What is a general?

Why is Zhuge Liang so awesome in history? History says that Zhuge Liang sent troops, "and his soldiers go in and out like guests, they don't do anything, and those who kill people don't hunt, as if they are in the country." Its soldiers are also like mountains, advancing and retreating like the wind, and the day the soldiers come out, the world is shaken, and the people's hearts are not worried. "

Zhuge Liang has been on the Northern Expedition for many years, and his achievements have covered the world, and Shu Han has remained optimistic and has not wavered.

The current Zhang Xiu, of course, does not have the peak prestige in Zhuge Liang's history.

However, Zhang Xiu followed Dong Zhuoxi to Liangzhou, fought big and small, bravely moved forward, rampant in Liangzhou, and killed Ma Teng and Han Sui's generals in succession.

The first battle of Luoyang played a decisive role.

Surrender Lu Bu, there is a strategy.

It can be described as "the three armies of the brave crown, the merit covers the civil and military, and the wisdom and courage are both." "Therefore, the official worships the former general, the Marquis of Han Shouhou, and leads the five thousand riders.

Zhang Xiu's words have weight, and Zhang Xiu's attitude is a matter of great morale. As Zhang Xiu's words fell, Dong Zhuo seemed to have grasped the life-saving medicine, his breathing was no longer short, his irritability disappeared, and the medicine was eliminated.

The civil and military forces present were all moved in their hearts, and then they gave birth to a sense of calmness, as if the princes of the world were just a rabble, just inserting bids and selling their heads.

Dong Zhuo was speechless for a moment, and then laughed and said: "Hahahahahaha, I have Dalang, why worry about the uncertain world?"

After speaking, Dong Zhuo said to Li Ru: "Li Ru." According to what Da Lang said, the troops were dispatched to guard the pass and Chang'an. "


Li Ru was also excited, glanced at Zhang Xiu appreciatively, and then said yes.

He was not mistaken, Zhang Jialang, it is really a beautiful jade. To be honest, things happened in a hurry, and Li Ru didn't have a good plan in his heart, and his first thought was to move the capital to Chang'an and avoid it.

And Zhang Dalang is really calm and calm, Fubo Zhenhai.

There is not only General Zhang Xiu in charge, but also good policies. Then this meeting is over, with Li Ru's mobilization of money, grain, and people, almost all the soldiers, horses, money, and grain of Hongnong County, Henan Yin, Zuo Fengyi, Right Fufeng, and Jingzhao Yin have been mobilized.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiu also planned to go to the barracks and prepare to go on the expedition.

After Zhang Xiu was the first to walk out of the door, he was pulled by Lu Bula's sleeve. Zhang Xiu took a look at the civil and military who came out one after another, and calmly came to the side to talk with Lu Bu.

"Brother Xian. The virtuous brother is a general, and please say a few more kind words in front of Dong Gong, and place the beautiful messenger for the brother. Lu Bu said in a low voice.

He is also a mortal, thinking that after helping Dong Zhuo up, everything will be fine. Now that the war has started again, Zhang Xiu is so majestic.

There was a click, igniting the fire in his heart. He wanted to ride his red rabbit horse, holding the Fang Tian painting halberd, and galloping on the battlefield.

"Good. Zhang Xiu responded, and after talking to Lu Bu a few more words, he left Dong Zhuo's mansion.

Outside the gate, there are many carriages and horses. But the crowd did not dare to move. Zhang Xiu boarded the chariot first, and after Dian Wei led the light cavalry to leave, all the civil and military officers left one after another.

"Go to the barracks outside the city. Zhang Xiu did not hesitate and ordered.

"No. The light horsemen made a loud promise, protected Zhang Xiu out of Luoyang City, and came to the camp outside the city.

First, a personal soldier rushed in to report the news, so when Zhang Xiu came to the front of the camp, he saw Wu Kuang, Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun leading the camp to meet the large and small civil and military forces. Zhang Xiu met them politely, and led Dian Wei, Wu Kuang and other four people into the Chinese army's tent together.

Zhang Xiu came to the handsome seat and sat down as a matter of course, told the matter again, and looked around at everyone.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun both looked excited, both of them were young generals, eager to make contributions.

