unfortunate, and the traitors are in rebellion. Kill the king of Hongnong and corrupt the dynasty. There is Sun Jian, a righteous man from Jiangdong, who is loyal and will never live with the old thief. The Emperor and Queen of Heaven are on the ground, please also witness.

Speaking of this, Sun Jian kowtowed to the north, and then stood up with a wipe of tears, and his face showed resoluteness again.

"Wentai. In the name of the three dukes, Dongjun Taishou Qiaomao issued a letter to the world, calling on the princes to crusade against Dong Zhuo. Zhu Zhi went and returned, holding a rolled white cloth in his hand, and hurried into the tent.

Sun Jian perked up and said to Zhu Zhi: "Whoever kills Dong Zhuo will be me." Soon

after, Changsha Taishou and Wucheng Hou Sun Jianzhen raised troops.

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