Wu Kuang thinks a little more, and now that he is a marquis again, he can't talk about being greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is also seeking stability. The world is in chaos, and nothing is good.

Chen Gong is a generous and loyal person, and he is worried that the world will become out of control.

Everyone has their own ideas, but Zhang Xiu only has his own ideas. He withdrew his eyes, put his hand on his knee, and said in a deep voice, "Chen Gong." "

No. Chen Gong immediately let go of his worries and promised him.

"You personally went to the grain depot and the government treasury to get grain, grass, and weapons, and prepared to go on the expedition. "

No. Chen Gong said yes again, and then sat down.

"Wu Kuang, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun. Zhang Xiu raised his head, and his voice was loud.

"The end will be. The three generals stood up in unison and bowed.

"The three of you are very strong. The soldiers practiced once every two days, and they should not slack off. Zhang Xiu said in a deep voice.

"No. The three of them said yes and sat back.

Immediately, Zhang Xiu ordered the drums to be beaten, and stood on the soldier platform with Chen Gong and Dian Wei, watching the soldiers' drills, and he was quite satisfied.

Let's not talk about Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

Wu Kuang's troops, the infantry army is He Jin's old department, and later eliminated the old and weak, and recruited new strong soldiers, after these months of training, it can be regarded as elite soldiers.

As for the five thousand cavalry, not to mention. It is the old department he brought back from Liangzhou, and he is very brave and good at fighting.

"That's enough. Zhang Xiu touched the soft beard on his chin, and his heart was settled.

Dong Zhuo here, with Zhang Xiu as the general, is basically stable. And the princes of the world are probably the same as what happened in history, but there are differences.

The princes of the world elected Yuan Shao as the leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao called himself [General Che Cai], led Guangling Taishou Zhang Chao, Dongjun Taishou Qiaomao, Shanyang Taishou Yuan Yi, Chen Liutai Shou Zhang Miao, Yuzhou Thorn Shi Kong Ling, Yanzhou Thorn Shi Liu Dai, Xingfenwu General (Acting) Cao Cao, Liaoxi Taishou Gongsun Zhan, Tun soldiers sour dates, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, the camp stretched for dozens of miles, the flag was displayed, sitting east and looking west, like a bear and a tiger.

Han Fu, the assassin of Jizhou, sat in Yecheng and supplied the princes with grain and grass.

Hanoi Taishou Wang Kuang and Hanoi native Zhang Yang quickly attacked Hedong County, Zhang Yang claimed to be the Hedong County Guard, and the two soldiers and horses dominated the second county, looking at the north of Luoyang.

Later, the general Yuan Shu tun troops in Luyang, and Sun Jian, the Taishou of Changsha, went north, because Wang Rui, the assassin of Jingzhou, and Zhang Zhi, the Taishou of Nanyang, gave him grain and grass unfairly, he killed the two of them, and then joined Luyang with Yuan Shu, and looked at the south of Luoyang.

Yuan Shao made an alliance with the princes in sour jujube, and ordered Zang Hong, a native of Guangling, to write lyrics in Qingzhou.

The words said: "The Han family is unfortunate, the emperor is unified, the thief Dong Zhuo takes advantage of the provocation and indulgence, the disaster is supreme, the people are abused, and the great fear is that the society will be lost, and the sea will be covered." Yanzhou Assassin Shi Dai, Yuzhou Assassin Shi Ling, Chen Liutai Shou Miao, Dongjun Tai Shou Mao, Guangling Tai Shou Chao, Liaoxi Tai Shou Zhan, etc., entangled the volunteers, and went to the country. Where I am allied and work together, so that the ministers will be killed, and the heads will be lost, there will be no two ambitions. There is this alliance of Chongqing, and it is impossible to lose its life, and there is no legacy. The Emperor and the Queen of Heaven soil, the ancestors and the Ming Spirit, all learn from it!" When

the news reached Luoyang, the first thing Dong Zhuo did was to kill all Yuan Shao's fellow people, regardless of men, women, and children.

Then he summoned the generals and came to the Prime Minister's Mansion to discuss.

However, because of Zhang Xiu's proposal last time, he guarded Xiao Pass and Luoyang to guard against Ma Teng and Han Sui, controlled Chang'an in the west, and deployed strategies around Luoyang.

At present, people's hearts are stable and not flustered.

After Dong Zhuo entered, Li Ru first raised a question. He stood up and bowed to Dong Zhuo and said, "My lord." Sun Jian killed Wang Rui, the assassin of Jingzhou. We can appoint a Jingzhou assassin to go to Jingzhou and disturb Jingzhou. "

Hmm. What are your candidates?" Dong Zhuo was quite calm, and after thinking about it carefully, he asked Li Rudao.

"Liu Biao, the marquis of the North Central Army, can. Li Ru arched his hand and said.

"Da Lang, what do you think?" Dong Zhuo lowered his head and looked at Zhang Xiu below, since the news came, he and Zhang Xiu have been like glue again, and they have been entrusted with important tasks.

Zhang Xiu's eyes flashed, Liu Biao: Is it better for me to let him be the history of the Jingzhou Thorn? Or is it better not to let him be the history of the Jingzhou Thorn? Zhang Xiu

hesitated for a moment, but Li Ru and Dong Zhuo misunderstood. Now Zhang Xiu is the Dinghai God Needle, and his opinions must be listened to. Hesitation is opposition.

But this is Li Ru's opinion, and everyone knows that Zhang Xiu respects Li Ru and is not easy to refute Li Ru.

Thinking of this, Li Ru automatically said to Dong Zhuo: "Lord." I didn't think about it and put it aside for the time being. "

Hmm. Dong Zhuo snorted.

Zhang Xiu just hesitated, and Dong Zhuo and Li Ru wiped out Liu Biao's Jingzhou assassination history.

Zhang Xiu smiled dumbly in her heart, forget it, it's decided.

Let's put aside Liu Biao's matter for the time being. Dong Zhuo exhaled, looked at Zhang Xiu and said, "Da Lang." Now the princes are besieging Luoyang from the south, the north, and the west. There is no news from Ma Teng and Han Sui in Liangzhou, but most of them will also raise troops. How should I deal with it?"

Zhang Xiu said with a resolute hand: "Don't worry, Dong Gong. Xiao Guan is strong, the people and horses of Luoyang are strong, and Ma Teng and Han Sui are not worried. Wang Kuang and Zhang Yang of Hanoi and Hedong could only wave their flags and shout, and they would never dare to cross the Yellow River. Xiongguan, Mengjin, and Xiaopingjin in the north are guarded by men and horses. The two are not worried. "

Only the princes of the east, Sun Jian of the south can be worried.

"Please ask Duke Dong to make Xu Rong my deputy general, and I will lead my troops east out of the Tiger Prison Pass to confront the princes of Kwantung."

"Dong Gong can dispatch troops to guard the south. It's just that Sun Jian is brave and tough, and he needs to be pardoned by the general, deep ditch and high base, and not to fight with Sun Jian.

Zhang Xiu still gave Dong Zhuo the right to transfer troops and send generals, and behaved more well, so as not to make Dong Zhuo suspicious.

However, Dong Zhuo is not suspicious now, and he does not dare to be suspicious. As for Lu Bu's request, he had long forgotten it.

Gao Shun and Zhang Liao have arrived, and the glass brotherhood is over.

"Hmm. Dong Zhuo nodded, and then said with concern: "Da Lang." You and Xu Rong have only twenty or thirty thousand horses, isn't it too little?"

Zhang Xiu smiled when he heard this: "I hold the Bishui Pass in my hand, and I can attack and retreat. Twenty or thirty thousand soldiers and horses are enough, and please don't doubt Dong Gong.

"Okay. Dong Zhuo was a little relieved, and then after thinking for a while, he glanced around at Wen Wu and said, "Lu Bu, Hua Xiong, Hu Zhen, Fan Chou." The four of you, lead 80,000 horses and infantry troops to the south, guard the passes and cities, and do not fight against Sun Jian. "

No. Lu Bu, who was outside the door, walked in and said yes to the other three generals.

"Commanders, send troops. I am in Luoyang and allocate money and grain. Dong Zhuo suddenly stood up and said ambitiously.


All the civil and military forces suddenly agreed and dispersed together.

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